Chapter 5

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After spending the day with Kay, Anna returned home later that afternoon. It was almost 5 o'clock by the time she got home. She kicked off her boots when she entered her room, and flopped onto her bed. Her phone began to vibrate as she lay there. She pulled it out of her bag and opened it to see who it was from. It was her mother calling. 

Anna answered it "Hi mom," Anna said to her mother. "Are you coming home soon?" she asked. She already knew the answer. Her mother was calling to say that she was busy on some case and she needed to be there at the office. 

"Not yet hon." Her mother said on the other end. "I'm working really hard for my client and I'm stuck here in the office trying to prove his case before we go to trial." She said, sounding like she was bit distracted. "I just called to see how you were doing." Her mother continued. Anna sighed and then closed her eyes from staring at the ceiling. 

"I'm fine." She said. 'If fine is feeling neglected all the time' she said to herself.

 "Are you alright there by yourself or do you want to go to your Grandparents' house?" her mother asked. 

Anna made a face at that suggestion. "No, I'm fine. I'm almost 18. I can take care of myself." Anna said in response. Anna heard the rustling of paper and voices in the background.

 "That's great hon, look I need to go now. My client just walked in and wants me to look at something. I'll call again later. Remember to eat, dear." she then said something to her client. "Alright talk to you later Anna. Love you." She then hung up. Anna closed her phone and dropped it next to her on the bed.

 "Right, if you loved me you would be here." She said bitterly and then she rolled over to her side and wept. 

     She ended up crying herself to sleep. When she woke up, she looked around alarmed. What time was it?? She was supposed to meet Damien. She looked at her digital alarm clock and saw that it was 11:59. She needed to meet Damien at the park. She jumped to her feet, and grabbed her shoes. She put them on in haste and grabbed her bag before running out the front door and running down the sidewalk towards the park.


     The lid of the dark wood coffin swung open later that evening. Damien stretched and then sat up. He slid from his bed and then rubbed his eyes. He gently closed the lid of the coffin and then looked around. He saw the others' three coffins there in the room. All three were closed. He figured they were either all asleep still or that they had left already. 

Shrugging to himself he began to head towards the stairs that led into the basement. He looked at his watch and saw that it was close to being midnight. He did say he'd meet Anna there at the park tonight, the same time he ran into her last night. He ascended the stairs and passed through the kitchen and living room towards the front door.

 Not wanting to be late, he used his super speed to run from where he lived on the outskirts of town, to the park which was located in the center of town. When he arrived, he looked around for Anna. He didn't see her right away, but with the help of his vampire vision and the street lights illuminating the street and sidewalk, he saw her approach. He smiled his charming smile as he watched her head right for him. 

"Evening." He said to her when she was within earshot. She looked up at him. 

"Sorry I'm late. I ended up falling asleep. I hope you weren't waiting long." She said looking at him sadly. 

He shook his head, "No, it's fine. I just got here a few moments myself." He told her. "Shall we sit?" he suggested as he gestured to the bench they sat on the night before.

Love story Of Damien Dawn And Anna BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora