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"What's this one?" Tyler looked up from his grading to look at the wrapped Olivia was holding up to him. Josh got called into work and Tyler offered to babysit for him. The teacher still had to grade work for his class and he was also teaching Olivia how to read through her leftover Halloween candy. Josh only allowed her four pieces a day so she still had some even though it was almost December.

"Spell it out flower," Tyler encouraged, putting his paper down to give her his attention. She was on her second piece of the day. Olivia nodded, bit her lip attempting to read the flavor of it.

"B-A-N-A-N-A," Oliva spelled out slowly, Tyler scrunching his nose as his mind put the letters together. Banana was a terrible fruit, even worse flavor.

"Now can you sound it out?" He continued, nodding his head encouragingly as she figured it out.

"Banana!" She cheered, holding the candy over to him to open. Tyler easily opened it for her and handed it back. He bit his lip, hoping that she didn't like it. So far she didn't like grape or green apple (from yesterday).

"This one's good, papa!" Tyler's stomach rolled at the knowledge, trying to keep the disgusted look off his face. Bananas were disgusting. He winced as she searched for another in her pile and held it for him to open.

"Are you sure you don't wanna try another one?" He asked, holding the candy between his fingers. Olivia nodded, holding her hands out for the candy. He sighed and opened it for her. She took a bite out of when it was handed back and looked at him.

"Do you want some papa?" Before Tyler could protest, the toddler was in his lap and pressing the candy to his lips.

"No thanks sweetie, you eat it," Tyler tried to reason with her, but she just pouted at him, pressing it closer to his lips. He tried another approach.

"I don't really like bananas," he told her and she gasped at him. She started to defend the candy, Tyler holding back his laughter. He also didn't mention that she had no clue what a banana was since Josh didn't have them in his house.

"Please papa! Wanna share," Olivia begged, her big green eyes making it harder to resist.

"I know you wanna share flower, but," Tyler was cut off when she shoved the candy into his mouth and clamped her hand over his mouth so he'd have to swallow. His eyes widened at her bravery and gave up on resisting her. He chewed the disgusting candy and scrunched up his face when he swallowed.

"You are getting broccoli tonight," he threatened, watching her face morph into fright, shaking her head at him.

"Oh yeah, daddy is only making vegetables tonight and you are gonna eat every single one of them, you monster," Tyler teased, tickling her relentlessly, grinning as she shrieked.

"No papa!" She giggled, her little face turning red and trying to hide from Tyler's tickling fingers. Tyler continued for another minute or so before hugging her to his chest and pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Maybe not all vegetables," he reasoned with her, rubbing her back to help calm her down.

"But I get to pick the movie we watch," he kissed her temple as she nodded her consent. He got up, holding her on his hip as he put Princess and the Frog on. He plopped back down on the couch, cradling her against his chest. They share a kit-kat between them as they watched the movie. The two fell asleep before too long, curled around each other.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Josh hummed softly walking into his house. He didn't like being called into work, but they were working on a new line of hair dye for the new year. He was really excited about it and didn't mind having to come in and help Hayley.

"Baby?" Josh called throughout the house, confused when he wasn't tackled by Olivia like he normally was when he got home. He headed into the living room, taking note of the title screen of some Disney movie playing on the screen. He went to call out again when he found his babies.

Tyler was curled towards the back of the couch, Olivia tucked into his stomach and resting between his legs. Both of them had their arms around each other. Josh's heart clenched seeing how close the two had gotten and took a quick picture of them. The pink haired man knelt down on the floor, letting his fingers run through Tyler's hair. The teacher groaned quietly, turning his head towards Josh as his eyes fluttered opened.

"Hey gorgeous," Josh whispered, letting his thumb brush against Tyler's cheek gently. Tyler smiled at his boyfriend, turning his head back to press a kiss against Josh's palm.

"Did you guys have fun?" Josh asked, shifting so he was sitting on his backside than his knees. Tyler nodded, one of his hands coming up to wrap around Josh's wrist tenderly.

"Your kid forced me to eat a banana flavored candy," Tyler said, his voice rough from no use. Josh and Tyler both scrunch their noses up at the thought.

"Oh gross, why'd she do that?" Josh laced his fingers with Tyler's, bringing them to his lips to press a soft kiss. He adored soft moments like this with his boyfriend.

"Told her I didn't like bananas and she went on a rant before shoving it down my throat," Tyler explained, sticking his tongue out in disgust at the after taste of banana in his mouth.

"I didn't raise her well enough if she likes bananas," Josh concluded, Tyler nodding solemnly at the conclusion. Josh got up from the floor and slipped his shoes off. He moved Tyler up before settling on the couch behind him, carefully lifting Tyler and Olivia so Tyler's body was nestled between his own knees and Olivia was still curled into Tyler's stomach. Josh kept his knees bent, Tyler's backside resting on his thigh as he rested his head on Josh's shoulder.

"But I still love her," Josh admitted, letting one of his hands move to rub Tyler's stomach and the other caress Olivia's back. Tyler nodded again, leaning up to press their lips together. Josh pulled back instantly, sticking his tongue out at Tyler.

"You taste like banana," he pouted, both of them scrunching their faces at the other. Tyler pressed a kiss to Josh's cheek and settled back into his hold to go back to sleep. Josh pressed his own lips to Tyler's forehead and continued to rub his stomach. This was where Josh wanted to be forever. Snuggled under his adorable, sleepy boyfriend and his traitorous, banana loving daughter.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 1,133

i hope you guys like this cute little chapter! i just thought of this and i needed more fluff in my life! please give me more fluffy ideas like this!

also let me know what you think of this chapter <3

until next time,

stay alive sunshines 

- courtney xox 

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