Birthday Swan

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It was Emma's birthday,she wakes up not seeing Killian in their bed.
Hope enters her parent's room. "Mommy! Ake!!
"Hi, Hope."
"Mommy!" Hope hugs her Mommy.
"You give me the best hugs, baby girl." She kisses Hope on the cheek.
Killian enters the room with a pile of presents. "Happy birthday Emma!!"
"Thank you!" They kiss.
"Happy Mommy."
"Thank you, baby girl."
"Happy birthday, Emma." They kiss.
Henry enters his parents' bedroom with gifts. "Happy birthday Mom!"
"Thank you, Henry."
"Henwy!!" Hope gets her gift from her brother. "Mommy! Gift!" Killian chuckles seeing his daughter being like his swan.
"Yes, Hope. We are going to give Mommy her gift from us first."
Emma chuckles. "Hope, is this for me?"
"Yes! Ohen."
"I will open my gift right now!" Emma opens her gift which was a collage of photos some were in color and some were in black and white, of herself with Henry and Hope on vacations in New York, New York Comic Cons, museums, Florida vacations, on the Jolly Roger, and when they do splatter paint together in the backyard. The collage photos shaped as a shadow of Emma being the savior holding a sword. You are the savior and mostly our Mom. We cannot make more memories with you, Mom. We love you so much. Happy birthday. Love Henry and Hope. Emma was in tears and hugged both Henry and Hope. "Is this me? As a photo collage with photos of us?"
"Yes, being the savior but all of those photos of you being our Mom, which is your job first."
"I love the gift that you both made for me. This is so creative."
"Hope and I wanted your gift from the both of us to be creative."
Hope points at her Mom's outline of the collage. "Mommy! Here!"
"Yes, Hope, that is Mommy, baby girl. You helped Henry with the gift."
Killian sits next to his wife. "Swan, the next gift is from me." He gives his wife his gift. Emma opens her gift which was a gold locket necklace, Emma Swan-Jones,. "Killian..."
"Open the locket, swan."
Emma smiles, she loves seeing her husband being so romantic. She opens her locket, which was a photo of herself with Killian with their house in the background. On the other side, "You are my home, I am your home. "Killian, is this when you moved in with me?"
"Yes, love that day. Even before we moved in together, the moment I laid eyes on you, you were my home. I was your home even before you admitted to me. We just made it official when I moved in with you."
Emma smiles as she wraps her arms around her husband's neck. "Yes, I knew you will always be on my side."
"Aye, Emma. I am always on your side on every adventure." They kiss.
"Eww." Henry covered Hope's eyes. "Ank you, Henwy." Emma and Killian both laughed.
"Emma, you do have more presents to open."
"I do?"
"Yes, swan. It is your birthday."
"Mom, this is from me." Henry gives his Mom her gift. She opens her gift which was a drawing of a cartoon character of herself as Wonderwoman.
Emma's jaws dropped. She cannot believe what she was seeing, herself as a wonder woman cartoon. "Henry, is this me as wonder woman?"
"Yes, Mom. What do you think?"
She tackles her son into a bear hug. "I LOVE it!! I am going to frame it and hang it in my office. You are so talented!"
"Thank you, Mom."
"Henwy art?"
"Yes, Hope. Henry drew this to make me look like Wonderwoman. He is so talented."
"Hope, you are my art assistant. I can teach you art." Hope hugs Henry.
"Swan, I have another gift for you." He gives his gift to his wife. Emma opens her gift which was a phone case of herself with Killian in front of granny's, Captain Swan. "Is this you and me?"
"Yes, love."
"Where did you get this?"
"Allison told me about the shutterfly app or website, where you can use your own photographs to make phone cases and other things."
"I love it." She kisses him on the cheek. "This is my new phone case." She changes her phone case for her iPhone 11 to the protective phone case that her husband got for her. She looks at the box, there was something else. She sees a gray hoodie of her and Killian climbing the beanstalk. "Is this our beanstalk adventure?"
"Aye, I took a picture of it from Henry's book and made it into a hoodie."
Emma smiles knowing her husband is becoming more of a 21st-century man every day and he took time on his gift for her. "Killian." She tackles her husband and hugs him. "I LOVE my gifts!!" They kiss.
Henry gives Hope a gift. "Mommy! Gift!"
"Hopey, is this from you?"
Emma opens her gift which was a pink wooden frame of herself and Hope picture that Killian took when Emma and Hope were matching red jackets on the Jolly Roger sitting on steps, with Hope on her lap, Mommy & Me. I love you so much. Emma was in happy tears. "Hope, I love the picture frame." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. "I love all of my gifts. You three make me feel very special."
Hope babbles. "Mom, let me translate for Hope. You have one more from Hope and me."
"Oh really?"
"Yes. This is from Hope and me."
Emma opens her gift which was Alex&Ani gold bracelets, with swan on one, on the back, Mommy. The other symbol was duckling, and the back, Henry &Hope. Emma was in happy tears. "Henry, Hope." She hugs Henry and Hope. "I love this gift so much." She gave them kisses on their head. "I have the best two kids, ever!"
Henry hugs his Mom. "Mom, it is your birthday. Your special day."
"The lad is right, love. You are very special, just more special today than usual." He kisses Emma on her blonde head. "Swan, are you hungry?
"Yes, I am!"
"Yes, little love. It is time for breakfast."
Emma carried Hope downstairs to the kitchen. She sees the table covered with eggs, beacon, pumpkin spice pancakes, and cinnamon hot cocoa. "Killian, you made this?" Hope babbles.
"I had help from Henry and our little chef."
"Yes, Hope, you are my little chef."
"It looks delicious." She puts Hope in her booster seat.
The family had breakfast. "Mom, I helped Dad with the pancakes. I put pumpkin puree in the mix and cinnamon of course."
"The pancakes are my favorite." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope the eggs are really good too, baby girl."
After breakfast, Emma was drinking her cinnamon hot cocoa when Hope climbed onto her Mommy's lap. "Mommy, tay."
"Yes, sweetie. You can stay on my lap with me. "
"Emma, you are the birthday girl. What do you want to do today?"
Emma thought about it, "I just want to spend the day with my family. I was thinking we can spend the day here and spend some time at our second home."
"Aye, we can do sword fighting lessons on the Jolly Roger."
"Some time on the Jolly Roger. I want to have a fun day at home. We have been very busy on many villain cases lately, I just want to have a relaxing day with my family." She gives Hope her bottle of milk.
"Aye, we've been very busy as sheriff and deputy lately."
"Yes, villains." She hugs Hope. "No more villains, Hope."
"Aye, little love. We are going on the Jolly Roger today."
"We are going to go sailing for a little bit." Hope clapped her hands. The doorbell rings.
"Swan, I will be right back." Killian answers the door, it was his father in law. "Hi, Charming."
"Hi, Killian. I have a gift for Emma."
"Come in." Killian leads Charming to his swan. "Swan, we have a visitor."
"There is my birthday princess."
Emma smiles. "Hi, Dad." Killian takes Hope from his swan. Emma hugs her Dad.
"Happy birthday, Emma."
"Thank you, Dad."
"Swan, I will get Hope ready for our sailing day." Killian takes Hope upstairs.
"Dad, have you checked on Annie and Rosie?"
"Yes, I have. They are settling in our former home really well."
"Thank you again for letting Annie rent your loft."
"You are welcome, Emma. I knew that she needed a home."
"I did not want her to end up like the streets like I was."
"Mom!" Henry rushes in and hugs her.
Emma chuckles. "Yes, Henry?"
"I was wondering, later when we get back from sailing. Can we do splatter painting in the backyard?"
"Yes, Henry. We have not done splatter painting in a long time."
"Yes!" Henry runs back upstairs to his sister. "Hope!" Emma and Charming both laughed.
"What is Henry up to?"
"I have a feeling he and Hope are up to something."
"I got you something." Emma opens her gift which was a swan pendant.
"Dad, I love it."
"It was your mother's idea..." Emma got sad. "She misses you."
"That what she always said to me, she clearly does not realize that she almost killed my daughter."
"I have been telling her that."
Emma sighs. "I am grateful for my family. If she did not take Hope that night, I would trust her. But she did. She knew Hope was sick and she kidnapped her with Zelena and almost killed my daughter. She almost died in my arms!!" Emma had tears in her eyes. "I did not have a mother growing up, I am going to be the best mother for my own children."
Emma goes upstairs and gets Hope. "Emma!" Charming goes to the stairs.
"Hope, Henry. We are going to meet your Dad at the Jolly Roger."
"Mom?" Henry saw the look on his Mom's face knowing to listen to her. "Dad, we will meet you there." Henry follows his Mom and sister.
They go downstairs and see Charming. "Emma...I ...."
"They are my children who I need to protect. I am not letting her anywhere near them. I did not have her, I am not going to let anything happen to them." Emma slams the door as she left.
Hope was crying. "Mommy..Mommy..."
"We are going to our second home, baby girl. Dada is going to meet us there."
Killian hears the door slam and goes downstairs. "Charming? What the bloody hell happened?"
"I spoke of Snow to her."
"Charming, you did what?!" He was mad. "You mentioned Snow to Emma!!"
"I did by accident."
"You know how much Emma is mad at your wife for almost killing our daughter!"
"Killian, I made a mistake. I just told her that her Mom helped me chose the present for her."
"The next time, do not mention your wife to my swan. I hate it when she is upset. She has been through hell and back. "
"I am sorry, Killian." Charming leave.
Killian quickly packs what he needs for family sailing day and walks to the docks. When he arrives, he sees his son. "Henry, how is your Mom?"
"Crying. Hope is upset too."
"Aye, I think I can cheer both of them up."
"I ordered granny's, Dad. Red is going to deliver it here."
"Thanks, lad. We are going to sail and have a family picnic."
"What about..."
"I called your aunt and to change plans after the Jolly Roger. I am going to talk to your Mom." Killian finds his two loves at their captain quarters and sat on the head. Emma was crying. "Emma." She leaned into him. "I am right here."
"Mommy...sad." Hope hugs Emma.
"You do not like seeing Mommy sad?"
"Yes. Mommy happy."
"Me too, Hope. I want Mommy to be happy." He kisses Emma on the head.
"Mommy luv you."
"I love you so much, Hope." She hugs her daughter. "You, Henry and Dada make me so happy. We are going sailing today."
"Tay you."
"You can stay with me while we sail. Before we sail, you want to play with Henry?"
"No." Killian takes the diaper bag and shows Hope her medium Pluto doll. "Pluto!" Hope grabs her favorite toy and goes to the treasure chest and takes out her pirate Pluto. "Mommy...two pluto."
Emma smiled big, Hope can count on her own. "Yes, Hope. You have two plutos baby girl. 1..2.."
"That is right, Hope." Hope walks around with her Pluto dolls.
"Swan, you are teaching her to count."
"Yes, I am."
"Little love, your Plutos can sail with us." He puts Hope's lifejacket on her. Hope screams. Emma and Killian both chuckle.
Henry enters the captain quarters. "Little sis, you have two Pluto dolls?"
"Pluto sail. Pway Henwy."
"We can play." Henry walks with his sister to the deck.
"Emma, your Dad told me what he said to you. I hate how he got mad at you on your special day."
"He got me so mad. I just thought of Hope and Henry. I just wanted to get out of there."
Killian hugs his wife. "Our children are safe and happy with us."
Hope returns into the captain quarters. "Mommy...Dada...sail." She climbs onto the bed. "Mommy...sail."
"We are going to sail baby girl. You can stay with me while we sail." Hope hugs her Mommy. "You can steer with me."
"Yay!" Emma and Killian smile at each other seeing their little pirate happy and wants to be with her Mommy. Emma carried Hope to the steer and watched Henry and Killian bringing up the anchor and getting the sails ready. "Killian, sails are ready?"
"Aye, Captain Swan. Ready to sail."
"Aye, aye, Dada." Killian smiles at Hope.
"My little pirate. Where should we go first?" Hope points at the ocean. "We are going straight, Hope." Emma steered straight.
"Yes, I am steering baby girl."
Killian joined his two loves and takes pictures of his two loves steering. "Dada. Mommy eer."
"Yes, little love, Mommy is steering the Jolly Roger."
Emma smiles. "Killian, where are we going Captain?"
"I am not sure yet."
"Mommy...Mommy..." Emma holds Hope as Killian took over the steering wheel. "Ooo..."
"Yes, the ocean is very pretty." She sniffs her daughter. "You really need a diaper change." She brings her daughter into the captain quarters and changes Hope's diaper. "Mommy."
Emma smiles. "You said Mommy for the very first time on my birthday 2 years ago. Did you remember that?"
"You made me very very happy because Mommy was your first word." She tickles Hope making Hope laugh.
Henry approached his Dad. "Can I steer?"
"Aye, yes you can, lad." He lets Henry steer.
"Dad, is Mom still upset?"
"We spoke. I just reminded her that you and Hope are safe. Also, sailing and the sound of the ocean calms her down."
"She came here right away with Hope and me."
"Your Mom is a pirate just like the rest of us."
"Yes." A portal began opening up. "Dad, operation duckling part 2."
"Aye, our guests are here." From the portal, Prince Eric's ship came out of the ocean portal.
Prince Eric and Max popped into Killian and Henry's view. "Ahoy Killian!"
"Ahoy Eric!"
"Sorry we are late, we had a little pitstop." Elsa and Anna were on their ship. Killian and Henry waved at Elsa and Anna. Emma walks Hope out of the captain quarters and sees Prince Eric's ship. "Mel-Mel."
"Yes, Hope, Melody's ship." Henry carried Hope to the deck. "Killian?" She sees Allison with Elsa and Anna. "Allison! Elsa! Anna!"
"Happy birthday Emma!!"
Emma was surprised. "No way!" She turns at her husband who was smiling big. "Killian!" She hugs him. "You did this?"
"Well, I made a few shell calls to Ariel, Elsa and Anna. I also asked them to pick up our best friend on the way here. They all wanted to celebrate your birthday with you."
"You are the best you know that?"
"Aye, I wanted my swan to have the best birthday ever." They kiss and go on to greet their guest.
Ariel and Melody aboard the Jolly Roger first, Hope runs to Melody and hugs her. "Mel-mel!"
"Hope!" Henry takes pictures of his sister and her best friend reunited.
"Hi, Ariel. I know Hope and Melody are happy to be reunited."
Ariel chuckles. "Yes. They hug like this every week when they see each other." She kneels to Melody. "Melody, it is Hope's Mommy's birthday. Can you say happy birthday to Emma?" Melody goes over to Emma and hugs her legs.
Emma hugs Melody. "Hi, Melody. I know you and Hope are going to have fun together."
"Pway...Mel-Mel." Hope leads Melody.
"They're already catching up."
"Yes, Melody is always excited when we travel here. She says Hope as we travel through the portal here."
Allison aboard the Jolly Roger and followed by Max. "Happy birthday Emma!!" She hugs Emma.
"Thank you, Allison. I am so happy you are here. You know? You could have come with us?"
"Yes, but Killian wanted to surprise you. I am definitely sailing back with you. Prince Eric picked me up first and I was able to travel through a portal to Arendale and back. It was interesting."
"Lizzie is going to be jealous."
"Yes, she is. Elsa and Anna gave me a gift for her, a dress in their kingdom. I love your hoodie."
"Thank you. Killian took your advice and used Shutterfly.."
"I am glad that your husband took my advice. He really wanted to make something you always wear."
"Yes, sweetie. Melody is here to play here with you and celebrate Mommy's birthday. Do you want to play in a fort?"
"One fort coming right up." Emma builds Hope a fort. Killian gives Hope's baby blanket to use as a cover.
"Mommy, ank you."
"You are very welcome, Hope." The two girls go into the fort. Allison goes to the two girls. "Hope."
"Auntie!" Hope hugs Allison. "Hi, Hope. Are you playing with Melody?"
"Yes! Auntie pway."
"I can play with you and Melody." Hope clapped her hands. Allison joins them in the fort.
Elsa and Anna approached Emma. "Happy birthday Emma!!" Anna and Elsa both hugged Emma at the same time.
Emma smiles. "Thank you, Elsa and Anna." Max comes by and barks. "Hi, Max." She pets Max.
He goes to Henry. "Max! Let's play fetch." Max barks.
"How did you two get here?"
"Prince Eric picked us up. We left my husband Kristoff in charge of Arendale for the day."
"Thank you for not bringing Olaf. My daughter is afraid of him."
"We know. Olaf did want to come but I told him to be watching Kristoff ruling the kingdom."
Killian hugs his swan. "Birthday swan."
"My husband." They kiss.
"I was thinking about a picnic lunch next. Everyone brought something to contribute to our birthday picnic, swan." Everyone helped set up a picnic lunch. Henry set up the meals from Granny's, Killian made sure everyone had meals from the diner. Prince Eric and Anna laid their treats from their realms. Allison leads Hope and Melody to the picnic. "Mommy!" Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Did you have fun with auntie and Melody in your fort?"
"Oh, sweetie." She pulls Hope away from her. "You need a diaper change." Emma takes Hope back inside and changes her diaper. Hope babbling away. "Now, we are going to have lunch."
"Mommy!" Hope jumped into her Mommy's arms. Emma smiles that her daughter wanted to be with her. She and Hope return to their picnic."Mommy tay."
"Yes, Hope. You are staying with me while we have lunch." She sits next to Allison and Killian. Max goes over to Killian and Emma and barks. Hope laughs. Max licks Hope.
"Little pirate, Max gave you a doggie kiss." Hope pets Max.
"Max, come here, boy!" Max returns to his owner.
Killian makes sure Hope eats her lunch while Emma ate her lunch. Elsa passed over to Emma some chocolate. "I have this made especially for you."
"Thank you. I will try some." She takes some from Elsa.
"Elsa, is this chocolate all nut-free? No nuts."
"Yes, no nuts."
"Hopey, you can have chocolate after your lunch." As everyone ate, everyone talked. Melody was walking around the Jolly Roger with Max.
Melody walks to Emma and Hope. "Hope."
"Melody, you can sit next to Hope." Emma makes room on the picnic blanket for Melody to sit and places Hope next to Melody. The girls hug. Henry took pictures of Hope and Melody hugging on his camera. "Tweet. Mommy." Emma gives Hope a piece of chocolate. "Ank you." Emma kisses Hope on the head. Melody reaches out to the chocolate. "Ariel, is she allowed to have chocolate?"
"Yes, Emma. She can have a piece." Emma lets Meldy choose a piece of chocolate. "Melody say thank you to Emma." Melody babbles.
"You are welcome, Melody."
Hope goes to Allison. "Auntie."
"Hi, little niece." She hugs Hope. "Are you having fun with your best friend?"
"It is my first time on your Jolly Roger. I am having so much fun."
"Olly Wawa best."
Killian smiles. "Aye, the Jolly Roger is the best ship. Sorry, Eric."
Prince Eric laughs. "Our two ships are different." Max barks.
"Emma, we have presents for you."
"Elsa, you should not have."
"Emma, it is your birthday."
Allison hugs Emma. "We want to spoil you on your birthday."
Emma smiles. Elsa and Anna gave their gifts to Emma. She opens her gift which was a red knitted swan and snowflakes sweater and Arendale hot cocoa. Emma smiles. "I love the sweater. I know that we are going to use the hot cocoa at home." Hope grabs the packet of hot cocoa. Emma chuckles.
"Emma, it is the best. I made sure from our cooks that we made it especially for you."
"Thank you, Anna."
Allison gave Emma her presents. "This is from me."
Emma opens her gift which was a makeup bag full of makeup and swan sweater, Emma Swan. She smiles. "Allison, I love it!" She hugs her. "Thank you."
"I know what you like in makeup."
"Yes! We have the same makeup." Hope grabs the makeup bag.
"Little love, you are too young for makeup."
Hope takes out the eyeliner. "Dada!!" She gives her Daddy the eyeliner. All of the adults laugh.
Killian smiles. "Thank you, Hope. That is Mommy's eyeliner. Dada has his own pirate eyeliner."
"Oh, Dada and Mommy use the same makeup?"
"Yes." Hope sticks her tongue out.
Killian sees his daughter being like him."You sneaky little pirate." He tickles his daughter making her laugh. Emma smiles.
"Dad, Hope knows you use the same makeup."
"Lad, it is pirate eyeliner."
"No, Dada." Emma laughs making everyone laugh.
"Dad, Hope is right, it is makeup."
"Henwy." Hope goes to her brother and hugs him.
"I am right?"
"Yes." He lifts Hope up and down.
Emma and Killian smile at each other. Killian hand fed Emma another chocolate. She smiles and kisses him on the lip. Melody chases around Max on deck. Hope began crying. "Mommy..." Henry gives his sister to their Mom. "Mommy."
"You are with Mommy, baby girl." She rubs Hope's back. "Killian, she needs her nap. I will be B-A-C-K." Hope cries more. "I know, sweetie, you need your nap." Emma takes Hope into the captain quarters.
"Emma might be with Hope for a while, Hope does not like being alone sleeping."
"From what Hope has gone through recently, Killian. It is normal. I keep reminding my best friend that. Hope is going to be okay, Killian." Hope burst out of the captain quarters.
Killian picks Hope up. "Why are you not napping?"
Emma returns. "She is not napping."
"Aye, I have an idea. Swan, I got our little pirate." Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. He takes Hope inside.
"Hope, we need Dada and Hope time."
Killian smiles. "Aye, a pirate story, it is." He walks around his captain quarters. "Once upon a time, Dada was in Neverland on the Jolly Roger..."
Emma joins back to her guest. "Hope, was being stubborn?"
"Yes, Allison. Your niece was being my mini-me."
Melody walks to Emma. "Hope?"
Emma smiles. "Hope is taking her nap, Melody. She will play with you when she wakes up."
"Emma? We are staying in town since tomorrow is their swim lesson."
"You can sleepover at our house tonight."
"Thank you for the offer Emma. Eric, Melody, and I are staying at his old home on land."
"Oh really?"
"Yes, we want to show Melody where we reunited." Melody pats Emma.
"Melody." She hugs Melody.
Melody points at her Mommy. "Mama."
"Your Mama is right over there."
"Melody, can you give me a high five?" Allison shows Melody her palm. Melody puts her hand on Allison's. "Good job, Melody."
"Mama." Emma let Melody go back to Ariel.
"Yes, kid?"
"Can you give me a sword fight lesson?"
"Yes, I can." Emma gives her son a sword lesson on deck. Allison took pictures of the mother and son taking pictures of them on Henry's camera.
Anna comes to them. "Emma, two on one?"
"You mean you and me against Henry?"
"Yes!"Anna shows her sword skills.
"I am the one who taught your Dad his skills."
"No way."
"Oh no. I am in trouble." Emma and Anna laugh. Henry continues to duel with his Mom and Anna.
Prince Eric joins Henry's side. "I figured you need another sword."
"Thanks, Eric." They continue to sword fight.
In the captain quarters, Killian got Hope to sleep on him while he told her a pirate story. He hears something going on deck. He carries Hope to the door and smiles seeing his swan laughing and having fun sword fighting with their friends and their son. Killian was very happy seeing his Emma happy and having fun on her special day not fighting a villain.
"Mom, we need to switch teams?"
"We do?"
"Yes, I am your partner."
Emma smiles. "You and me against Prince Eric and Anna."
"You and Henry are on!" They continue to sword fight. Allison took pictures while Ariel held Melody to be out of the way and watched with Elsa. Allison sees Killian carrying Hope. "Killian, I can hold Hope so you can join."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Elsa is taking pictures on Henry's camera. I can hold my little niece." Allison holds Hope.
Killian gets his sword and joins. "My swan needs me on her side."
"Aye, I cannot miss a fun sword fight."
"Oh, you." They kiss.
"Awesome now we have Dad on our team!"
"Yes, lad." They continue to sword fight.
Hope wakes up. "Auntie."
"Hi, little niece."
"Yes, they are sword fighting with Henry against Prince Eric and Anna."
Emma stops sword fighting and goes to her daughter. "Hi, Hope. Did you have a good nap?" She kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope grabbed her Mommy's face. When they all finished. Hope was clapping. Emma scooped Hope into her arms. "Did you see Mommy sword fighting with Henry and Dada?"
"Yes." Hope lays her head onto her Mommy's shoulder. "Mommy and Dada will give your own sword lesson very soon, baby girl."
"Swan, I think it is time for us to sail back to Storybrooke."
"No. Sail, Dada."
"Little pirate, you want more sailing?"
"We are going to sail more another time, Hope. We need to head back home. Melody is coming with us."
"Mel-Mel." Killian puts Hope in her life jacket as Henry helps his Dad prepare to sail home as dropping the anchor down. Prince Eric sailed his ship with Max and his crew.
Allison goes to her best friend. "Emma, how can I help sail?"
Emma smiles. "You can help me pull up the sails." Hope and Melody go to the steering wheel starting fighting over who steers the wheel, while rocking the boat by pulling the wheel. They both scream. Killian and Ariel go over to the two ocean princesses. They lifted their daughter. "Hope and Melody. You both cannot pull the steering wheel. You two were rocking the ship."
"Dada....eer." Melody began crying. Hope began crying. Emma comes and gets Hope from Killian. "Mommy..eer...olly Wawa..."
"You and Melody cannot be fighting over the wheel. You two need to share." She looks at her son. Henry, you are steering with your Dad. You two need to learn how to share." Hope cried more. "Dad, you can steer." He goes to his sister. "Hope, I need your help steering from the back with the motor. Can you help me?"
"Aye, aye." Hope hugs her brother. Henry smiles and takes his sister back with him. Killian sailed his family and guest home. Emma sees Henry working on the motor while Hope was babbling with him on his lap. "Emma? Am I doing this right?"
"Yes, Allison. You can have a break."
Allison sat down next to Emma,Elsa and Anna. Ariel was holding sleeping Melody."I do not know how you can do this."
Emma chuckles. "This is your first time sailing on a nice sunny day. My first was traveling to another realm, and a mermaid cast a curse where everyone was arguing caused the weather to be bad. Let's just say I had to go overboard to get everyone to stop fighting."
"Oh really?"
"Yes." Anna and Elsa joined the conversation about their own adventures. Killian was happy seeing his swan talking with her friends.
Hope goes to her Daddy. "Dada." She hugs his legs.
"Captain Swan."
Emma approaches her husband. "Yes, captain?"
"I need you to steer. I need to have a talk with our daughter." Emma takes the wheel as Killian holds Hope. "Hope, I am not mad at you but you can't fight over the steering wheel. You have to learn to share." Hope babbles. "Yes, you share your toys. You need to share the steering wheel. Take turns. Like I steered the steering wheel and now Mommy. Do you understand?"
"Yes." Killian hugs her Daddy.
"I love you, Hope. I am only teaching you from right and from wrong."
Emma smiles being Killian doing his job as a Dad. "Killian, I know our little pirate wants to help me steer?"
"Yes, Hope."
"Yay!" Killian sets Hope down and she goes to her Mommy. "Mommy."
"My little pirate." She holds Hope and helped her steer.
Killian joins them. "Hope, remember the port is left and starboard is right."
"Wight." They were getting closer to Storybrooke docks. "Oh no."
"What is it baby girl?"
"Little love, are we almost back to the docks?"
"She does not want to leave our second home. My little pirate." She kisses Hope on the head.
'I know, sweetie you want to stay." Hope began crying. She hugs her daughter. Killian took over steering the Jolly Roger. "Mommy...tay me."
"We have to go home on land. You can stay with me, Hopey."
Allison goes to Hope and Emma. "Hope, what is wrong little niece?"
"Tay, Mommy."
"Oh, you want to stay with your Mommy?"
"You can stay with your Mommy, little niece. You are not losing your Mommy." She rubs Hope's back and can tell Emma was nervous over her daughter. "Emma, she knows that she is safe with you."
"Mommy best."
"Yes, Hope your Mommy is the best."
"Luv you, Mommy."
"I love you, Hope. You will always be my baby girl." She kisses Hope on the head.
Elsa approaches them. "Emma, is Hope okay?"
" long she is with me. She is okay, right Hope?"
"Tay you."
"Yes, you are staying with me,Hope."
Melody walks over to Emma and Hope. "Hope!"
Emma smiles. "Hope, Melody wants to play with you."
"Pway, Mel-Mel. You tay."
"Yes, Hope. I can be with you while you play with your ocean princess best friend."
"Yes, Hope." She gives Melody her hand. "Melody you and Hope and play with toys." She leads Melody while carrying Hope to the captain quarters. Hope let Melody play with her toys. Ariel joins them. "How are the girls?"
"They are playing with toys." They continue to talk while watching their daughters play.
Elsa goes to Killian. "Killian, Hope is still afraid?"
"Aye, she is more attached to both Emma and me. Out of nowhere, she gets upset and one of us needs to reassure her that she is safe."
"Hope and I were both kidnapped by Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard."
"The same Blackbeard that put my husband and I into the treasure chest and drowned us?!"
"I hate him."
"Aye, Emma, and I hate him so much. It is his fault and Jack Sparrow for Hope getting afraid again."
"Hope knows that she is safe with our parents." Killian smiles.
"Dad, operation swan part 3?"
"Yes, lad. Everyone prepares for landing."
"Killian, how can I help?"
"Allison, Hope is keeping Emma busy. I will get her last. You and Henry can make sure everyone is ready on land."
"I am on it."
Emma took pictures of Hope and Melody playing and talking. "Hopey, Melody smile." Hope hugs Melody and they both smile as Emma takes a picture of them on her iPhone. She shows the two girls the photos. "Mel-Mel!"
"Yes, that is a picture of you two." Hope hugs her Mommy. "I can print this out and give you a copy, Ariel."
"I love that idea."
"I can give you a photo album."
"Photo album?"
"It is a book where you can put pictures in it and keep it for memories." The boat stops. "Oh, we are back."
"No." Hope began crying.
"Hopey,we have to go home on land, baby girl. I know you love sailing but we need to go home on land." Melody began crying. "You are getting your best friend sad, Hope."
"Emma, it is okay. Melody just wants Eric." She leaves the room. Emma hugs Hope and rocked her back and forth. "I am with you, Hope. Everything is okay."
"Mommy tay me."
"Yes, Hope. You are staying with me."
Killian enters his captain quarters seeing Emma rocking Hope. "Hope, why are you crying, little love?"
"Dada." Hope grabs his hook.
"We are going to go home, and have cake for Mommy's birthday."
"Yes, Hope. It is my birthday baby girl. Every birthday has cake. You saying my name all day made me very happy. Just like when you said my name the first time." She lifts Hope up and down making her daughter smile. Killian helped his swan and duckling up and walked them back to deck. "Where is everybody?"
"Oh, they decided to walk ahead, love."
"Dada. Sail Olly Wawa."
"We are going to have another sailing day very soon, Hope."
"We can have word lessons too, little pirate princess." They got off the Jolly Roger. Emma hears "HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!!!!" The town cheered. Emma sees the birthday guests and most of town at the docks with a birthday banner and a cake. "Oh my gosh." Henry took pictures on his camera. She looked at Killian. "What is this?"
"A small party to celebrate the savior and sheriff's birthday." They went down to the docks, she sees Archie, Pongo, Ashley with her family, Regina, Gary, Annie, Rosie, her squad, Granny, Geppetto, August, and the seven dwarves. She recognized the children from the Black Fairy realm she rescued and gave homes to. "Killian, these are all people who I helped and saved."
"Aye, they all wanted to wish the one who saved them a happy birthday." Emma was in tears.
"Mommy." Hope pats her Mommy's face.
"I am okay, baby girl. These are happy tears."
"Hope, they are all here to wish our Mommy a happy birthday, little sis." Hope holds onto her Mommy tighter. "You are staying with me, baby girl." Allison and Granny carried the cake which was a Outlander to Emma and the whole town sang Happy Birthday to her. She blew out her candles with her husband and children next to her. Everyone had cake. Henry was catching up with Regina while Lizzie were talking to Elsa and Anna. Emma sat down on the bench with Hope and Killian and had cake. "Birthday Swan, are you enjoying your birthday cake?"
Emma smiles. "Yes! You got me a Outlander cake.I love it."
"Our daughter loves your birthday cake."
Emma chuckles seeing their daughter's face and hands covered in cake. "Hope, is the cake yummy?"
"Yes." Emma kisses Hope on the head. Hope walks around. She hugs her husband. "You made my birthday so special. We had a party with Jolly Roger and now another party with the whole town."
"Aye, my Emma needed to have her birthday very special."
"You did an amazing job."
"You are always helping everyone in town and saving people. Everyone wanted to help make your birthday special." They kiss.
Allison walks with Hope. "Auntie."
"Hope, you are covered with cake."
"Yes!" She clapped her hands. Allison cleaned off Hope's hands. "Mommy."
"We are going back to your Mommy." Allison and Hope joined Killian and Emma on the bench. "Em, were you surprised?"
She held Killian's hook. "Yes! I had no idea that Killian was planning on this. Usually, I can tell what Killian and Henry are up to something. Not today." Hope babbles. "Yes, Hope, you helped Daddy and Henry." Emma carried Hope as she greeted the crowd.
August greets Emma first. "Happy birthday, Emma." He hugs her. "Thank you, August. Killian got you here?"
"Well, I did help his and Henry spread word around town to tell me about your birthday celebration."
"Hi, Hope."
Emma's eyes popped out. "Hope! August, I am so sorry."
August chuckles. "Hope, I am made of wood." He gives Hope a wink.
"Henwy book."
"Henry reads her his book all the time. He read her your story."
"Emma, I am just happy Henry read her my story. Can I have a high five, Hope?" Hope gives him a high five. "You are very lucky, Hope that your Mommy is the best."
"Mommy best!" She hugs her Mommy.
Ariel walks with Melody."Hope!"
"Hope, you want to walk with Melody?"
Killian approaches his two loves. "Little love, do you want to walk with Daddy and Melody?"
Killian takes Hpe from his swan. "I will keep an eye on our little pirate."
"Thank you." They kiss.
Killian walks around with Ariel and Melody. Hope sees Belle and Gideon. "Dada...Eeon."
"Hi, Belle. Hi, Gideon."
"Dada, down." Killian sets Hope down and she goes to Gideon and hugs her. "Hi, Eeon."
"Hi, Hope."
"Pway Mel-Mel." Hope takes Gideon to Melody.
"Hi, Killian, sorry that we are late. I brought cinnamon hot cocoa for the party"
"Thank you very much." Hope goes to her Daddy and fusses. "Are you thirsty?"
"Yes." He gives Hope her own cinnamon hot cocoa. "Ank you."
"You are welcome, Hope."
August smiles. "You really have a great husband."
"I know, I am so lucky to have him. I would not have thought I would find a man who actually cares for me and not take advantage of me and use me. Killian changed and got me to trust him and he is there for me all the time. He is an amazing father to Henry and Hope. I am always thankful and grateful every single day I have him and our family, a normal life I always wanted."
"You deserved it, Emma. After the horrible foster system that you and I experienced, you finally got the family you ever wanted."
"Yes, with Killian, Henry and Hope but parents and brother. That is a completely different story. My Dad got me mad this morning mentioning about my Mom. We are not on speaking terms since my Mom kidnapped my daughter knowing he was sick. She almost died in my arms."
"Emma, that is to the Snow White I know."
"She has changed a lot. She thinks about herself and how Leo is perfect and does not cause trouble."
"Do not give up on your Mom, Emma."
"She lost my trust all the time she defended my brother for hurting my family."
"Mommy! Mommy!" Emma sees Hope walking over with cinnamon hot cocoa. She shows her cinnamon hot cocoa.
"Hope, you have cinnamon hot cocoa?"
"Yes! Eeon."
"Gideon and Belle brought cinnamon hot cocoa!"
"Swan, cinnamon hot cocoa for the birthday swan."
"Thank you, captain."
Gideon goes to Emma. "Hi, Emma."
"Hi, Gideon. Are you going to play with Hope and Melody?"
"Yes! They are my friends." Hope leads Gideon back to Melody. Killian and Emma smile that Hope is with her friends. "Emma, happy birthday."
"Thank you, Belle." Emma got happy birthdays from her squad and all of the children and adults who she helped save. She continued to talk with the town until it was getting dark. Everyone was leaving home. Allison walked with the Swan-Jones family home. Emma was holding Hope as Henry was talking to their Mom. "Killian, is sailing always like this?"
"Most of the time yes."
"It was fun."
"You are always welcome on our second home, Allison."
"Thanks, Killian. Hope is partied out."
"Aye, Hope had a very busy day. I got her to nap a little bit knowing Melody was on our ship."
"Killian, I thought you got her to nap."
"I did but not a long nap, swan."
"No wonder why our daughter fell asleep on the bench."
"Mom, she fell asleep on my lap. She was tired."
"Very true, kid."
"I did not mind Hope sleeping on me. You were having fun."
"Thanks, Henry."
"Em, we need to meet up soon!"
"Yes very soon!" She hugs her best friend. "Thank you for coming today."
"You are very welcome, I took the day off to be with my best friend on her birthday." Allison walked home.
"Dad,operation Duckling complete?"
"Aye, operation Duckling complete."
"You two love surprising me with operations."
"Mom, Dad, and I planned out your special day."
Emma hugs her son. "I have the best son ever." She kissed Hope on the head. " I have the best husband ever." She and Killian kiss. The Swan-Jones family walks home and enters their home, Killian puts Emma presents on the couch as Emma changes Hope into pajamas and tucks Hope in her toddler bed. "Good night, Hope. I love you so much." She kisses Hope on the head. Henry went to his room. Emma opens presents from the town and cuddles with Killian in the living room. "You and Henry really made my birthday really special."
"Aye, you deserved a special birthday Emma."
"You made me feel like a pirate princess." She kissed him on the cheek. "Now.."
"I want to spend the rest of my birthday with Killian."
"You mean?"
"Yes. Pancakes..."
"Aye." Killian lifted his swan upstairs to their bedroom and had pancakes. After they were finished, both were naked and sweating. Emma was laughing lying on Killian's chest. "Is my birthday swan happy?"
"Very..." She kisses him on the lips. He wrapped his swan in his arms. "Stay."
"I am not going anywhere, Emma."
"You are my home."
"Emma, you are my home." Emma falls asleep in Killian's arms which is her home. " He covers him and Emma up with a blanket so they won't be cold while sleeping."Happy birthday, Emma. I love you so much." He falls asleep hugging his wife knowing she is home with him and had an amazing birthday because he and Henry planned the whole special day.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now