Chapter 1

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  I let out a deep sigh and rub the tiredness out of my eyes and sat up. Only to get yelled at again by my mother but this time she barged into my room,which is in the small attic.


"You said to get up and I did so I don't know why you are yelling."

"Are you back talking me now?"

"No I'm not back talking I'm just say-"

My so called mother cut me off by yelling my fathers name.


My father came into my room and went besides my mother.

"What did the faggot do now?"

"He was back talking me."

He looked at me and flared his nostrils before turning back to my mother telling her to leave the room, but she refused saying that she wanted to see my punishment.

He started to walk towards me taking off his belt. When he got close to me he grabbed my hair and pulled me off the bed, and took off my shirt then pushed me on my stomach. He put his foot on my back keeping me down. It's not like I'm gonna to get up, I learned not to do that years ago knowing that it would only make it worse.

"Be a good boy and not scream."

He started to swing his belt at me at hard as he can. I'm sure that the leather from the beat is breaking skin from how hard he was hitting me.

After what seemed like hours he was finished but not before kicking me side saying "Go fucking kill yourself you disappointment!"

'Oh trust me I want to'

Before my mother left she looked at me and smirked and said "The guns in my closet if your going to end it. But if your to much of a pussy to do it then don't bother trying to find us we're gonna be gone for a month, theirs $200 on the table, make it fucking last or your starving"

'What a wonderful mother I have.'

I got up and looked at my clock
10:30am. 'There goes my chance on getting a ride on the bus'. I quickly go downstairs while on the way I heard the door slam meaning they left, 'great'. I went in to the bathroom and examined my back, luckily the beating didn't break my skin but it sure as hell felt like it though, it was all red and hurt like a bitch.

     I stopped looking at my back and took a shower, it burned on my back, but I'm used to it by now. I grabbed my rag and squeezed soap on it and washed my body. I rinsed off and grabbed the shampoo bottle and squirted some in my hand and started to massage it into my scalp. I went under the shower head to wash it out. I closed my eyes rubbing my head when I heard a thud outside the bathroom door. I immediately stopped what I was doing, thinking one of my parents came back inside I finished my duty's in the shower.

   I grasped my towel and dried my body, then I put my lotion on, I put my towel back on and brushed my teeth. When I was finished I opened the door and walked back up the stairs to the attic aka my room.

  When I walked in I shut the door behind me and put on some underwear, black sweat pants a long sleeve with a black hoodie over it. I looked at the time and seen that it was already 11:30am. 'I might as well stay home and sleep.

  With sleep on my mind I went to my small bed and went under the covers. As soon as my head hit he pillow I was out like a light. Completely unaware of the second pair of eyes on me.

That's all for this chapter. I hope you liked this it. Please vote and comment what to think.


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