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"Olivia Dun!"

"Yeah baby!" Josh's voice was obnoxiously loud as was Hayley's cheering, but Tyler was smiling wide watching his little peach cross the stage in a purple paper graduation gown that they had made for all the students last week in class. She looked adorable as she was handed the certificate that Josh and Tyler both knew would be folded and crinkled by the time they got their hands on it.

At Meadow Ridge, they wanted to celebrate the fifth graders graduating into middle school and the kindergartners 'graduating' into the first grade. No parent was going to complain about over celebrating their toddlers, especially when graduation would cost a pretty penny in twelve years. Tyler should really be up there with her and the rest of his students, but Ms. Jenkins decided to put all the kindergarten classes together for one big ceremony. Meaning the gym was packed with parents and overheated, but no one complained as their child crossed the stage.

"Did you see her Ty?" Josh asked, sitting back in his chair as Olivia returned to hers at the front and laced his fingers with Tyler's. His hair had grown back slightly and was a curly tuft on his head and his glasses rested on his nose. He was so handsome and it made Tyler's heart ache. He loved Josh so much and was terrified of losing him.

"I saw her honey," Tyler grinned at him, leaning over to press a kiss to Josh's smiling cheeks. It only caused him to smile more and reach over to press a lip to Tyler's lips. Both of them smiled when they heard the parents behind them scoff, and Josh pulled away from the kiss only to pull Tyler into his side firmly, hand resting on Tyler's stomach without thought.

Tyler stiffened at the touch and Josh quickly removed his hand and rested on his back. Tyler had known about the baby for three weeks now, entering into his fourth month according to his doctor, and Josh was becoming suspicious about Tyler's aversion to him touching his stomach or his chest in general. Despite it being May, close to June, Tyler was wearing a sweatshirt to hide to protruding bulge and did not want Josh touching him. Sometimes the touch was welcomed, but other times it made Tyler itch and wish he could wear his binder. Josh was going to find out soon and Tyler was terrified.

"I'm sorry darling," Josh whispered, thumb stroking his back as he pressed another kiss to Tyler's face, knocking Tyler's glasses askew for a second before fixing them for him. Tyler smiled tightly at his boyfriend and rubbed his thigh gently to assure him he was fine. Josh remained quiet for rest of the ceremony, hand firm on Tyler's back and the younger man rubbing his thigh gently. Tyler would not let this get in the way of Olivia's big day.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

"O, the first grader!" Jordan and Ashley cheered as Abby lifted the girl above her head and listened to her giggles. Bill stood by with a big grin on his face. Tyler and Josh stood back while Hayley went to join the Dun siblings in cheering for their little girl. Laura hung back as well, her eyes however kept flicking towards Tyler. It made the man nervous and he subtly hid himself in Josh's side (the older man used to Tyler's behavior as of late and not questioning it) but that only made Mama Dun more suspicious.

"Josh, why don't you go get Olivia's car seat set up in your father's car?" Laura decided she had enough of watching Tyler hide behind her son and wanted her answers.

"Why can't she just ride with us?" Josh whined, holding Tyler's hip securely. Tyler was warm and soft and he didn't want to move from his side when he had not been having the greatest of months. Besides Olivia was his daughter why couldn't she ride with them to dinner? The Duns were always a very celebrative family and would celebrate any little occasion, even if it was just that their schedules all matched up to be together for dinner. Which was the case for today and because it was Olivia's 'graduation'.

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