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Emma was overprotective of Killian, making sure he was alright, taking care of him when he needed him and went to work at the sheriff station. Killian would stay home resting and spending time with Hope and Henry. Emma would get nightmares as the dark swan hurting her loved ones. One night, Emma wakes up hearing Hope crying, she thought of herself, "Hope knows me so well." She goes Hope's room seeing her crying standing up in her crib. "Hopey..." She gets her daughter from her crib and hugs her. "Mommy.""I am right here, baby girl." She gets Hope's quilt and wraps her daughter in it and sat on the rocking chair. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Mommy.""Did you have a bad dream?" Hope babbled. "You can stay up with me. I had a bad dream, you woke me up from it." Hope looks up at her Mommy and babbles. "Mommy had a bad dream when I was the dark swan, I hurt Daddy by accident so I turned him to the dark one because I could not lose another loved one, I lost so many loved ones...I could not lose Daddy. It was the worse thing I ever did because Dada is my true love. I turned him into a dark one, I hid it from him...then when he found out it was awful... I ending up hurting Daddy so the other dark ones can stop taking over the town. Dada died, I was not a dark one anymore. I knew I could not lose him. So guess what I did?" Hope babbles. "Yes, I went to the Underworld with Grandma, Grandpa, Henry, Rumplestilskin, Regina, and Robin Hood, we all traveled on a boat to the underworld. It took time but Mommy rescued Daddy from the very evil Hades. Even if Mommy could not bring Dada home, Dada knew I needed help defeats Hades so he helped me to figure out how to defeat Hades. When Regina's crazy sister killed Hades for good, Zeus knew Daddy helped us defeat his evil brother Hades so he rewarded daddy to send him home to me. He knew that Daddy was my true love and he belonged on Earth with me. That is why your godfather is Zeus.""Antie."Emma smiles. "Yes, Hopey, Auntie Allison is your godmother. Daddy only met Zeus in heaven. Even though we have not met him yet, he is watching over us, especially you and Daddy." Hope babbles and hugs her Mommy. "Zeus knew Dada was a good person and he belongs on Earth with me, Henry and soon to be you. He gave Dada and Mommy a second chance of being parents. I do not like talking about my past as a dark swan because it was a rough time since I hurt my loved ones...""Dada.""Yes, especially Dada and Henry but they still love me and accepted for who I am. When Dada returned from the underworld, we were both heroes again, not villains anymore. We both took advantage of our second together. Dada moved in with Mommy after I told him I loved him." Hope yawns. "You need to sleep, baby girl. So you can grow big and strong. I am not going anywhere." Hope falls asleep on her Mommy. "I love you, Hope." She loved Hope sleeping with her. She felt Killian's arm wrapped around her shoulder. "Hello, swan." He kisses her on the cheek, which made Emma smile. "I heard your storytime with Hope.""Yes, I told her about being dark swan. She woke up crying, which woke me up. We both had bad dreams. I had a nightmare...""You can always wake me up, Emma.""I know, I was about to then Hope woke me up. Hope needed one of us. She enjoyed storytime with me, she learned about her godfather Zeus.""Aye, I had a feeling our little lass would like that story.""She loves all of the stories we tell her.""I do want my swan to go back to bed with me.""Even our little duckling? As you can see Hope wants to sleep with me."Killian smiles. "Of course, our little love can join us. I love having my two loves together." They went back to bed, Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. She kisses him on the cheek. "How are you feeling Killian?""I am feeling better, Emma." She rubs her hand on his scruffy cheek. He kisses her on the head. "Do you have work today?""Yes, I do.""I was thinking since the lad is on break. We can have a family day." "I think that is a great idea. Where do you want to go?""I was thinking we can go over the town line for a little family getaway? Or go to another realm?""Ooh, I like both options especially when you can be captain.""I do like the idea captain swan." They kiss. "I was thinking we can go to Boston to the aquarium.""Hope and Henry will love that." "Is that a yes Emma?""Yes, a day or overnight trip to Boston is a great idea. I just need to make sure to have Lily and Mulan to cover for you and me. ""We can do a weekend in Boston?""Yes." They kiss. Their bell rings. Emma puts her robe on and opens the door. "Dad?""Emma, I just wanted to come by to see how Killian is.""If you were concerned you could have asked me at work.""I did not want to stress you about it at work.""Well, you did since you mean brought Mom and Leo here? Leo hurt my husband. Why did you bring them here?""Emma, your Mom begged me to bring her here. She promised me that she would not cause trouble.""What about Leo? He hurt all of my family members.""We did not know that he had knives on him.""He stabbed Allison in the neck when she was treating him and he hurt Killian's leg.""I am doing my best.""You can ask Rumplestiltskin to teach him more. He even does not want Gideon around Leo.""I will do that. I do not know how to discipline my own son." He sits on the steps. Emma hates being mad at her Dad. "Dad, you are strict with him. You can yell at him which is disciplining him. He has darkness and is a sociopath. It is okay to ask for help especially when your son causes so much trouble." "I know. I just hate Leo hurting everyone in our family.""We still love you Dad. You are a great Dad to me, a great father in law to Killian, and a great grandpa to Hope and Henry who love you." She hugs her Dad. "I do have presents for my family.""You are welcome here any time." They go inside finding Killian playing with Hope in her pirate ship ball pit. He was teaching Hope how to catch the colorful balls. Hope love throwing balls at her Daddy and holding them."Little love, are throwing cannonballs at me?" Hope babbles and throws another ball at her Daddy. Charming smiles. "Emma, you got Hope a pirate ship ball pit?"Emma smiles. "It was Killian's idea."Charming chuckles. "I am not surprised.""Mommy!" Emma kneels to her daughter and kisses her on the cheek."Morning, baby girl. I see you are playing with Dada. Grandpa is here to give us presents." Hope gives her Mommy a red ball. "Thank you, Hope. You know my favorite color." Hope babbles. Charming kneels down to Hope. "Hi, Hope. How is my favorite little princess?""Amps!" Emma, Killian, and Charming all smiled. " Hope, are you happy to see me?" Hope hugs Charming. "I told you, Dad. Hope loves you.""Amps." "Yes, Hope. Gramps can play with you. Dad, do you want to stay for breakfast? Before we go to work?""Yes." Charming plays with Hope in her ball pit while Emma and Killian cook breakfast."Dada..wa-wa...Dada!""Killian, Hope wants you." Killian returns to the living room. "She wants you and something wawa?"Killian smiles."Charming she means Jolly Roger. Hope you want to play Jolly Roger?""Aye, aye!" Killian tickles Hope, "My little pirate." Kilian plays with Hope. "Charming, join us." Charming joins Hope and Killian playing. "Hope, aim at Gramps." Hope threw balls at Charming. Emma took pictures of her Dad, husband and daughter playing and continued making pancakes and scrambled eggs for breakfast. She can hear them playing and Hope laughing. "Breakfast is ready." Killian walks with Hope. "Hope, did you have fun playing with Dada and Gramps?" Hope babbles. Emma puts Hope in her high chair and places her cut up meal on the table. "Where is Henry?""Dad, he is a teenager, he is still sleeping.""Aye, the lad and I played video games past midnight." "I am not surprised, he loves playing the video games he got for Christmas." Henry comes down. "Morning, Mom, Dad, Hope. Hi Gramps.""Lad, I am surprised you came down.""I woke up to the smell of pancakes." Hope babbles and reaches for her brother. He gave her a few kisses on her cheek and she places her messy hand in his hair. "Hope." Hope laughs. "Very funny." "Henry, I brought you all belated Christmas presents.""Awesome." After breakfast, Charming was in the living room, Henry was chasing around Hope. "Henry and Hope, I have Christmas presents.""Little sis, Gramps is going to give us presents.""Amps!" Charming holds Hope on his lap. "My little princess, do you want to open your gift first?" Emma and Killian join them in the living room. "Gift!""Emma, she is talking so much.""Yes, she is talking a lot more now." Hope babbles. Charming helps Hope opens her present, which was a tea set. Hope babbles. "Hope, it is a tea set. Gramps wants you to be more of a little princess.""Wa-wa." Henry, Killian, and Emma laugh. "Little love, we can have tea parties on the Jolly Roger." Hope clapped her hands. "Hope, when we have Auntie and Lizzie over we can have a tea party.""Wa-wa."Emma chuckles. "Our first tea party will be on the Jolly Roger. Sorry, Dad. Hope is a little pirate."Charming smiles. "Hope is a little pirate.""Even though she is a little pirate, she is a little princess. She loves wearing dresses." Hope walks to her Mommy and hugs her. "You give the best hugs, Hopey." "Now, this is for you, Henry.""Thanks, gramps." Henry opens his gift which was Spiderman tee shirt. "Thanks, gramps.""You are welcome, Henry." Charming gives Killian his gift.Killian opens his present which was a framed picture of his family, Emma, Henry, and Hope altogether. "Charming, you got me this?""Yes, I know your family is everything to you. I figured you can put it on your desk at the sheriff station.""Thank you, Charming." "Emma, this is from me." Killian gets Hope from Emma. Emma opens her present, which was a big fuzzy blanket. "Dad, thank you." They hug. "I have something for you." She gives him his Christmas gift. Charming open his gift a locket of himself with Emma, "Daddy's little princess." Charming smiles and hugs his daughter. "I love it, Emma." "I am glad.""You are always going to be my little princess." He kisses her on the head.Emma gets a phone call from Lily. "Hi, Lily...Yes, my Dad is with me. We are on our way." They ended their phone conversation. "Dad, we are needed on the case.""Swan, I can come.""Killian, the case is about you...I want your stitches to heal first before you return back to work." Killian knows his swan was being overprotective of him and wanting to make sure Leo get the right punishment. Killian hugs his wife and kisses her on her head. "I am okay.""I do not want you to be in pain.""I am getting better every day.""I just want to make sure.""I know." He kisses her on the head. "You are taking good care of me." "You know that I will always take care of you." She kisses him on the cheek. "After your case is finished, about what we talked about before.""You mean a little family getaway to Boston with the kids for a weekend?" Killian smiles. "Yes. We need a mini-vacation since Henry is on break." "I can start planning our trip.""Perfect." They kiss. Hope hugs her Mommy's legs. "Hopey." She holds her daughter. "Mommy has to be sheriff for a little while. You can watch Dada for me." Hope babbles. She gave Hope a kiss and puts her on the floor. "Love, have a good day at work.""Thank you." "Mom, Hope and I will have playtime.""I know you two will have fun. I will be home soon." Emma leaves with Charming and can hear Hope crying. Henry gets Hope from the door. She hears Hope crying and sees Henry holding Hope by the window. "Hope always cries when one of us leaves. I hate leaving her." They get into Emma's yellow bug."I know once Killian is back from recovery, you will have Hope working with you again." Emma smiles. "I do love having my little sheriff and deputy.""Hope does love running around in the station." Emma drove her Dad to the sheriff station. Leo was still in jail and in the investigation room. Emma goes in. "Hi, Emma. When can I go home to be with Mommy?"Emma sits across from her brother. "Do you know why you are in jail again Leo?""I hurt Killian. It was fun." "Why did you hurt him?" "I wanted to see if I can hurt a pirate. He also is your husband.""You hurt a deputy, which is breaking the law. You are going to be punished. Stop hurting my family.""You are my sister.""Yes, and you are my brother who loves to hurt others. You need to stop hurting others for fun so you can have friends and family, Leo.""It is fun hurting everyone.""What does Rumpelstiltskin teach you?""I have not seen him in a while, Mommy stopped taking me to him.""Oh really?""Yes." Emma leaves the room trying to figure out how to punish her little brother. She finds her Mom and Dad. "Mom? Why did you stop taking Leo to Rumplestiltskin?""Emma, Rumplestliksin is not helping him.""He is a sociopath who likes hurting people. He needs help, Mary-Margaret so he can stop hurting other people like carrying knives and stabbing people like Killian." "Emma he is only 6 years old. He will stop hurting others.""When? He needs help from Rumpelstiltskin so he can stop hurting others. The more he hurts people, the more our family is split apart." Killian called her. "Killian?...""Emma, Hope is in the hospital. She had a peanut reaction." Emma's heart drops. "Killian, I am on my way.""Emma..." "Take him to Rumplestiltskin for his lessons or else you go to jail." Emma rushes out to her yellow bug and drives to the hospital. Back at home, Henry was playing with Hope in the living room, he built her ships out of her blocks and Hope throws her balls at the ships. "Cannonball...aim...fire!!" Killian trying peanut butter and jelly sandwich which Henry and Emma love. Hope sees her Daddy. "Little love, are you playing battleship with Henry?""Dada." She walks over to her Daddy and tries to eat his sandwich. Killian chuckles. "You can have some of my sandwich, little love." He gave her a piece of his peanut butter jelly sandwich and Hope ate it. "Yummy little love?" A few minutes later, Hope began choking and hives on her body. "Henry, get Hope's epi-pen. She is having an allergic reaction." Henry rushes to get Hope's epi-pen. Killian tried to stay calm, he takes Hope's pants off. Henry returns with her epi-pens, "Henry call an ambulance." Killian gives Hope her shot on her leg. "You are going to be okay, little love. You are with Dada." They hear an ambulance, EMT's came inside. "My daughter ate peanut butter." Killian rushes out carrying Hope with Henry carrying Hope's diaper bag. Killian was not letting Hope go, she was upset and confused."You are going to be okay, little love. You are with Dada." They went straight into the emergency room, Allison was there. "Killian.""Allison, Hope ate peanut butter. I gave Hope an epi-pen shot in her leg." "We have a peanut butter reaction. We need an operating room now!!" Allison gets Hope from Killian. "Killian, Hope is in good hands with me. She is in anaphylactic shock. You brought her in just in time. She is going to be alright." Allison puts Hope in a stretcher and rushes her into the surgery room. Henry hugs his Dad. "Your sister is going to be alright, son." Killian gets Henry settled in. He calls his wife who was on her way and began to cry. He was afraid that he is going to lose Hope, his little lass and it was all his fault. Emma rushes in to finds Henry and Killian. "Henry!""Mom!" They hug."Henry, what happened?""Mom, Hope is in the operating room with Aunt Allison. Dad gave Hope her epi-pen and brought her here on time." Emma hugs her son. "She is going to be alright, Henry. We just need to throw out all of the peanut butter in the house.""Our house will be a peanut-free house. Now let me go see your Dad. I know he feels guilty." Emma hugs Killian, he knew his swan was hugging him. He cried into her lap. "Emma it is all my fault...it is all my fault...I gave Hope peanut butter and she turned red ...I am so sorry...""It is not your fault. Hope is going to be alright, Killian. You got Hope here on time. We are not going to lose, our daughter, Killian. She is a little survivor like her Daddy." Killian hugs his wife. "I am not mad at you." She leans her head against his and kisses his head, she was nervous as much as he was for their daughter. Henry hugs his Mom. Emma wrapped her warm around Henry. "Dad knew right away to give Hope her epi-pen.""I know, he knew what to do right away.""He also did not let go of Hope until Aunt Allison took Hope to her surgery."Emma smiles. "He knew Hope was afraid and did not want her to be alone." In the operating room, Allison told nurses to give Hope oxygen mask on her face, and another nurse gave Hope an IV of histamines to help expand Hope's lungs. Hope was crying. "It is okay, Hope. You are going to feel better soon." She rubs Hope's hand. "Shh...shh...you are okay, Hope. Daddy brought you here just in time. You will see Daddy and Mommy very soon. You are being such a good girl." Hope calmed down, Allison watched her breathing and swelling go down. Hope anaphylactic shock slowly slowing down. "Her anaphylactic shock is slowing. I want to keep her on oxygen and in recovery room.""Yes, Dr. Cameron." The nurses took Hope to the recovery room.Allison finds her extended family nervously waiting. "Emma, Killian, Henry.""Allison." They rush to Allison. "Emma, Killian, and Henry. Hope's anaphylactic shock has stopped." Killian was crying tears of joy, Emma holds her husband. "Hope is alright, love.""Yes, our little girl is okay." They hug. "Aunt Allison, can we see Hope?""Yes, you all can see Hope. She is in the recovery room, still on oxygen. I want to keep Hope on observation for a few hours until her breathing is stable." Allison leads the Swan-Jones family to Hope's recovery room. Killian and Emma rush to Hope's bed, Emma rubs Hope's head as Killian held her hand. "Mommy and Daddy are here." Hope looks up at her Mommy."Hi, Hope. Mommy is here. You are going to be alright." "Little love, you are being a little fighter just like your Mommy." Hope holds his hook. "Dada is very sorry Hope for giving you peanut butter. I love you so much. I did not meant to hurt you." "Dada." Hope reaches out to her Daddy, Emma was in awe Killian smiles as he gently puts Hope on his lap. "Dada is right here. We now know you are allergic to peanut butter.""Hope, there will be no peanut butter in our house baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her head. Hope holds her Mommy's hand. "I am not going anywhere, Hope. I am staying next to you and Daddy." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "You are being so brave, Hope."Henry goes near his sister. "Hope, when you feel better, I can read you stories. I brought my storybook." He rubs her foot. Hope smiles. "I know you are afraid but you are safe with Mommy and Daddy. Auntie Allison took such good care of you. You are going to feel better soon, little sis." Hope falls asleep, Emma hugs her daughter. "Aunt Allison, will Hope be okay?""Henry, it will take a few days for Hope's swelling to go down but she will be back to normal. Self very soon.""No peanut butter.""Yes, kid. We need to get rid of all the peanut butter at home.""Emma, I also took a blood sample of Hope and tested her blood for other allergies Hope is also allergic to almonds, cashews, pine nuts, and tree nuts.""You mean every nut out there?""Exactly Killian besides peanuts and penicillin.""Killian, our house will be nut-free.""Aye, it shall be. Both of our homes will be nut-free.""Killian and Emma, I can give you a list of nut-free food and replacement of peanut butter like biscotti cookie spread and wow butter. I will keep an eye on Hope's peanut allergy because peanut allergies can be severe. When you bring Hope home later, she will need Prednisone to help her lungs and the swelling on her body.""I remember from her last allergic reaction I rather have her on medicine that will help her than no medicine at all." "Aye, we will be careful of her nut allergy. I do not want Hope to be in the emergency room again for a peanut allergy.""If you keep Hope away from peanuts, and always carry epi-pens, Hope will be alright. If Hope ever takes an epi-pen, the two epi-pen shot last 20 minutes each. After, you both need to take her to the emergency room just like you did today." Emma hugs Killian. "You did the right thing, Killian.""Aye, I knew Hope needed medical attention and she got it." He kisses Hope on the head. "Thank you, Allison, for stopping Hope's anaphylactic shock.""You are very welcome, Killian. With your quick thinking, you got Hope the help she needed just in time. If you waited any longer, you could have lost her..." Killian hugs Hope, Emma hugs Killian. "You saved our daughter, Killian.""Yes, I did. When Hope turned pink and had trouble breathing, I just knew Hope needed medical attention. I will always be there for our family, Emma, especially our children." Killian hugs Hope. Allison beeper goes off, "Emma and Killian, I have another patient but I will check on Hope very soon." Allison leaves the room. "Dad, you saved Hope." "Aye, you and I both saved Hope, lad." Hope wakes up, looking confused. "Hi, little love. You are okay." "Mommy.""Aye, your Mommy is right next to Dada." Emma takes Hope from Killian. "Baby girl, Mommy is here. I am staying with you. I know you are afraid but you are safe." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Do you want Henry to read you a story?" "Mom, I have my book with me." Henry takes out his storybook and sits next to his Mom and sister. "Once upon a time..."Charming enters the room, Killian sees his father in law. "Charming...""I came here knowing something was wrong from when you called Emma at the sheriff station. How is Hope?""I gave her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she turned pink and could not breathe. We found out the hard way that Hope is allergic to peanuts and all nuts. Allison stopped her anaphylactic shock. As you can see, we just got Hope calmed down." "Dad? Hope grandpa is here."Charming goes to his two princesses. "Hi, Hope." Hope holds onto her Mommy. "You are staying with your Mommy, little princess." Hope began to cry. "Hopey, I know you want your mask off but you need it, sweetie. You are okay...shh...shh." She hugs her daughter and rubs her hands to calm down Hope. "Hopey, I have something for you." Henry takes out Hope's small Pluto doll. "Hope, look at what Henry brought you." Hope hugs her Mommy. "Thanks, kid. Hope will hold it later.""I know, I just want to help make Hope feel better.""I do need your help, Henry.""I can help."Emma smiles. "You can help me. I need you to get rid of all the peanuts and nut products in our house. You can give the extra food supplies to the food pantry at the church.""I can do that.""Henry, I can drive you home and to the food pantry.""Thanks, gramps. Mom, I will be back. You and Dad can text me if you both need anything from home.""Thanks, lad." "Emma, if Hope needs anything you can call me.""Thank you, Dad." Charming kneels to Hope. "My little princess. Gramps will visit you, soon. You have your Mommy, my other princess taking such good care of you with your Daddy. I will visit you soon." Emma smiles. Charming kisses Hope on the head. "Emma, if you need anything call me.""Thanks, Dad." He kisses Emma on the head and leads Henry out of the room. Hope fusses. "Little love, Henry will come back." Hope grabs her Daddy's hook. "I am not going anywhere, Hope. You are safe with Dada and Mommy, little Hope." He gave Hope a kiss on her head. Hope fell asleep on her Mommy's lap. Killian wrapped his arm around his swan. Emma kisses Killian on the cheek. "You are the hero of the day."Killian smiles. "I told you love, I will always be there for my family." "You are a hero, Killian not a villain. Hope has her Daddy as her hero and she will always think of you as her hero because her Daddy is a hero from the moment you rescued Henry and how you saved Hope today. My hero husband and Daddy to Hope and Henry." Killian smiles. "You changed me to be a hero. I have been a hero ever since I laid my eyes on you in the Enchanted Forest and wanted to be a better man for you, Emma. Now I am a daddy-hero to our son and our little love." "Hope will always know her Daddy is her hero, someone who she will look up to because all little girls think her Daddy as a hero. Hope especially has her Daddy as a hero." Hope fusses, Emma places Hope on her chest. "Hope, Dada is right here. You can hold my hook." Hope grabs his hook and falls back to sleep. Killian kisses Hope's little hand. There was a knock on the door, it was Granny. "Hi, Granny. Come in.""Hi, Emma and Killian. I heard from Henry about what happened. How is Hope?""She is still on oxygen from her anaphylactic shock but she breathing normally now and resting.""Aye, our little lass was being very brave. Now we know that she is allergic to peanut butter and all nuts." "I will make sure my diner that we have separated utensils, plate, and no peanut butter or peanut oil in our kitchen. I do not want Hope to get another allergic reaction.""Thank you, Granny. We really appreciate it.""I also brought you all your usuals.""Thank you, Granny.""You are welcome, Emma and Killian. I know that you two need your energy up. I also wanted to check on Hope. If you need anything please call me.""We will. Thank you, Granny." Granny leaves. Hope wakes up crying. "Hi, baby girl. Are you hungry?""Love, let me get Allison to get her permission so Hope can eat." Killian leaves the room. Henry returns with Regina. "Hi, Mom. Hi little sis." He sits next to his Mom and sister, Hope holds Henry's finger. "Hopey, Henry is right here. Everything is okay. " He hugs his sister. "I gave the peanut butter and all nut products to my other Mom's house. Gramps told me to use Clorox wipes to clean the kitchen and living room for Hope. I also ran the dishwasher, too.""Thanks, kid. Thanks for taking the nut products, Regina.""You are welcome, Emma. Poor Hope, she is allergic to peanuts.""We found out the hard way."Regina leans to Hope. "Hi, Hope. Are you happy to see your big brother?" Hope was still crying and holding onto Henry's finger. "Henry is the best. You are with your Mommy, Hope." Killian returns with Allison. "Emma, how is Hope?""She is afraid. I know she wants the mask off." Hope makes a sound. "Hope, I have to see if you can breathe normal, little niece." Allison takes Hope's mask off gently. Hope babbles. "Hope, we have to see if you can breathe normally." "Antie." Hope hugs Allison. Allison smiles. All of the adults were in awe. "I have to keep a close eye on you, Hope. You are my favorite patient and neice. When I visit you and Mommy at home, we are going to have girl talk." Hope babbles."How long will she have swelling?""A few days a week at most." "Will she be able to travel? Killian and I are planning a little weekend trip to Boston with Henry and Hope?" "Aye, will she be able to travel?""Yes, Emma and Killian." Hope babbles and walks to her Mommy."Hope, you get to go on vacation with Mommy, Daddy, and Henry. Are you excited?" Hope babbles."Mom, when are we going?""I am not sure yet. We just need to make sure Hope is fully healthy before we plan the day we leave." "Miss Swan, just let me know when you are all leaving, I can help your squad keeping an eye on the town. You and Killian need a vacation.""Aye, your majesty that is why I recommended Emma the vacation from here.""Regina, before I left the station, I found out my Mom stopped taking my brother to his lessons with Rumpelstiltskin.""Emma, I will drive him to his lessons no matter how much your Mom does not want him to go.""Thanks, Regina.""Your welcome. Hope, I will see you soon. Bye, Hope.""Ina!" Regina leaves. "Emma, I need to check on Hope's breathing." Emma places Hope on her lap and Allison places her stethoscope on Hope's back. "Hope, breathe for me.""Hope, copy Mommy." Breathing in and out, Hope copies her Mommy. "Good girl, Hopey." Allison checks Hope's heart rate. "Hope, you are breathing back to normal. You can go home." Hope makes poop. "You need a diaper change, little love." Killian changes her diaper and into a clean outfit. Hope began to cry. "Hopey.""Mommy.""Mommy is right here, little love. Emma." She holds Hope. "We are going home, baby girl. I know you are uncomfortable and itchy.""Mom, Hope's diaper bag is packed.""Thanks, kid. Your sister wants to go home." Killian returns to his family."Emma, I have Hope's medicines." "Great, we can go home." They walked together. Emma found Allison in her office. "Allison, your little niece wants to see you." Allison smiles and takes Hope from Emma. "Hopey, you are going home." Hope hugs Allison. "I will visit you to see how you are soon. You, Mommy and I will have girl talk." She gave Hope kisses on her cheek. "Allison, how was your girl's day with Lizzie?""It was a lot of fun. She talked a lot. We got our nails done and watched Disney movies. Now every night before bed we have our girl talk.""Aww, Allison. I know Lizzie is loving her time with you." Hope babbles. "Hope agrees with me.""We need to have a girls day soon. I will come by to check on Hope tomorrow; we can have girl chat tomorrow. If you have any concerns, call me anytime." Hope kisses Allison on her cheek."You are welcome, Hope. I love you so much, little neice. I will see you tomorrow." Emma hugs her best friend. "Thank you, Allison.""You are welcome, Emma." Emma takes Hope from her best friend. Henry hugs Allison."Thank you, Aunt Allison, for saving my sister."Allison smiles. "You are welcome, Henry. I was only doing my job.""You do save lives Aunt Allison in a very different way than fighting with a sword but on an operating table." "We all have our ways of saving people, Henry. I will visit you and your sister tomorrow.""I will update you tonight." "Allison, thank you for saving our little lass." Killian hugs Allison. "You are very welcome Killian. You did amazing today bringing Hope in on time. I will check on Hope tomorrow." Killian wrapped his arm around his two loves. "Dada." Emma lets Killian hold Hope. "We are going home, little love." Killian puts Hope in her car seat, in the yellow bug. He drove his family home to their second home. Henry takes Hope out of carseat and takes her out of the yellow bug. "Wawa!""Yes, little sis, we are at our second home." "Emma, we can relax here, I know it is cold out but I want Hope to be happy.""Hope loves our second home, it will cheer her up. We can go back to our other home in the evening. We can have our dinner and enjoy the ocean here. We all need it." Henry carries Hope onto the Jolly Roger and he sets her down. "Henry, we have to be careful of Hope.""Yes, Mom. I know. She is still in recovery." "How about a picnic on deck, Swan?"Emma smiles. "Yes, I am starving.""Aye, we are all starving." They set up their picnic, Henry was chasing around Hope who was not fast as usual. "Henry, Hope dinner." Henry carries Hope. "Mommy."Emma takes Hope and places her on her lap. "You can eat with me, baby girl." She gave Hope kisses on her head. "Is your grilled cheese yummy?" Hope babbles. "She is eating, love.""I just wanted to make sure." She kisses Hope on the head. Hope was still hungry,Killian gave Hope some of his string beans from his meal. "Here you go, little love." Hope babbles. "You like string beans, Hope? I can cook string beans at home for you." Hope takes more. "Dad, Hope likes it.""Aye, she likes veggies." "Dad, when can we sail again?""Soon lad. How about we have a lads day?""Yes!""While you and Henry have your boys day, Hope and I will have our girls day.""Aye, we can end it in a Swan-Jones family adventure.""I love that idea captain. We can plan that after we go to Boston.""What are we going to do in Boston, Mom?""I know we can go site-seeing, go to the aquarium..." Hope babbles loudly. "Our little lass wants to go to see the fishies." 'Yes, we are definitely going there. We can go swimming in the hotel pool." Hope babbles. "Yes, you can swim with Dada or Mommy.""Henwy.""Yes, little sis. We can swim together." Emma checks the time. "Killian, we need to give Hope her medicine." Killian spoonfeeds Hope her medicine. Hope began to cry. "I am sorry, little love. You need to eat your medicine." Hope eats her medicine, Henry gives Hope her water bottle. Emma can see in Killian's eyes he guilt in his eyes. "Hope, you listen to Dada." Hope reaches to her Daddy. Killian holds Hope. "Dada is here. I am sorry for giving you peanut butter, Hope. Now you have to take medicine. Dada is so sorry." Killian began to cry, Hope hugs her Daddy. "Oh, Killian." Emma hugs her husband. "We know it was an accident. We would not have known of her allergy until she ate peanuts. Hope is not mad at you, she loves you so much she wanted her daddy to her.""Dad, Hope loves you. We all made mistakes. I did find out that we can have cream cheese with jelly and other ways to have peanut-free foods.""Henry, we are all going to learn how to avoid peanuts to prevent her from having another nut reaction." She kisses Killian on the head. "We are not mad at you, Killian.We love you.We all make mistakes and we learn from them. Hope is clearly not mad at you. Hope are you happy to be with your Daddy?""Dada." Killian hugs his little lass. "We all make mistakes. You and I made many many mistakes but we accept them and fix them." Hope holds her Daddy's hook. "It is very clear that our daughter loves her Daddy very much.""Wawa." Killian smiles."Hope, you can help me check the ship." Hope babbles. Killian takes Hope around the ship. Henry hugs his Mom. "How are you holding up, Henry?""I saw Hope turning colors...how she was close stop breathing.." Henry began to cry. Emma engulfs him into a hug. "I was so scared...my baby sister almost could not breath...it was awful...but Dad.... he knew what to do telling me to get her epi-pen and telling me to call an ambulance. Mom, he stayed calm and held Hope...we just hate seeing her in pain...""You did such a great job, Henry, helping Hope today. You and your Dad both helped Hope today. I am proud of you and your Dad, my two men helping Hope when I was not at home.""Mom that is our family does, we help each other." "That is what the Swan-Jones family does, we help and support each other. Your sister is going to recover from her peanut reaction.""Mom, she takes after you, Dad and I, fighters and survivors.""Exactly, Henry." She hugs her son. Killian returns with sleeping, Hope. "How is our little pirate?""Our little pirate princess is fast asleep, the calm of the ocean and running around her energy out tired herself out especially with her Prednisone medicine side effects a lot of energy." "I had a feeling the Jolly Roger was a perfect stop at our second home.""Aye, after a long day, Hope had. The Jolly Roger cheered her up.""Now let's get her to our other home so we can all get our needed rest." They kiss. They returned home, Henry went straight to bed. Killian was with Hope in her room while Emma checks on Henry. "Hope is going to be alright,Henry. Your Dad and I will keep a close eye on her. I know Hope will want to play with you in the morning.""I can watch Hope so you and Dad can sleep in. Hope will love H&H time." Emma smiles."Hope will love spending time with her big brother." Henry hugs his Mom. "Do you want me to stay in here for a little bit?" Henry nods his head. He falls asleep with his Mom next to him. A little while later, Killian carries their sleeping daughter to Henry's room. "Hi, swan.""Hey, how is Hope?""She is fast asleep. How is the lad?""Fast asleep. He wanted to sleep with me for a little bit, which I do not mind. He wants to play with Hope tomorrow.""Aye, I know the lad will cheer up our little lass." Hope fusses. "Let's take Hope to our room. Henry needs his sleep." She smoothes Henry's hair and kisses him on the head. "I love you so much, Henry." They went to their room. Emma takes Hope from Killian, and let him get ready for bed. "Hopey, you are with Mommy. Are you hungry? Do you want a snack?" "Emma, I will bring us up some snacks." Killian leaves the room. "Mommy." Emma hugs her daughter. "You are with me, baby girl. I know you were very scared today but you had Daddy and Henry taking such good care of you. As soon as Dada called me, I rushed to get to you, baby girl. Family comes first before work. You have your whole family taking good care of you." She gives Hope a hug. Killian brings up snacks for themselves, pretzels for themselves and animal crackers for Hope. After they had their snacks, Hope fell fast asleep hugging her Mommy. "Sweet dreams, Hope. Mommy and Daddy are right here when you need us. We love you so much, Hope." She gently gave Hope a kiss on her head. "Hope, you will always have your family little love. Dada and Mommy love you so much." He kisses her on the head and wrapped his swan in his arm. She kisses him on the cheek. "Tomorrow after we get some sleep we can plan our Boston trip together. I love your idea, a little break from Maine.""Aye, we need a break from our small town and into the city." Emma smiles."What is it, Emma?""You are sounding like a 21st-century man every day.""Aye, I do have the best teachers you and Henry." Emma giggles. "I know with you helping me plan our vacation we are going to have a brilliant vacation, the Swan-Jones style.""Yes, I love that idea." She leans on his shoulder, as he kisses her on the head. "I love you, Killian.""I love Emma." They kiss. Emma and Killian both know Hope will recover from her peanut reaction. They work together to do everything they can to avoid her from getting another allergic reaction together as her parents. Hope wakes up. "Little love, you are okay. You are with Mommy and Daddy." He lets Hope hold his hook and watched her until she fell asleep and he kisses her on the head. "I love you, Hope. I am always going to be there for you."

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now