Chapter 11

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     The vampire council met on an uncharted island that was off the coast of Australia. Nobody knew of the island but the vampires. Since they're flitting was so fast, they could go over water like it was nothing. The island was unapproachable by boat or plane. For there was a series of confusing currents, an impassible reef as well as a series of storms that all kept the humans away from the island. A large stone castle rested on a hill on the center of the island. It was larger then most castles, since it had to hold and sleep hundreds of vampires. 

     When Sethander and his sired charges arrived on the island, they headed inland immediately. Xavier and Damien carried their belongings through the forest and up the incline of the hill where the castle rested. The other vampires, which arrived from different areas of the globe, were approaching and heading up the same road that led up to the castle's entrance. Once at the entrance, the met with a large set of intricately carved wooden doors, that rose to the height of at least two stories tall. The carvings depicted scenes of vampires through the ages. Starting at the top was a large rendering of the ultimate master of the vampires. Vlad the Impaler, or better known as; Dracula. 

     The four vampires looked at the door, seeing the scenes as they played out. Sethander, Xavier and Eva weren't as amazed by the door as Damien was. Damien being the youngest had only attended one meeting since he had been bitten, but the wonder of the artwork on the door never faded for him. The Vampire Council meetings were held every hundred years or so. The meetings were mainly to gather all vampires, and fix the records. A large book, held the names of every vampire known since Dracula. They were listed by name, since sire.

      When a vampire was killed by beheading, and no longer walked the earth…it was noted that that vampire was no longer living. When a new vampire was 'born' by being bitten, that too was recorded. The sire would have the new vampire do certain tasks…testing them to see if they would be worthy to be officially recorded in the book as a vampire.

      Training had to be done, to teach a newcomer how to be a vampire. They were taught the rules and how to fight, and feed as well as use their powers. When the sire thought that the fledgling vampire was ready, they would bring it up at the council meetings. There they would be tested by the High Council.

      If they passed the tests they gave out, they would be officially known as a full fledged vampire. If not, they would train for another hundred years. If three trials were given and failed, they forfeited the notion of becoming a true vampire and are either destroyed, or made into grunts. Grunts were lower then fledglings, had very little power and did mostly what the sires that bit them told them to do. 

     Damien remembered as he stood at these doors, the first time that he was here. He had been bitted, right after one of the Council meetings, so Sethander had the century to train him to become a true vampire. He learned the rules and his powers and honed them to the best of his ability. He learned to flit, and to fight, and to use his powers of mind control to be able to nudge the human mind to his will. He learned the calming technique which mellowed out even the most outspoken of humans.

     When it came time to test his powers and skills with the tests that the Head Council gave him, he almost failed one of the tests. The members of the Head Council had brought up a Hell Hound from the depths of hell. The beast was sure footed, with glowing fire and embers at its feet. Its coat was black as coal, with the orange of the flames at its feet, causing its belly fur to glow. It had ram horns on its head, and it breathed fire and brimstone. It was a wild creature that no man could tame. His last task was to use his vampire powers and calm the beast, which was thrashing around, and breathing fire everywhere.

      He had been frightened. Anyone who looked at him could see that. Though he had been a vampire for a hundred years, he had never seen a beast like this. He was shaking with fear and he didn't want to approach the beast. He couldn't get too close anyway, since the beast put off heat like a raging furnace. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. When he opened his eyes, he gained the attention of the beast, and stared at it. He used all of his strength, pouring his calming power into the Hell Hound. It fought him mentally. The beast refused to be taken down by a mere creature like a vampire. It took a long while, but finally Damien's powers over took the Hell Hound, and eventually it stopped its thrashing and settled down onto its haunches. With it being calm, its flames and heat diminished. The vampires, who brought the beast, were able to send it back to its home, deep in the pits of hell. 

     Upon passing that task, he was recorded into the book as being a full fledged vampire. Sethander was so proud of his newest vampire. Xavier and Eva had been there too, but they weren't all that thrilled that he passed the test. Neither of them really liked him for some reason. Eva would hit on him, but only when she wanted something from him, or when she wanted him to do something for her. He got wise on her tricks, and ignored them, just like Xavier and Sethander did. 

     Damien returned to himself, when he heard Sethander's voice call him from his thoughts. He had been standing at the doors, remembering his first time there, that he didn't even notice when the doors opened. Sethander, Xavier and Eva had walked inside, leaving Damien standing there by himself. He looked on, and then hurriedly moved to where they were inside. "We all have rooms to ourselves." He said. "All located on the same floor and same wing. They kept us together since I'm your sire. My room is across from Xavier, and Damien you're across from Eva. Eva and Xavier's rooms are next to one another, and Damien you're next to me. Your room is special though, our rooms join together by a door on the one wall. If I wish to speak to you about anything, I will call you." He said. Damien nodded and they went to the floor which held their rooms, and went to settle in. The Feast would the following night, since most were not there yet, and dawn would approach soon. When the night fell, and all were present and rested, the large Feast of Blood would commence. Those who were in charge of the Feast of Blood were vampires that lived in the castle all the time. They collected blood from many different sources, and kept it stored. They used magic storing devices which kept the blood fresh, as if they acquired it right then. It was mixed together in a wonderfully flavorful drink that sat in the middle of the room in a large glass vial. The ruby color of the blood could be seen by all vampire eyes that sat in the room. Every last drop was served in a goblet. They would say their motto, in the ancient language of Latin…and then drink their blood, bonding them all together in one moment. 

     Damien sat his bag onto the bed he would be sleeping in, for the next few days. Since flitting caskets and moving them into the rooms were too much of a hassle, those attending would just sleep in beds that came with the rooms. The keepers of the castle had use magic to restore the stone castle, as well as preserve the furniture that rested in the castle since it was built. It was much easier to maintain a bed that was thousands of years old, with magic then it was to have the vampires that came here once a century to bring their coffins to sleep in. Too much work for just a few nights. Damien tried to remember the last time he slept in a bed. It was so many years ago. Once he pulled out the clothes he was going to wear to the Feast of Blood, he kicked off his shoes and settled into the bed to sleep. Large curtains were on the windows. They were made of thick and heavy fabric, so the light wouldn't filter in. Even though the vampires didn't die in the sun, it was still hard to sleep on a bed with the sun in your eyes, when you were used to having a lid to shut the light out.

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