Chapter 3

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"Hai Shiro-sama"

Author's POV

The female stood alone in the room and her face read no sign of emotion--looking more dull than it was before.

She might have been like a puppet used for doing many things, some -most of the doings were to train her. In the aim of that, they constantly sent her on assassinations.

Although she might not look it, but she is not fund of killing. It makes her lose grip on the tiny bit of sanity she has left. It's another reminder that she's just a puppet that was unable to control her own actions.

She made her way to the bedroom and to the newly placed closet. The closet was filled with various weapons, all for the octopus of course. It was filled with snipers, knives, AK-47s, and other guns.

She picked up her bag and filled it with a sniper, three knives and  a  gun. She immediately started thinking of an assassintion attempt.

It hit her, she knew more of the octopus' weakness than any other in the group of students.

~The next day~

3rd Person's POV

Just before the bell for the beginning of the school day to start was rung, a little sonething was going on at the entrance of class 3-e.

Everyone was outside, including the girl with (h/c), they were ready to  go in for the class when someone stepped out of the building.

All attention was drawn to the new presence.

"...berry.." the (h/c) girl subconsciously mumbled to herself. The bluenette heard it and it jogged a memory.

A girl that looked to be about four years old was standing in front of him with her arms spread. She had a really bright smile plastered on her face as she talked. Her mouth moved but he couldn't hear anything. The only word he could hear was the catchy name she has given him when they first met.


Sugino had tapped the bluenette, snapping him out of his thoughts. "Hey Nagusa-kun, do you know that guy?"

Nagisa's attention was then sent to the new figure, he had firey red hair and Nagisa immediately recognised him. "Yes, we were friends from our first year. Karma Akabane"

Karma walked up to the octopus who had just arrived to greet his new student. "So your the notorious Koro-Sensei I've heard so much about. Nice to meet ya teach" he ended the statement and outstretched his hand towards the octopus.

The gesture was returned as the octopus also outstretched one of his tentacles. As their hand/tentacles met, Splat. A tentacle had exploded releasing yellow smiley liquid.

The students, except (y/n), were all showing faces of surprise. Their thoughts were all the same.

'He's the first to ever land a bit on Koro-sensei!'

(Y/n) watched in silence, she wasn't planning on being the first to strike a hit on the octopus and even if she was going to be the first no one but the octopus would know about it. She watched as the foreign yet familiar figure talked about how he never expected the knives to work. She watched as his expression darkened and he swore he was going to kill the octapus.

In summary, she enjoyed the little show of power and determination.

She left the students outside and made her way to the old building. The red head caught a glimpse of her and he kept staring at her hair, it reminded him of someone.

Soon the bell rung. Class went on as usual, except the constant attempts, teasing and funny things the red head was doing to the octopus. He even went as far as stealing the octopus' galeto which he had gotten and kept for later.

Your POV

It was lunch time and I had something planned out for the octopus. When the students had gone out for lunch or some other thing I looked for the octopus.

"Octopus, could you cone out for a second?"

His face was covered in green stripes, showing he clearly got the idea and was feeling cocky.

"Fuhuhuhu of course!"

I led him to the forest, I gestured for him to go in first and that he did. We walked for a while before I suddenly stopped.

I took out my knife and sprinted towards him, he dodged and laughed. I took another turn and he once again dodged so I increased my speed.

After a couple of seconds,I was going in my 'natural' speed: mach 17.

The octopus must have underestimated me, or just got too cocky, because I was able to cut off five tentacles before he made a run for it.

I sighed in defeat and made my way to the classroom. I took out my lunch and ate in silence, that is until Nagisa had come over.

"........berry-kun" I subconsciously mumbled. He must have heard it because his face turned a little red but he didn't press on the name.

"(Y-y/n)-chan, would you like to join us for lunch" I looked beyond his small figure and saw Kayano, Rio, Sugino, Okuda and Karma.

"Sure" we walked outside and we indulged in small conversation. And when I mean 'we indulged in small conversation' I mean them talking and me just remaining silent and listening in on their conversation.

"So, (y/n) how'd you end up in E-class"

Someone finally realized I want engaging in the conversation. That person was none other than a member of the odd hair colour trio, Kayano.

"My grades were too low, isn't that why we're all here?"

"Not everyone, Karma here is a top student only problem is he's a sadist and is always getting into fights-" Nagisa spoke but was caught off by Karma "guilty as charged" and that earned a few light laughs here and there. "And Isogai has a part time job, don't tell anyone though" he said the last part and I nodded in understanding.

~later: end of school~

I, Nagisa and Karma were the only ones left in the class. They were about to leave but just before they left the building Nagisa yelled a bye and Karma just waved with a light smirk.

This kind of exchange felt familiar and I couldn't stop myself from quietly saying,

"Bye strawberry-kun, blueberry-kun"

I just hoped they didn't hear me as I realized what I had just said. Before I could ask them, they were already gone.

I put that thought behind me and went to my designated waiting are for the time it took to kill the octopus.

On getting there I hurriedly did my homework and formulated my next assassination but this time I was going to use one of his weaknesses.

(A/N: As promised, a chapter before the end of the week. You guys must have probably caught on with most of the script with how much I revealed in this chapter, nufufufu~ there's a  twist tho. Shoutout to TeaKmol, they wrote the first comment on this book  Anyway, Hope you enjoyed. 💖💟💗❤


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