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it's weird that sept is seven when it is the ninth month! also i forgot that this was a chapter day and literally bounced in my chair when i remembered! 

Warning: Excessive talk of menstruation and smut ahead! 

Disclaimer: I am a cisgender, bisexual female and so I have no idea what is like to be a trans, gay man so I am sorry if I offend anyone! I'm gonna say this here and I'll repeat it in other chapters where I feel like people can get mad at me for things. If I have gotten something completely wrong/offensive, please give me advice on how to make it better!

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

True to his suspicions, Tyler woke up the next morning with the pains of his period. He let out a soft whine in pain, curling around his stomach protectively. Usually the first day was the worst for him, cramps like someone had beaten him within an inch of his life and nausea that made him want to spend the day on the bathroom floor. Lucky for him, his period only came every three or so months while on T.

Tyler grabbed his phone from the dresser and called the school to let them know he would be out today and sorry for the late notice. Once the call was over, Tyler glanced at the messages he had missed from last night.

Jen bug: How'd it go Ty guy? You get that dick?

Sugar: I had fun tonight...

Sugar: Sorry for whatever I did.

Sugar: Good morning honey, I hope you have a good day



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Sugar: Olivia said she is excited to show you her shirt <3

Tyler smiled at the picture of the little girl. In the month since she had been in school, Tyler had fallen in love with her and may consider her his favorite student which is kind of suck-ish of him. But then again she was his boyfriend's daughter and he spent a lot time with her outside of school. She had taken to him surprisingly fast and it scared both of the men slightly.

The events of last night flooded into Tyler's head and the brunet groaned, burying his head in his face. So stupid. He should have just told Josh that he was trans. Should have let him take care of him. Tyler let out a little whine at the thought of the older man 'taking care of him' before forcing himself up and into the bathroom. He didn't want to ruin his sheets after all. Doing his morning routine, Tyler pulled on a tank top and some sweats before going downstairs to watch movies for the rest of the day. He didn't text Josh back, too embarrassed and not exactly knowing how to explain to him what had happened last night.

Tyler must have fallen asleep because he was awoken hours later to two separate type of knocks on his door. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, glancing at the time. 3 pm on the dot. Who was banging on his door? The tired man pulled himself from the couch, wincing as pain shot through his body with each step towards the door. Tyler gasped when he opened the door and two bodies slammed into him, almost knocking him to the floor. Tyler's hand shot up to cup Olivia's head against his stomach, confused why she was crying into his stomach.

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