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i'm a bit sad so here is another chapter with my daddy long legs (and daddy big dick) dallon <3

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

To say Olivia was upset about Tyler was an understatement. She sobbed as if someone had cut her foot off and refused to cooperate with the nurse who was trying to make her comfortable. She would only ask for Tyler and usually Josh would feel a bit upset that Olivia wasn't happy with just him, but he reminded himself that it wasn't just him anymore.

She had a second parent now and seemed rather upset that Tyler wasn't allowed back with her. Josh would be asking the actual doctor if it was possible to bring Tyler back here, even if it just meant so he could hold Olivia. She had practically cried herself hoarse and her face was puffy and Josh would rather break his foot then see her spend this entire time without Tyler.

Plus he didn't like the idea of his boyfriend sitting on in the waiting room by himself. He had been allowed to stay in the children's one, but that would not stop any of the drug addicts from messing with him if they really wanted to. No, he wanted his boyfriend back here with him.

Josh looked up at a knock on the door and smiled sheepishly as the doctor poked his head in with a soft smile.

"Olivia Dun?" The doctor asked, Josh nodding his head while the injured girl hid in his side. Josh rubbed her back, shushing her softly when she asked for Tyler once more.

"I'm Dr. Weekes," Josh leaned forward to shake his hand, "You got a nice set of lungs on you, young lady," Dr. Weekes joked, but Josh just blushed in embarrassment.

"My uh-partner wasn't allowed back and he makes her feel safe," Josh avoided mentioning that his daughter got attached to his boyfriend so fast because of her shitty mother. Dr. Weekes clicked his tongue before crouching to be eye-level with the five year old.

"Who is Papa, Olivia?" Josh watched as his daughter whimpered and simply ask for Tyler once more. Josh rubbed her back and looked at Dr. Weekes pleadingly. Tyler would make this a lot smoother for all of them.

"His name is Tyler and it would mean the world to me if I could go get him? All of this will go a lot more smoothly and I worry about him," Josh rambled, blushing when Dr. Weekes held up a hand to halt him. The tall man stepped out of the room and was back in no time.

"My head nurse is going to go get Tyler and in the mean time, can I take your temperature, doll?" Dr. Weekes asked gently, Olivia shyly nodding her head. Josh could tell that her crying was catching up with her and she would pass out soon. Dr. Weekes went about doing his check up. Before too long, a knock sounded on the door and Tyler entered, biting his lip nervously.

"Papa!" Olivia's small voice made Josh and Dallon jump, the girl already reaching for Tyler. The man chuckled softly and walked over towards Josh, letting the girl latch onto his fingers while his free hand reaching around behind Josh's head and tangled into his pink curls.

"I'm Dr. Weekes," the doctor introduced, not reaching for a handshake given the Duns' grips on Tyler. Josh had tangled his own fingers into the back of Tyler's shirt and held one of his belt loops tightly.

"Tyler Joseph," Tyler nodded, grateful that the doctor didn't make Tyler let go of his little family.

"Now let us take a look at that leg, okay Miss. Olivia?" Weekes carefully removed the skates, not even needing Josh or Tyler to point out which leg. Her right ankle was swollen and a leaning a bit to the left. Tyler winced, clutching Josh's head closer to him protectively out of instinct.

Dr. Weekes conducted a couple tests, some that had Josh growling when his daughter cried out in pain from the doctor's touch. Tyler tried to sooth his boyfriend, but he was just as upset.

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