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"Have a good evening Steven!" Tyler smiled as the last of the students exited his classroom, leaving him with Olivia and a tiny bit of mess to clean up. He did not mind much since it would be her birthday soon and he had decreed that she did not have to do any chores as the birthday princess. Josh had thought it was funny considering Tyler had proclaimed as much in bed this morning with only his boxers on and Olivia balanced on his shoulders. They both had equally messy hair and Josh was in love with them both. Neither mentioned that Olivia's birthday was not until the beginning of next month.

Tyler made quick work of the classroom, Olivia getting started on the light homework that Tyler had assigned. He always made sure if he gave homework, Josh would help her seeing as it would be unfair if Tyler helped her.

"Are you almost ready papa?" Olivia called softly, looking up from the page she was coloring with such concentration that it made Tyler giggle to himself.

"One minute peach," he grinned, gathering his belongings from behind the desk and helping her clean her homework up. He was about to head out when the door opened, revealing Ms. Jenkins walking in.

"Good afternoon Ms. Jenkins, we were just heading out." Tyler said, motioning towards Olivia so the other woman would know to stay professional.

"Actually Tyler," the brunet scrunched his nose at the name, figuring she would keep to Mr. Joseph, "Olivia is actually who I am here to talk about with you," Tyler nodded for her to continue, crossing his arms over his chest as he observed the other woman. Olivia came to stand at his side, fingers curling into his plaid shirt and Tyler watched as the woman tracked the little girl's movement.

"It has come to my attention that you are rather close to Olivia here and I know that you and Mr. Dun are friends, but some parents have worried about the exact depth of your... closeness with Olivia." Tyler had to keep himself from laughing at her 'careful' words that suggested something dark. As if Tyler would touch a child like she was suggesting.

"My relationship with Mr. Dun is not of a concern of you or any of the parents. I can assure you that my closeness to Olivia is not what you are suggesting. Mr. Dun would never allow something like that to happen to his daughter and I would never do that to a child," Tyler's words were coarse and hid an edge of them that only the adults could feel. He knew damn well that if he was a female, she would not be treating him like this.

"I understand that Tyler, however parents," Tyler held up a hand to cut off her repetitive words.

"Which parents? Because all the parents of my students know who I am to Olivia and do not seem to be bothered by our relationship," Tyler stared the other woman down, ready to hear what she had to say.

The next few seconds could only be described as cinematic drama. After his question, the door to his classroom opened and in walked an unfamiliar (yet familiar all the same) woman. She had black hair and a face similar to Olivia's. It did not take a rocket science to figure out that before him was Sarah, Olivia's mother. At the sight of the woman, Olivia hid firmly behind him and Tyler held her there with a hand to the back of her head.

"She is not allowed near Olivia," Tyler hissed with such venom that Ms. Jenkins flinched back. For the first time since the incident with Brendon did he see her face show regret. She had let some shallow, thinly-veiled resentment of Tyler cloud over her job. There was a reason that Mrs. Dun was the other emergency contact for Olivia.

"I birthed her, I can come pick my child up from school if I want to," Sarah's voice caused a chill to go down Tyler's spine and his throat closed up. Sarah then turned her attention towards Olivia, crouching down and holding open her ears.

"C'mere O," Sarah's voice was a pathetic attempt of motherly love, overshadowed with anger and spite when the young girl clung to Tyler instead. Tyler held her fast, as if the girl would actually consider leaving her safe haven behind him to go to the woman who abused her.

"Mr. Joseph, why don't you release Olivia to her mother?" Ms. Jenkins voice broke the awkward silence and Tyler sneered her way, glad that Olivia was behind him.

"No. School is over, I am not Mr. Joseph. I am Tyler Joseph, one of Olivia's guardians and I am protecting my child from the sorry excuse that birthed her and would never deserve the title of mother even if she was raising a rat. The sorry excuse of a person who dared lay a hand, let alone scar my boyfriend's child and left her fearing abandonment, something a child should never know about let alone experience it!" Tyler ranted, pulling Olivia around him and into his arms, making sure her face was carefully hidden from sight. He could feel her tears against his neck and he rocked her gently.

"You best prepare yourself Ms. Jenkins. Once Mr. Dun gets word of this little collusion effort he and Mrs. Dun, the only legal guardians allowed to pick Olivia from school without their say-so, are going to tear you and your school apart." Tyler sneered, feeling satisfied with the scared and bashful look on her face. Deserves her right. The brunet made his way out of the room, glaring at Sarah who stood in shock staring at him.

"There is a cold place in hell for people like you and I hope you suffer there," he hissed, words deathly. He turned to leave once more, but Ms. Jenkins voice stopped him.

"Put your hands on him and I'll call the police so fast your head spins!" She was not talking to him. She was talking to Sarah, who had reached out to grab him and Olivia. Tyler nodded at Ms. Jenkins in thanks before quickly making his way out of the school. Things like this really needed to stop happening at school.

Tyler's stomach rolled as they reached the car and he quickly set Olivia down with a quick demand of "look away" before he vomited his lunch up next to his car. His fingers clutched the cool metal of his hood, attempting to keep from falling to his knees. He rested his body against the car once he was finished, needing something to hold him up for the time being.

"Papa okay?" Olivia's voice was watery and he really hoped he did not scare her even more than she was before.

"I'm okay peach, just don't tell daddy okay?" He whispered, smiling gently when she nodded her head in agreement. He nodded to himself before pushing back into a standing position and leading her to her side of the car and helped her into the car seat. He avoided his vomit as he got in the car and drove them home. It was probably just the nerves from seeing Sarah.

1,218. sept. 

secret keepers | joshler.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora