New York Part 1

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The night before their flight to New York City, everyone was excited and packing what they needed. Emma was in Hope's room, packing Hope's clothes, toys, diapers, all of Hope needs for the trip. Hope was crawling around and tried to get into the suitcase. "My sneaky little duckling are you trying to travel in the travel bag?" Hope smiled as her Mommy picked her daughter up and put her in her lap. "Hope, do you want to pack your Pluto dolls? To bring on our trip." She shows her the dolls. Hope babbled. "Your Pluto dolls are coming to come to New York with us tomorrow in Mommy's backpack. Are you excited to go on an airplane tomorrow?" Hope fussed and hugged her Mommy. "You are going to be held by me our flight tomorrow before, after and during the flight. We are going to have girl time just you and me. We are going to have a lot of fun with Dada and Henry." She tickles Hope to make her laugh. She stands up and spins with Hope around the room. Killian enters the room and smiles seeing his two loves playing together. "Well, I did not know you two are packing or not."

Emma giggled. "We are taking a break from packing, we are spinning around. Want to join?"

"It looks like fun." Emma was holding Hope, Killian wrapped his arms around his wife.

"I think I know where this is going."

"Little love, do you like dancing with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope babbled loud. After they dance,

"I was thinking...we can dance."

"I think I know what you mean." They kiss. "Hope, we are dancing with Dada." Hope babbled.

"Love, should we show her our first dance from when we went back in time?"

Emma smiled "Yes!!"The danced for fun and showed Hope their first dance ever.

Hope needed to be nursed. Emma nursed her in the rocking chair. "Love, are you almost packed in here?"

"Yes, I got most of my stuff packed in our luggage bag and Hope's clothes is in ours. We just to get her carrier and car seat. I am going to carry her in the carrier in the airport but do we need her stroller?"

"Love, I think we are all going to take turns carrying Hope during the trip. The carrier is going to be easier for the subway and airport."

"You are right, I just want to make sure we have everything for her when we are away. I bought extra diapers and wipes and packed extra clothes. I checked the weather, it might be spring weather for a day while we are there. I have a few ideas for our mommy and Hopey day in New York." Hope grabbed her Mommy's hair. "Yes, Hope. We are going to have a girls day just you and I." She kisses Hope on the head.

"Love, Allison is picking us up and driving us to the airport tomorrow morning."

"She is?"

"Aye, she offered to drive us. I know your father is busy focusing on your mom and brother."

"You are right, I do not want to put him out of his way..." She hugs Hope.

Killian rubbed his wife's shoulders. "Love, your Dad loves you so does your mother and brother." Hope babbled. "You are right, little love. Mommy is loved by her family and especially you, Henry and I." He kisses Hope on the cheek to make her laugh.

"Killian, can you watch her as I pack more of her needs and our clothes for the trip? She has been trying to climb into our luggage bag."

Killian chuckled, "Hope is a little pirate."

"Yes, a little sneaky pirate."

"Love, I can watch her after you feed her. Are you excited about this trip?"

"Yes, I am. I cannot wait to get away from here for a week to have fun with the kids and you...we can have a date night."

"Love, I have a few ideas where we can go on our date night."

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