Chapter 3

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The sun was close to rising, by the time that Damien had finished feeding. He ended up in the country side, sucking the blood of a cow that was in the pasture with a bunch others. He didn't even phase the large bovine, which walked off as if nothing happened by the time that Damien was done. He wiped his mouth and then looked at the lightening sky. He didn't fear the sun. He was in no hurry to get back to his lair, because he didn't fry or turn to dust when the sun hit him. Instead, Damien's elongated vampire fangs shrank, making him look completely normal. 

     Damien walked home from the cow farm. He lived in an old house much like Anna's. However his was on the opposite end of town, and surrounded by trees. It was much more run down and more abandoned looking then Anna's house. When he arrived, he walked right through the unlocked door. He bypassed the dusty floors of the living room, trailing his fingers across the back of the old antique couch that sat there, as he made his way into the kitchen. 

     Damien went underground, where it was cool and very dark. He went down the stairs into the basement, accessed through the kitchen. This basement however, was different then your ordinary kind. Damien lived with a few other vampires. There was Xavier, a dark headed, dark eyed male…who always looked pissed off.  He was a bit out of touch with this century and always wore period clothing from when he was sired, many years ago in the Victorian era... There was Eva, a buxom chestnut woman, who had brilliant green eyes. She was normally sweet and very flirtatious, even toward her roommates. Mostly she flirted with Xavier, especially when she wanted something. Then there was Sethander or Seth as they called him. Sethander, he was the owner of the house, but let it go into disrepair since he only lived in the basement. Sethander was also the sire towards all three of them. Sethander turned Xavier first. Then since he needed a mate for show purposes he turned Eva. Eva ended up being too much of a flirting floozy to ever be considered a gentleman's lady. He was stuck with her though. He had a bond with all that he turned. Damien was the last one that he converted to vampirism. 

     Sethander had found Damien, out late at night. In the era in which Damien lived, it wasn't easy to support one self. Damien's father was a business man, who ended up losing all of his money. Damien was in the process of schooling, to learn the business of what his father did, so he didn't have a job. He was poor, and about to be tossed into the street. His father who had debts would go to debtor's prison. His mother cut out at the first sign of trouble. She didn't want to be sent to prison. Sethander gave Damien a way out. He offered him a place to stay, and a 'job' of sorts, working as Sethanders' assistant. Damien agreed, thinking that he lucked out. However, the price of living rent free was to be bitten, and turned into a Vampire. Not having any other choice, he agreed and allowed Sethander to bite him.

     At times, Damien regretted being bit. He was immortal- long living. It was hard at times, living in one place and watching people age before him, while he stayed the same appearance wise. Damien aged only numerically. His appearance stayed the same ever since he was bitten. He couldn't ever get close to anyone, because of it. Unless he took on a vampire woman as his mate…he'd be alone. Even though he lived with three other people, he was technically younger then all of them and nothing in common with him. Only Sethander would talk to him occasionally, but most of the time he was busy. Eva and Xavier were gone a lot, so he didn't see them much either. When all of them were gone, he would be in the house alone. He realized that his situation was almost like Anna's. She too, was often alone because her parents were gone. 

     Upon thinking of that comparison, got him to thinking about Anna again. As he walked to his coffin he thought about her. Never in his whole life of being a vampire had he ever felt this way about a human. If he had a beating heart, he had an idea that it would be beating furiously at the thought of her. He really liked Anna, and he had a feeling she would end up liking him too. He couldn't let Sethander know he was seeing a human for anything other than feeding. Sethander had told him many years ago, when he was teaching Damien on how to be a vampire, not to associate with humans any more than necessary. Sethander did have a business, and he worked among humans all the time, but he never made friends. He had associates in which he worked with and did business with, but he never went out, and never did any socializing. He told Damien to do the same. To save him from grief and sadness, never get too close to a human unless you're biting them. 

     Damien opened the lid to his coffin and settled in. He left the door open for a while, as he lay there thinking. There would be only two solutions to his problem. He could stop seeing Anna, and move away…or convert her to vampirism and make her a vampire as well. He refused to do the last solution. He wouldn't ruin her life by making her immortal. Sure she might like the idea at did he, but later it begins to be more of a burden and she would probably detest him later on. He rather wants to get to know her now, and leave later on, then have her hate him if he bit her. She didn't even know that he was a vampire. He would have to tell her eventually though. He was sure she could see his fangs as he talked, and she would get suspicious if she heard no heart beat. He heaved a sigh, and closed the lid to his coffin. He would sleep, and wake up later that night to meet up with Anna.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora