Chapter 19

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 Anna sat on the couch until Kyle and Kay returned with the food. She stood quickly and went to her friend. "Mind if I talk with you before dinner?" she asked. Kay looked at her confused a moment. "What happened? Did Damien dump you?" Kay said as she looked at her friend concerned. Anna shook her head. "N…no, I just need to speak with you in private." She said and bit her lip. Kyle looked at them a moment and then put his hands up. "Whatever you have to say, I don't want to know." He said. "I'll be in the kitchen." He told them and he grabbed the greasy fast food bags and then headed into the kitchen. For added privacy, Anna and Kay went into the spare bedroom where Anna was sleeping. 

     "Alright, spill. What happened after me and Kyle left?" she asked. Anna sat on the bed and Kay followed suit and sat next to her. Anna took a deep breath and turned to her friend. Out it all spilled; everything that she had been told by Sethander, about being life-bonded to Damien and if she didn't become a vampire she'd never see him again. Kay listened quietly until Anna stopped speaking. She was silent for a moment and then began to speak. "That's a really hard decision." She said and leaned back on the bed, propping herself up with her arm. "If you don't become a vampire you'll never see him again. But then if you do, you can't be with us anymore, and you're stuck with Damien forever unless one of you gets offed." She said and then shook her head. "Well don't not choose Damien because of me and Kyle. So you wouldn't be able to live here, but you can still visit can't you??" she asked. 

     Anna shrugged to indicate she didn't know. "I do know that Damien got in trouble for talking to a human. But since I already know you…maybe they'd still let me see you guys. I'd hate to never see you again. You are my one and only friend Kay. You helped me a lot since I met you." She said. Kay pishawed and then sat up "You're a good kid Anna…I'm glad I did get to help you. Do what your heart tells you to do Anna. You already like Damien, and you're destined for one another, so why not just go for it." She asked. "He's like really hot, and he'll stay that way too." She pointed out and waggled her eyebrows. She grinned like an idiot, trying to cheer her friend up about the whole situation.

     Anna shook her head and laughed at her friend. "I'll think about it tonight. I just want to make the best choice. I'll ask Sethander a few questions when I see him again and then those will help me finally decide." She said and then stood. "In the meantime, let's go eat…I'm starving." She gave Kay a smile and both friends walked arm in arm to the kitchen to get their dinner.


     'How dare, Damien get to even have a chance with his love'. Xavier thought to himself after hearing what had gone on between Damien and his human. Sethander had even met her, and confirmed that she was indeed his life-bond. Xavier was thoroughly pissed off. There was only two ways to end this farce…kill Damien by beheading him, or kill his little human. Since it'd be much easier to kill the human…he decided to pick that choice. He was upstairs in the office of the old house, looking at a series of weapons on the wall. There were daggers and guns and swords a plenty, but what could he use that would do the job right. He didn't want to carry a sword around, that'd be too inconspicuous. He could use a dagger or a gun, but either weapon he used he'd have to get close to the girl himself and do the deed. Or…he could use one of his many contacts and get the girl killed by assassination. Either way, he would get rid of the girl. If he couldn't have his love…neither could Damien. Vampires were solitary creatures and hardly ever took mates….Damien wouldn't be the exception. 

     Xavier left the house and on his way, he used his modern cell phone device to call one of his contacts. He told him to meet him at the abandoned factory they normally held business. He walked towards it and in the shadows was another vampire who he often did business with. He had gotten into town after the Council; before he was in another country doing some business for Xavier. "I have a job for you to do." He said to his contact. "Damien Dawn, the newest boy my Master sired, is life-bonded to a mere human girl. They have plans to try and make her a vampire, so they can be together and finalize the life-bond by ceremony. I do not want this to happen. I want you to find this girl and destroy her by any means necessary. I will pay you for your trouble, but do not ask me how to get rid of her. When it's done, let me know and then you may go on your merry way." He said as he pulled out a wad of cash and counted out a couple thousand. "Shoot her, poison her, run her over with a car…I really don't care. Just do it, and make sure she's dead before you move on. I'd hate for her to recover from all this and still be a thorn in my side." He said. He handed off the money and then turned from the shadow figure that was in the factory with him.


      The shadow moved from the factory and headed into town. He slipped through the shadows unseen and tracked the girl to Kyle and Kay's house. As it began to darken, it was easier for the figure to get closer to the house. Hiding in the shadow of the large tree in the yard, he crept to the window and peered in. He watched silently the girl he was told to kill. He watched and found out which room the girl slept in. The figure would leave, and return later….he needed to get what he needed for the job, and make sure he was stealthy enough to do the job and not get caught.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueWhere stories live. Discover now