A Setback

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<-Johanna's POV--<<

I'm in the car next to Madge. No, I couldn't be next to Fox because she was "guarding the food." And I couldn't be in the front because Thresh was driving and he wanted Gale to be by him. So that meant me and Madge in the middle. Madge, as usual, is being extremely annoying and peppy. I try to tone her out when Thresh slams on the breaks. 

I jolt forward and back. Thank God for seatbelts. I look out the window and see the sex god's car being crushed by FOUR other cars. Four. I start yanking at my seatbelt so that I can make sure that they are okay. I may be rough and tough, but my friends are my one soft spot. I keep ripiing at it till I remember that I have a pocket knife in my boot. I take it out and cut off my seatbelt. I do the same to Fox and Madge, and the boys had ripped theirs off already. We run to Fish Boy's car. What I see makes MAdge actually turn and throw up.

I see all of them covered in blood. Finnick has this look of shock frozen on his face. His leg is twisted and he has his arms reaching back. I look to see where, and I see his hand, with twisted up fingers, holding Annie's hand. Peeta looks like someone had just shot him. He had little holes in his arms, hands, and legs. He even had some in his head. I can see glass poking out of all the holes. Annie is covered in blood. Her oxygen tank seemed broken, and she wasn't breathing. She looked like she was dead, or dying. Katniss had herself soaked in blood. But barely any of it was hers. Brainless didn't get hurt. But I knew that she was in a coma. I've seen it before. To sum it up, Fish Boy broke all the bones in his body, Bread boy was shoot by a gun full of glass, Starfish is dying, and Brainless is in a coma. I should really be on a cop show.

Fox is screaming for help. Thresh and Gale start trying to get their bodies out safely. Madge is in the corner puking. I'm playing doctor cop. Oh what fun. Cato, Clove, Glimmer, and Marvel stop and all run over. Marvel and Cato start helping Thresh and Gale with the bodies. Glimmer calls 911 and is getting help with Fox. Clove and me play detective! I walk over to her. "I've analysised all their injuries. Fish Boy broke all the bones in his body, Bread Boy got shot by a gun full of glass, Starfish is dying, and Brainless is in a coma," I tell Clove.

Clove punches me and we get to work. I decide to look at the cars that hit Fish Boy and gang. There was 4 Cadillacs, a pink one, a blue one, a green one, and a purple one. So the Reapers. Delly, Carolyn, Anya, and Natalie D. Yay. I call Clove over and tell her what I figured out. Then Clove pointed to a group of slutty girls running away. The Reapers. Clove and I started sprinting up to them, and caught up to them in no time flat. Thank you, track. We grabbed the back of their shirts (or what their shirts would be), and dragged them back to the car accident. I took their (horrible) matching scarfs and tied them around their hands and threw their shoes far away so they couldn't kick us. 

"Now. Why the hell did you try to murder our friends!?" Clove shouted in their makeup caked faces. 

"Why the hell not? We all know that Carolyn and Natalie have wanted to have Finnick for themselves, so if we eliminated Annie, they could have him. And Anya and I have wanted Peeta forever, so we tried to eliminate Katniss," Delly spat.

"Well, great job. Finnick broke all the bones in his body, and Peeta was shot with a gun full of glass. How did the 'elimination' work for ya?" I tell them sarcastically.

"And now Annie is dying, and Katniss is in a coma," Clove adds. All they do is giggle. I kick all of them in the stomach. They start crying and all I do is laugh I tell Clove to stay there as guard. I walk up to Fox and Glimmer. Glimmer is talking to 911. They said they were coming, and boy they weren't lying. They got there in 5 minutes. The ambulance came and helped the guys with the bodies. The police walk up to me and Clove. "What happened?" one of them asks.

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