Christmas Special

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(This has nothing to do with the actual story. Just wanted to do this)

Koro-sensei called the students after a day's work.

"Fuhuhuhu~ Let's have a christmas party!" He exclaimed and the students cheered for the idea.

"When Koro-sensei?" Someone asked.

"Let's have it thus weekend!" Koro-sensei said and everyone cheered.

"Koro-sensei how about you leave the planing to us girls" Rio suggested, the girls nodded, except (y/n) and Koro-sensei gave a thumbs up.

Everyone started leaving, chatting among themselves about the incoming party.

(Y/n) was about to go with Shima before she got pulled into the closet.

"Hey, so I'm re- huh? (y/n) where are you?"


"What do you want?" (Y/n)'s monotone voice broke the silence.

The girls looked at (y/n), blinking and then laughing.

"We want you to help us plan this" - and get involved with the class will ya. Was unspoken by all the girls.

(Y/n) huffed and looked away from the rest. "I don't feel like it" She simply said.

"Well you don't have a choice" Rio declared.

"Why's that? I could easily choose to not come"

The girls shrugged and let her be.

'They have something up their sleeves, if not they wouldn't have left me so easily. Or maybe I'm just overreacting?'

(Y/n) left the closet and went in search of her roommate. "Shima!". The later turned around and smiled. She walked over to (y/n) and took her hand.

They both walked together, somewhere in the line their fingers intertwined.

+Class 3-E. Friday+

"Girls don't forget, it's Sunday. That goes for everyone too" Koro-sensei reminded before he sped off.

The girls gathered together. They decided that they'd go shopping Friday and set up Saturday, just needed to get the other two girls.

(Y/n) was waiting patiently for her pink head.

"Shima let's hurry we mi-"

"They wouldn't mind if we miss one day, right?"


"Shh~ just one day"

"..... fine"


They both walked home, the other girls not interfering this time.

The two females got to their house and went to their room. Forgot to mention they share a room.

It was still early and they had nothing to do. An hour later, there was a knock on the door. "Did you order anything?" Shima asked after thirty seconds if staring at the door. (Y/n) shook her head no.

Shima went over to the door and slowly opened it.

Your POV

"Oh hey!" I heard Shima shout from the door. "How'd you know where we live?"

'Who is she talking to?'

I walked to the door and saw Shima moving aside for who ever that is to come in. 

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