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Killian and Henry have been very helpful to Emma. The more relax and assistance from her family members, the more she calmed down from the emergency room incident. Emma did not mind being on maternity relief but she missed catching the bad guys. She has been watching Netflix and reading a lot of books. Belle personally brought books for Emma to read since she had the spare time. Emma was lying on the couch in the living room, with her feet up on the coffee table. Belle enters the house, "Hi, Emma. I got your new books for you to read."
"Hi, Belle, Come on in. Thank you for bringing them to me. I would have gone to the library but bed rest."
"I do not mind, really. I like helping out. How is the baby?"
"Oh, she is getting really heavy and big. I am 31 weeks now, I am never been so happy to be 8 months pregnant. How is Gideon?"
"He is getting so big and turning one in May. Enjoy it when you can Emma when she comes, they grow up so fast."
"I am definitely going to take up an advantage of having a newborn since I could not raise Henry."
"Where do you get the book suggestions from?"
"I usually look up books online and make a list of what I want. I like to read books that are different and that interests me."
"Did the baby names book you borrowed was helpful?"
"Yes, it gave us ideas on what not to name her. Killian and I came up with a name together, but we are not revealing it until she is born. We are still using the book Killian borrowed, the what to expect when you're expecting the book. It comes in handy."
"Ah, I see."
"They did not have that book in prison, I had no idea what was going on with my body when I was pregnant that first time. I totally blocked the pregnancy, I was all walled up. With being alone in prison for being framed, to being abandoned for another time, all because of you know who." She rubbed her baby belly.
"Yes, I know who you meant. Is that why you asked your parents to call your brother Leo?"
"Yes. I had to. I had flashbacks of what he did to me, the hurt, the pain, being in prison for him and having Henry in prison. He did not even apologize for it all. I could not call my brother that name anymore. I am sorry Belle, I know he was your step-son."
"No, I totally understand it. Your parents and I had no idea of what happened before you came to Storybrooke and what he did to you was beyond awful. I do not blame you want your brother's name to change."
"Thanks. I am grateful for Killian, who is an amazing husband, Dad and Daddy to be. He has been so helpful throughout this whole pregnancy so far. I am so lucky to have him. Henry has been very helpful too. He has been coming over during the week just to keep me company for a few hours or staying over the night."
"Does Regina mind that he has been over here more often?"
"Considering what has been going on with my pregnancy, she knows that Henry is helping me physically and emotionally."
"He is a good kid. Even though you did not raise him for the first 10 years, he got your good instincts."
"He does. Can you put the books on the coffee table? Thank you."
"I should get back to the library. Enjoy the books."
"Thank you for dropping by Belle."
"Your welcome, Emma. Call or text me if you want more books."
"Thank you, Belle." She leaves.
Emma reads one of her new books on the couch, "Baby girl, mommy will read to you so much. You will read so much like Mommy." Baby Hope kicks. Emma giggles. "You like the sound of that my sweet girl." Emma rubs her baby belly.
Killian returns home from his shift at the station, "Emma. I am home"
"I am in the living room."
"Hi, Love." Gives her a kiss on the lips.
"Hi, honey."
He rubs her baby belly,"How are my two loves doing?"
"We are doing great. Thank you for asking. How was work?"
"It was not too bad. We caught a few robbers trying to rob Geppetto's store."
"Oh, really? Who was working with you?"
'It was me and Sleepy."
"Aw. I want to work. I miss chasing the bad guys."
"I know. It is not the same without you too. You have a more important job now, making sure our little lass is growing healthy inside of you."
"I know, our little girl is very special and it is important for her to be strong and healthy. I want to give her everything that I did not have growing up."
"I know, I want to give her everything I did not have grown up too. We are going to give her a great life with many opportunities."
They both put their hands on her baby bump. "Yes, we are going to give her the best life."
"Aye, I cannot imagine a life without you two loves." He kisses Emma on the lips, a long kiss.
"We love you too."
"Aye, I know. Are you hungry?"
"Yes, I am. When I am not hungry." She giggles. He helps her up from the couch. "I think my baby belly dropped. Look."
"It looks like it did."
"I feel a little different, carrying her. My pelvic bone is in more pain than usual. I read the book, What to Expect When You're Expecting. Our little Hope is 31 weeks and is the size of a coconut."
"Oh, really."
"Yep. Now, I am counting down to April to meet her."
"Aye, I cannot wait to be an official Dad."
"I cannot wait to be an official Mommy to a newborn." She rubs her belly.
"She is going to love both of us."
"I know. She is going to be a little pirate princess." They walk to the kitchen to eat dinner. "What is for dinner?"
"Well, I premade dinner this morning, while you were relaxing upstairs. I just need to reheat it in the oven." Emma set the table. As she setting the plates, down. She gets a Braxton hicks contraction, "Whoa, that is a strong one baby."
"Emma, are you alright?"
She took a deep breathe, "Braxton hicks." She sits down on a chair. He gives her a glass of water. She drinks the water in between the Braxton hicks contractions. "Wow, that was a big one. Man, that hurts."
"Are you sure you are alright?"
"Yes, I am not going into labor. Braxton hicks help me prepare for the real labor, they are going to happen more often though." She rubs her baby bump. "You are coming soon baby girl." She relaxed in her chair while Killian prepared their dinner, Killian kept glancing over at his wife, still a little worried for both of them.
Killian got their dinner ready. They had chicken, cooked asparagus, and roasted potatoes. "This looks good Killian."
"Thank you, love, enjoy."
They hear the door open. Henry comes home. "Mom, Dad?"
"We are in the kitchen lad."
"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!"
Henry hugs Emma. "Hi, kid. Sit down and eat with us."
"Sure." He made himself a plate.
"How was school kid?"
"It was okay. It is a lot of work for 9th grade."
"How is your art class going?"
"It is going well. I am enjoying art more now since I did the murals for my baby sister. I am more inspired to do art in school. Can I paint with you?"
"That is a great idea kid. You and I can paint together since I am on bed rest and need more things to do."
"Love, I can get you supply."
"That will be great. Can you also please call Marco baby proof the house We need to do that before she comes."
"I will work on that Swan, do not worry. Henry, can you please tell me what I need to buy in the art store."
"Mom, can we watch something on Netflix tonight?"
"Sure, what do you want to watch?"
"Whatever you want to watch?"
She gives him a look."Really?"
"Henry? Tell me the truth."
"I just want to spend time with you and to make you happy at the same time."
"To cheer you up and to there for you."
"I know that you are going through a lot lately. I just want to be there for you in any way I can."
"Aww. Kid. Come here." He hugs her. "I love you, you know that."
"Yes, Mom. I love you too and my baby sister. I just want to help you both as much as I can."
"I do have the best son. We can watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets."
"Really. After we finish dinner. Can you please help your Dad clean up the kitchen?"
"Sure Mom." Killian winks at Henry.
While Emma's two men clean the kitchen, Emma changed into her pajamas before she watched the movie. As she was getting changed, she looks at her 31-week baby belly, "My belly definitely has dropped. Mommy is happy you are still growing inside of me baby girl."
As Emma was upstairs, Killian and Henry had a talk.
"Lad, I am appreciating for helping a lot around here. You are making your Mom very happy in many ways, being here more often and helping her. "
"I know, she needs me now more than ever. I want to be around more. I know once my little sister comes, I will not have my mom to myself anymore but her having another baby makes me happy. She is able to be a mom from the start. I am just glad I am here to be there for her. I know when she had me in prison she was alone. I do not want her to be alone anymore. She has us, right Dad?"
"Yes, son. She has the both of us. Does your other Mom mind that you are over more?"
"She knows that Mom needs me, especially after the emergency room incident. Mom knows that I was worried about Mom and wanting to be there. She is just happy that I am involved as much as possible. As long I am doing my homework, I can stay over."
"We are both happy you are here son."
"I know, Dad. Can I help you buy the art supplies? I have a few ideas of what Mom and I can do for painting project?"
"Aye. We can. I need to go to the baby store to buy equipment for baby proofing the house. I will pick you up after school tomorrow and we can go to the art store. Does someone has to keep an eye on Mom?"
"Your other mom and I have been texting about Mom and I can ask her to visit Mom."
"That is great. She has been asking me about Mom anyways."
Henry made popcorn for the movie. Emma, "Killian can you please make a cup of chocolate ice cream with mix berries please."
"We do not have chocolate ice cream. I can buy some at the store now. Are you craving it?"
"Yes, your daughter and I are."
"Aye, I will go to the store."
"Thank you." She kissed him on the cheek. He leaves to the ice cream store.
Emma and Henry watched Harry Potter movie in the living room. "Mom."
"Yes, Henry?"
"When the baby comes, I know this family will change. I am wondering if you change, our relationship, now that you have a baby from the beginning and all...."
Emma paused the movie and faced her son. "Henry, I love you so so much. You have a special place in my heart, ever since you were born. I was absolutely heartbroken when I could not be the one raising you. I still regret it. I wanted to give you the best chance and not ending up in that terrible foster system which I went through. Henry, when this baby comes my heart full of love for you and your sister will grow. I will not treat you unequally. I will not forget you. You are my family. My first family, before my parents. I could not let you go through what I went through, I love you that much, Henry. You are my only son. I love you so much. When your sister comes, I cannot wait to share you with her. You are going to be an amazing brother with a sister who is half you biologically. I want you to be involved in our life that you and I first created before Killian came. Okay? You are going to come with us on family vacations, which I never did, you are going to be here with me and your Dad helping me with your baby sister. She is going to love you so much. I may be busy when she first arrives but I will always have time for you. I promise. There are going to be times when your Dad can take over with your sister, which I already know he will. You and I are going to spend a lot of time together after she is born." He hugs her as tight as he could. "I love you, Mom. I am really am happy for you so much I still have those mixed feelings."
"I know. I have those feelings too when Leo was born, then they went away."
"Mom, I am so happy for you. I love my baby sister already even though I have not met her yet. I just do not want to be forgotten."
"You will never be forgotten. I know you wanted to visit me in the emergency room that night. I know you love me so much and your sister. I love you so much, Henry, it will never change." He hugs her a little longer, and baby Hope kicks. "Your baby sister loves you, Henry."
"I love you so much too, baby sister." He kisses Emma's baby belly.
Killian returns from the ice cream shop seeing Emma and Henry have a heart to heart conversation. He mouth to her, "Is everything okay with him?"
"Yes." He knew they were having a moment and quietly went to the kitchen to put the ice cream away and went upstairs.
"Mom, can I be the first one to meet her?"
"Of course, you can be the first one to meet your baby sister. You are her big brother. You were the first one to know about her before we told anyone else."
"Do you think she will like me?'
"Yes, she will. She loves you already. Talk to her."
He leans to the baby bump and put his hands on top, "Baby sister, I do not know your name yet. But I am Henry your big brother. I love you so much already, you do not even know."
"Henry, can you keep a secret? I mean do not tell anyone only Killian and I know. Promise?"
"Yes. I will keep your secret."
Your baby sister name is Hope."
Henry smiles."Hope is her name?"
"Yes! Killian and I were picking baby names in the book and we could not find anything. Then we got talking about what it meant when you brought me to Storybrooke and how I gave you hope. That name was like a bolt of lightning that struck me. In a way, you gave me your sister's name, Hope."
Henry was so unbelievably happy. "I helped you picked my sister's name without knowing. This is so awesome!"
Emma giggled, "Yes you did Henry."
Henry bends down to talk to baby Hope and placed his hands on Emma's baby bump. "Hope, this is big brother Henry. I love you so much already. You have no idea how much joy you are bringing to this family already and you are not even born yet which is crazy and amazing." Hope kicks twice. "Mom, Hope is listening to me already."
"I know, she loves you so much, Henry."
"She does Mom."
Emma and Henry end up falling asleep on the couch, with Henry next to baby belly. Killian comes down to check on them. He sees them sleeping and takes a picture." Killian nudges Emma to wake up, he whispers"Emma." She wakes up, "Oh we fell asleep."
"What happens with Henry?"
She whispered, "He asked me a question about if he and my relationship once Hope arrives. I told him that I will love them both equally. He does not want to be forgotten. I made sure that when she comes nothing going to change. I explained to him that how he was my first family before we met and before I knew my parents. Then he spoke to her how much he loves her. Please do not be mad, but I told him to keep it a secret. Henry knows his baby sister's name is Hope."
Killian smiled ear to ear. "I am not mad. I am happy that you told him."
"You are?"
"Aye. He was the first one to know about her."
"I also told him how we came up with her name, how he helped us figure out her name."
"You did?"
"Yes, he was beyond thrilled and spoke to Hope and she responded by kicking him twice."
"Aww, Emma that must have been amazing to watch that moment between them."
"It was amazing."
"How about I carry Henry to bed. Then we can go to bed."
"That sounds good. I cannot sleep on the couch, it is not very comfortable at all." Killian scoops up Henry and put him into bed. Emma slowly followed them.
Emma was in bed by the time, Killian put Henry in bed. "The lad is tucked in bed."
"Thank you. I did not want to wake him up. He was so happy to be near his sister, especially knowing her name."
"Aye. Henry and Hope are going to be close as they can be considering they are fifteen years apart."
Emma excitedly,"Henry and Hope, I love to hear my both babies names together. I cannot believe that I will a mom of two soon." She rubs her baby belly.
"Aye, I cannot believe that I am going to be a Dad of two kids." They kiss and Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms. "Night loves. I love you both so much."

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