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Tyler had known from a young age that he was not normal. At least not how he was 'supposed' to be normal in his parent's eyes.

Born Tyler Robin Joseph, he was supposed to be the little girl that his parent's had dreamed of. Dressed in pink dresses and playing with dolls. The little girl that would morph into a beautiful housewife that would stay home and take care of the children and make dinner for her loving husband when he got home from work. Tyler did not want that however.

He knew from a young age that he was different than the other girls, he enjoyed his short hair and getting muddy with his younger brothers. He liked action movies and wanted to dress up as a power ranger on Halloween, despite his parents' protests and the nervous "what about a princess, honey?" Tyler didn't want to be a princess. He wanted to be the prince.

The brunet had always known this about himself, knew that he was different, but did not have a word for it until he was fourteen, just entering high school. Transgender. Tyler was - is - a transgender male. He forgot all about the feminine clothing his mother would buy him and ask for jeans and band shirts instead. Knee high boots changed into vans and braids traded in for a short pixie like cut. Lucky for him, his name was already a gender neutral name and he didn't have to go through the whole confusing name thing.

At the age of seventeen, he came out to his family. Attempting to explain as delicately as he could that he was a he and would like his middle name to be changed to Robert. His parents were not angry at him or supportive. It was as if Tyler had told a brick wall that he was a boy instead of his family.

They continue to this day to call him a girl, but Tyler lets it go due to the fact that it could have been a worse coming out. They could have outright disowned him, yet they didn't. They just choose not to acknowledge it and Tyler believed that was better than any of the negative stories he had heard about people coming out to their parents.

At the age of eighteen, Tyler went off to college, starting testosterone, and legally changed his name to Tyler Robert. Tyler Robin was dead. Tyler had killed her off and buried her. He went on with his life, studying early education, despite not liking the stereotype that a 'female' had to take care of children, Tyler longed to work with children. He enjoyed watching their faces light up when they did a math problem right or their parents liked the scribbles they painted for them. Tyler was always smiling when he was with his young students.

At twenty-one, Tyler was able to afford top surgery and jumped immediately at the opportunity. The hardest part of being a teacher had been wearing his binder and needing to chase after the children. Besides his breasts made him uncomfortable most of the time and he was not sad to see them go.

At twenty-two, Tyler graduated college and was almost immediately picked up by the school that he had assisted in: Meadows Ridge Elementary. He was brought on as a kindergarten teacher and was living his best life as he taught the children.

At the age of twenty-six, his best friend Mark thought that it would be funny to sign him up on a dating website. His reasoning was "You need a boyfriend Ty! Or even just someone to dick you down!" Which led to Tyler blushing in the corner as his friend typed away on his phone. Tyler had not been expecting anyone to really find him interesting on the site. He wasn't much really, just a simple teacher who was a bit too involved with his job.

Then Josh Dun came along. The man had basically fallen in love with Tyler had first sight and had to message him. Tyler does not even remember a day without Josh in his life. Once they had exchanged numbers, they texted each other nonstop, Tyler for the first time looking forward to when they forced the teachers to have breaks so he could check his messages and see what Josh had sent him when he was away.

When Tyler turned twenty-seven, Josh had asked him be his boyfriend and Tyler of course said yes. They had never met face to face before, but it was perfectly fine. They did not need physical touch to know that they loved each other completely.

Nine months later is when our story begins. In August, meaning back to school for Tyler and getting caught up in his job once more. Though no matter how caught up he got, he would always come home and spend time with Josh. Well, over skype at least. There is a reason for this... Tyler told Josh everything about him from childhood to his dreams, but he left something out.

Tyler has yet to tell Josh that he is transgender.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word count: 860

I really hope you guys enjoy this! please let me know what you think and maybe even suggest some scenes you would like to see! josh's background up next!

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