Chapter 10

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Shima hugged (y/n) tighter, nails nearly digging into the other's body and eyes flashing with guilt. She knew exactly what was going on, only a selected few had that privilege. She squeezed the other and silently cried into her. 'I'm sorry' .


The two girls walked into the classroom after a few minutes, Koro-sensei close behind them.

Shima still felt that over flow of guilt and desperately wished she could spill the details on everything. And she means everything.

(Y/n), doesn't know what's happening to her, thus wasn't the first time that had happened to her, it happenes when she gets those weird dreams and when she tries to think of anything about herself that exceeds the provided information. She looked at Shima and gave the other's hand a light squeeze which was returned.

Class started like usual, although (y/n) paid less attention, Shima's thoughts were clouded with guilt and it was eating her up, Koro-sensei tried to let his mind drift away from the passed events and to the lesson, causing him to slip up a few times. Nagisa caught on and couldn't let go of the feeling that something was desperately wrong.

+3-E , Training ground.+

Karasuma was already well informed on the situation but chose to think about it later.

The class performed basic P.E stuff and added more to it. They trained their abbilties to use knives and how to hold a gun properly. Some doing better than others.

"Ok" Karasuma's voice caught the attention of the student's and they stoped sparing with each other, going close to him. "I want you all to come at me, two at a time"

With that everyone paired up. Nagisa and Karma. Maehara and Isogai. (Y/n) and Shima.

The teams did relatively good, especially Karma and Nagisa. (Y/n) and Shima were yet to have a go, due to Karasuma wanting (y/n) to be more calm after everything.

"Don't hold back you two"

Shima glanced at (y/n) and seeing a nod. She walked over to Karasuma, slowly and playfully skipping a few times. (Y/n) was still at her initial position, not moving at all.

The pink head swung her knife playfully, in a carefree manner, while giggling a little. She was already having fun and her mind had already trailed away from the last event. She looked at (y/n) and gave her a quick nod before going back to what she was doing.

Karasuma was dodging effectively, each swung missing him by a long shot. He had seemingly forgotten about the other and paid attention to the one in front of him.

(Y/n) had suddenly vanished from her initial position. The teens looked for her and spotted her at the back of Karasuma, her presence had gone completely unnoticed.

Shima kept the target busy while (y/n) went for the kill. It was their usual tactic on their assassinations that were done together. Although not their only tactic but their 'plan A'.

Shima kept swinging her knife, carelessly but efficiently, every swing was accompanied with the intent to kill, so basically minus the playful aura that surrounded her, and she's a killing machine.

Karasuma, completely oblivious to (y/n), stumbles back in an attempt to dodge Shima's attacks, succeeding but getting himself tangled in another mess. His body hit (y/n)'s causing him to remember thus was a team thing. The said female wrapped her arms around him, one with the knife dangerously close to his neck and the other loosely holding him in place. "Check mate~" she cooed into his ear before letting him go.

To say the class was shocked, is an understatement. Their mouths were litteraly on the floor, some using their hand to keep it closed. They were speechless and were in complete shock and also fear? Yes, fear. If the two could do that to Karasuma in a mtred of minutes, what could they do to Koro-sensei?

Koro-sensei was watching them and made a noticeable full as the two girls finished. He was screwed.

The two girls stood side by side, Shima with her usual smile and (y/n) with her monotone face, in front of their instructor who was not intent much of a daze as to what just happened. He had expected it actually, seeing as the government themselves requested the presence of (y/n) and anyone who knew (y/n) that well had to be incredibly strong.

"Karasuma-sensei, how was I? Very distracting right?" Shima asked, observing that no one else was going to start up a conversation.

"Very" was his short and quick reply, which brought a smile to Shima's face. She looked over to see her partner, (y/n), the girl was simply staring at the octopus. She mouthed the words 'you're next' to him and he began to sweat, looking away as if on instinct.

"Awesome!" Okajimi as well as a few others exclaimed as soon as they regained their composure. They praised the two for their achievement and Shima smiled at them, (y/n) not badding an eye.


The day went by relatively normal. Well, as normal as an assassination classroom can get.

Koro-sensei called our two girls after the end of class. He was ready to confront them, at least Shima, and was ready to help in any way.

"Shima-san, (y/n)- san do any of you know what is happening?" He asked as the two got comfortable in their seats.

Shima tensed updater hearing that while (y/n) remained unfazed. She wasn't informed on anything about herself except name, missions, tactics and expectations. She has no memory of herself from before she met Shima, which was when she was eight years old.

(Y/n) shook her head no and waited for Shima to do the same. She eyed the pink head's tense body before placing a hand on her arm, rubbing it in a comforting motion.

"I-I do" She finally croaked out, (y/n) looked at her, as if she had expected that answer but wished for it not. "I understand that I can not hear this information, right?" (Y/n) asked and Shima nodded. "I'll be outside then" she stood up and left the building.

"Koro-sensei, what I say.... shouldn't leave this room"


(Haha! I'm ending the chapter there.
I realized I completely forgot to add Professor Bitch. I forgot if she came before or after the Takaoka incident, if she came before then please forgive me!
I will add her in next chapter.
I would have checked but... I'm having WiFi problems and my dad just got strict on it's usage this year.
Oh and


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