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"Daddy! Wake up Santa came!" Josh groaned at the small voice next to his head, rolling over to avoid the voice. He just wanted to go back to sleep. Which ultimately failed when the little gremlin known as Olivia climbed over him, pressing her little knees into his sternum as she crawled to Tyler.

"Papa, wake up!" Olivia cooed, much softer than she had for the red haired man, making Josh scowl slightly. How come Ty got special treatment? Josh huffed at his boyfriend when he woke up, turning away from his little family in hopes of getting more sleep. Last night was a rough one. Let's just say that Josh was never letting Pete mix his drinks ever again.

"Come on peach, let's let daddy sleep some more," Tyler whispered, leaning over to kiss Josh's neck before carrying the little girl out of the bed and then the room. He knew how messed up Josh got last night and how he spent the early hours curled around the toilet. He would gladly distract the little girl downstairs with the doll house that they didn't wrap and left out for her to play with when she first woke up.

Josh groaned once more as he rolled over, this time his eyes opening for more than a second. His head was pounding and he was missing the warmth of his boyfriend. He glanced at the clock, eyes widened at the time. It was almost eleven! His mother would be expecting them by one! Josh sprung out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. Once medicated and showered, he quickly got dressed and bounded down the stairs.

"Ty!" He called, tripping down the last step when he caught sight of his family. Tyler had apparently gotten himself and Olivia dressed while Josh was asleep. Olivia had on a little green dress that was made out of velvet material with some black tights underneath. Her feet didn't have shoes on, but that wasn't a big deal. Her long hair was left down, Tyler most likely not knowing how to do the braids that she enjoyed so much. Tyler himself was dressed in the ugliest Christmas sweater Josh has ever seen and some dark slacks. He had Christmas socks on as well. But that's not what made Josh trip.

No, the sight of them together made him trip. They were both on the ground, Tyler on his back with Olivia covering his chest. They were surrounded in Barbie dolls and doll house furniture. Josh took noticed that none of the wrapped presents were opened and wondered how Tyler managed to get her to be so patient and wait for Josh to get up. The icing on the cake however was the fact they were both asleep, Tyler's mouth hanging open and his arms holding Olivia tight in his sleep. The toddler paid no mind where she was snoring against Tyler's neck. Tyler had even had a pillow next to his hip for Olivia's cast, knowing she didn't sleep well when it wasn't elevated. Josh fell more in love in that moment.

Carefully making his way through the doll house explosion as he was calling it, Josh knelt next to Tyler and nudged his shoulder. Tyler gave a little hum in acknowledgement, but didn't open his eyes.

"As cute as this sight is," Josh begun, taking his phone from his pocket to snap pictures of his living room for proof later, "my mom will call the police if we don't get to her house by one," Josh finished, waiting for Tyler to open his eyes.

"Waiting for daddy to wake up," Tyler grumbled back at him, this time being the grouchy tired one. Josh snickered and carefully lifted Olivia off of Tyler, both of them whining at the move. Tyler whined something along like the lines of "my little blanket!" which had Josh laughing even more. Balancing Olivia on one hip, he helped Tyler up with this other hand. Once the taller man was up, Josh pulled him close and pressed their lips together.

"Merry Christmas Ty."

"Merry Christmas Joshie."

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

Word Count: 685

so i have a final run through of this story! the chapters will be long and drama filled, which i hope you are ready for! i also hope you like this chapter! i love writing about christmas in january!

until next time,

stay alive sunshines!

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