Date Night

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Emma was getting ready for her date night with Killian in her room. Hope was walking around the room and watched her Mommy putting makeup. Hope babbles. "You want to help me with my make up?" Hope tries to climbs onto her Mommy's lap. "I'll take that as a yes." Emma smiles as she puts Hope on her lap and teaches her about lipstick, blush, eyeshadow, and eyeliner. "Dada!"Emma laughs. "Yes, Daddy has his own eyeliner." She puts lipstick on Hope. Hope grabs the lipstick. "You can put lipstick on me." She lets Hope do her lipstick, and blush which did not end up on her lips or on her cheeks but enjoyed teaching Hope about makeup. Killian sees his swan teaching their little pirate princess makeup and took pictures on his iPhone. Hope babbles. "Of course, Hope, eye shadow is next. You need a little bit of eye shadow." She does Hope's makeup, which she always dreamt of as a child when she wanted a Mom but she can make memories with her daughter. "You are all done. You look very pretty." She faces Hope to the mirror. "Hopey, that is you!" Hope screamed loudly. Emma giggles. Killian enters the room and kneels down to his little lass. "Hope, did Mommy put makeup on you?" Hope babbled. "Aye, Mommy taught you how to use makeup. You two gave each other a makeover." "Yes!" "You are very pretty, little love." Killian takes a picture of his two loves in their makeup. Hope grabs the eyeliner and shows it to her Daddy. "Dada!!!" Emma and Killian both laugh."Killian, it is your turn. Hope wants to do your makeup.""Little love, Dada does his own makeup." Hope gave him a pouty lip. "No, not the lip."Emma smiles. "I told you, Killian she has your pouty lip. Hopey, you want Dada to be more piratey?" She kisses Hope on the head. Killian smiles and holds Hope on his hip. "Hope, you can help me with my eyeliner." Hope draws eyeliner on her Daddy's face, while Emma took pictures. Hope babbled. "You made Dada more piratey for his date night." Hope babbles. "Thank you, Hope." Hope hugs her Daddy. "You are so sweet, Hope." He gave Hope kisses. Henry enters the room seeing his parents covered in makeup. "Whoa...""Your sister gave your Dad and me makeovers.""I can tell.""Henwy.""No Hope, I do not use makeup. How about you and I have H&H time." Hope screams. Emma uses a makeup wipe to clean up Hope's face. Henry takes Hope from their Dad so their parents can take off their makeup with makeup wipes. "Hope, what do you want to do first play? Do art?" Hope babbled. "Yes, we can play first then art." Henry takes Hope to the living room and lets Hope walk around. Emma joins Henry on the couch. "Kid, are you sure you can watch Hope at night?""Yes, Mom. I know Aunt Allison has to work. Hope and I will have fun tonight while you and Dad have your date night. You both need a break from Hope and me." Hope hugs her big brother. "Hope, are you going to have fun with Henry tonight?" Hope screamed happily. Killian returns to his family. "Swan? Are you ready?""Yes, I am." Emma hugs Henry. "Thank you for watching Hope tonight.""Welcome, Mom. I know you and Dad need alone time." She kisses him on the head. Hope pats her Mommy's legs feeling left out. "Mommy.""Mom, Hope is feeling left out from our hug." "Hopey." She hugs her daughter. "Are you going to be a good girl for Henry tonight?" Hope babbles a lot. "You are going to have fun with Henry?" Hope hugs her Mommy. "When I get home we are going to snuggle." "Dada." Killian gets Hope and hugs her. "Henry, there is dinner in the refrigerator for you and Hope. Emergency numbers on the fridge, like ours and Allison's and the hospital.""Mom, I will call you or Dad if something happens. Hope will be with me." "I am just worried, you two never been here alone at night.""I know. You and Dad need to have fun.""We won't be home too late."Killian gives Hope to Emma. "Love, you have a protection spell on our house. Regina's protection spell is on the house, too. They will be safe here.""I know." She hugs them both. "Hope, Mommy, and Daddy will be back soon. I know you and Henry will have fun together." Henry gets Hope from their Mom. "Dad, Mom have fun tonight.""We will." Killian and Emma left the house. "Hope, you want to make Mommy and Daddy their Christmas gift?""Gift!" Henry brings Hope upstairs to do their art project. Killian walked Emma to the docks. "Swan, climb aboard." Emma was surprised to see a table with candlelight dinner all ready for them, with rose petals on the floor with Italian food on the table. "Killian..." She looks at him. "You did this?""Yes, I figured you love Italian food and I ordered from our favorite restaurant and we can have it on our second home."She kisses him on the cheek. "I love it." "My swan, our dinner awaits." He helps her in her chair. Emma holds his hook. "This is perfect. I love being by the ocean and on the Jolly Roger just to eat and relax.""Aye, the last time you were on here was to find me.""We both always find each other. I have the best captain teaching me.""Aye, we teach others." They enjoyed their meal. "Love, I was thinking we can do some star navigating.""You can teach me. I mean you taught me in Neverland but that was a while ago, I never had a real lesson from you." "Aye, you have your own personal teacher. Me." They kiss. While they were looking at the stars, he knew that his wife was cold he took off his leather jacket and wrapped it around her, Emma inhaled his smell of the ocean and smiles. "Thank you.""You are welcome, love." They kiss. "Love, I know something is on your mind."She hugs him. "I am enjoying every moment of our date night. Us alone." "I love being alone with my swan." He kisses her on her neck. They sit on the deck with Emma on his lap. "Ever since I met you, you changed my whole life around, Emma. You made me happiest pirate on earth.""You let your revenge out of your heart when you met me.""Aye, I knew you were damaged as I was and alone as I was. I fell in love with you as soon as I laid eyes on you. I knew you needed love in your life.""You gave me love, no matter what situation you were on my side and broke my walls down. I could not trust anyone or be open until I met you. You are my best friend, husband and an amazing Daddy to our children. You gave me everything I always wanted love and a family.""Aye, you gave me love and family too, Emma. I love you so much.""I love you too so much." They have a big passionate kiss. Back at the Swan-Jones home, Henry and Hope worked on their art project and they played downstairs until Hope began to cry. "Little sis." Hope hugged her brother. "Henry is here." He takes her into her room and rocks her trying to calm her down. He takes her to the kitchen to feed her, but she refused to eat and just continued to cry. He felt her head, she was warm. He finds the first aid kit and takes Hope temperature, 99.0%. He is now worried, "Hope, you are going to be okay, little sis." Hope pukes on the carpet and cries more. He has to call their parents. "Mom.""Henry, what is wrong?""Hope has a 99.0% fever, refuses to eat and she just started puking.""Shit. Killian, we need to go home. Henry, stay with Hope. We are coming home." They ended their conversation. Emma gets off of Killian's chest, they were in the captain-quarters naked. "Love, what is wrong with Hope?""Fever, vomiting and not eating.""Aye, she is sick." They changed back into their clothes and rushed home. They passed through town and hears someone screaming. "What now?" "Aye, whatever it is it does not sound good." They rushed to see where the trouble was coming from a man was stabbing a woman, Emma used her magic to knock the man down, Killian tackles the man, while Emma handcuffs the man. She looks at who he was attacking, her Mom. "Killian call an ambulance, now!" Emma uses her coat to cover her Mom's arm which was covered with blood. "Emma..."Emma holds her Mom on her lap. "You are going to be okay. I am right here." Regina arrives at the scene. The sheriff's car comes with Lily and Mulan behind the ambulance. Lily arrests the man who hurt Snow White, as the EMTs carry Snow White into the ambulance. Emma goes to the man and kicks him in the nuts, "What the hell!""That is for hurting my mother and ruining my date night you asshole." Killian smirks knowing his wife was mad at the man stopping them from rushing home to their daughter."Emma, Lily and I will put in the cell. Your Dad is going to meet your Mom at the hospital.""I will ride with her.""Emma, I am going with you.""Killian, Hope and Henry need one of us.""Emma, you need Killian. I can stay with Henry and Hope until you both return home.""Thank you, Regina.""Sheriff, Lily and I will update you on the one who hurt your Mom.""Thanks, Mulan." They all went separate directions, Mulan and Lily to the sheriff station, Regina drove to the Swan-Jones house and Emma and Killian rode in the ambulance to Storybrooke hospital with Snow White. Killian holds his wife's hand knowing she was nervous, she leans on his chest and he hugs her. "She is going to be alright, Emma." They arrived at the hospital, Allison was the doctor on call, "Emma.""Allison we found her being attacked by a man. It is her left arm." "Emma, I will get her arm fixed." Allison worked on Snow White with nurses. Charming arrives. "Dad.""Emma, what happened?""We were walking into town and we heard a scream, a man was attacking her." Charming goes to his wife, as Killian hugs his wife. Regina arrives at the Swan-Jones house finding Henry hugging his sister, who was still crying. "Henry.""Mom?""I came to watch you and Hope. Emma and Killian have an emergency case." "Hope has not been feeling well and just wants M-O-M-M-Y." "Hi, Hope. I see you are snuggling with Henry." Hope was still crying. "You are okay, Hope." "Mommy...""Mommy will be home soon, little sis. You are staying with me. " "Does she have a fever?""The last time I checked it was 99.0%.""Let me check." Regina takes a baby thermometer and checks Hope's temperature, 99.00% "Henry, it is still the same. Did you give her Pedialyte?""Yes, I am making sure she drinks it.""Hope, your big brother is the best." Hope pukes. Regina changes Hope out to her pajamas, Henry cleans up the couch. Hope cries more and walks away from Regina and sits in the hallway to wait for her Mom. "Henry, get some sleep.""I cannot...Hope.""Sleep on the couch. I will watch Hope until your parents return home." Henry falls asleep on the couch, while Regina watches Hope. At the hospital, Emma was pacing around. "Emma, your Mom is going to be alright.""I know but I wonder why she got hurt?""We will find out, love." Emma gets a phone call from Lily. "Hi, Lily. What did you find out?""Well two things, one, he is a prisoner who escaped during the war. Two his daughter is in Leo's class and your brother has been bullying his daughter." "Which is why he hurt my Mom?""Exactly.""Lily charge him for hurting my Mom and keep him in a cell.""You got it sheriff." They ended their conversation."Emma, what did Lily say?""The man was a runaway prisoner from the war and his daughter was one of Leo's victims.""Aye, he wanted revenge because your Mom refused to be stern with him.""Yup." Charming finds them. "Dad, how is Mom?""She got deep cuts, Allison gave her stitches. She is resting here for the night.""We found out why the man hurt Mom because he was a prisoner who escaped when Zelena broke out the prison and his daughter was Leo's victim.""This injury will come to her senses.""I am hoping. Dad, we got to go, Hope is sick." Killian and Emma walk home. "Love.""I just want to get back to our daughter who needs us." They rush home, Killian found the living room a mess of vomit stains, Henry passed out on the couch, and Regina cleaning up the mess. Emma finds Hope crying on the floor covered in vomit and crying. "Hope!" She scoops Hope into her arms remembering being neglected as a child . "Mommy...Mommy..." She hugs her daughter. "Mommy is home...Mommy is here...You are with Mommy...shh...shh..." Killian hugs his wife and daughter."Dada and Mommy are home, Hope. Your Mommy will give you snuggles all night with Dada." He kisses Hope on the head. "Mommy." Hope calmed down. Emma smiles. "Mommy is here. We are going to snuggle all night together." She kisses Hope on the head and takes Hope upstairs to her room, she changes Hope into a new outfit after she gave her a bubble bath, which calms down Hope. She places Hope on her bed and changes out of her dress and heels into a comfy over-sized sweater. She joins Hope in bed and they snuggle. "We are snuggling. I am sorry, I did not come right away. Mommy had to be sheriff for a little bit. I am right here now. I am not going anywhere." Back downstairs, Killian and Regina were cleaning up."Killian, Hope would not let me touch her, she just wanted you and mostly Emma ""Aye, I understand that. I will take the lad up to his room." He carries Henry up to his room and tucks him in. "Good job, son. You took good care of your sister tonight." Henry wakes up. "Dad,I am sorry.""You did nothing wrong,son. Hope is sick. Your Mom is with her now. We had an emergency case, son. We are both home now. Get some sleep, Hope kept you busy.""I love Hope,Dad.""I know son. She loves you too." Henry falls asleep. Killian returns downstairs."How is Snow White?" "She is in recovery, she had to have stitches, Charming is with her. The one who hurt Snow White was a prisoner on the run from the war and his daughter was a victim of Leo.""So he hurts Snow for revenge of her not stopping her son with his darkness before hurting his daughter?""Aye, exactly. Emma pressed charges on him for hurting Snow White."" I see. I will see this man tomorrow.""Aye, thank you for helping out.""You are welcome, Henry told me that he can watch Hope but I told him to rest.""Aye the lad is still a child, I know Hope can be a handful especially when she is sick but he is a great big brother.""He is a great big brother to Hope. Hope did not want to be with me, she just wanted Emma."Killian smiles. "Aye, I can imagine that. She is Emma's mini-me.""Yes, Hope is stubborn.""Knowing the situation with Snow White, Emma is going to be so mad that she did not come home straight to Hope when Hope needed her.""Yes, especially it was her Mom. I will see you tomorrow." Regina leaves. Killian goes upstairs to find his wife on their bed singing Hope to sleep, who was fast asleep in her Mommy's arms, "Hush Now, Don't be scared, Through this tide of darkness. Shadows may march, Thunders may roar, But peace will soon prevail. Through our land, This sacred land, Nightmares sprite confusion, But stand your ground, Until you've found, The strength to light your way." Hope falls asleep. "Sweet dreams, baby girl. I am right here." She kisses Hope on the head. "I am so sorry, I was not here for you when you needed me." She kisses Hope on the head. Killian wrapped Hope in her baby blankie. "How is our little lass?""Hope is asleep, tired from crying for hours. Her fever is down. She is happy to be with her Mommy."He wrapped his arm around his wife. "You did not fail Hope, love.""Yes, I did. Hope needed me, she did not want anyone else but me. She is sick and she chose to go by the wall and wait for us...she needed us...that case is my Mom's fault." She hugs her daughter. "Your Mom needed our help, Emma. Hope was with Henry and Regina; she was not alone. We are with Hope now." He kisses Hope on the head. "Dada and Mommy are here, little love." "I hope that my mom's injury wakes her up from being in denial of Leo.""Aye, I hope so too, love." Hope makes a big fart. They sniff Hope. "Love, that is not a fart. It is poop.""She needs to be changed." She carries Hope to her room, her poop was leaking. "Killian,she is leaking with poop." Killian helps Emma cleaning up Hope. "Our little lass is not feeling well." Hope wakes up crying. "Little love, we know you are having a bad tummy ache." He holds Hope who lies on his chest "You can snuggle with Dada and Mommy." He kisses Hope on the cheek. Hope babbles. They went back to bed, Emma and Killian both stayed with up comforting her. Killian told Hope pirate stories."Mommy." She reaches out to Emma. Killian put Hope on his wife's chest. "Mommy is here...shh...shh..." Hope falls asleep. Killian wrapped his arms around his two loves. "She loves sleeping with you, love.""Yes, she loves her Mommy. With my Mom, that is another story." "Love, you are an amazing mother to our children.""You are right. I just thinking when Hope is feeling better we can start doing out Swan-Jones Christmas decorating.""Aye, we need to buy a tree.""Yes, we can choose the tree together." "I love that idea, swan." Hope wakes up crying. "Little love." He holds Hope. "When you feel better you can help Dada chose a tree?" Hope hugs her Daddy."Killian, I will get her more Pedialyte." Emma returns with a sippy cup of Pedialyte smiling seeing, Killian was softly talking to Hope who was babbling back to her Daddy."You will always have me and your mommy, little love. You will feel better soon. You get to have snuggles with Mommy and Daddy all you want." Emma joins them on the bed. "Hope, you have Mommy and Daddy with you. We are not going anywhere." She feeds Hope her Pedialyte. Hope reaches out to her Mommy. Emma takes Hope who falls asleep lying on top of her chest. "You love sleeping on me." Henry enters the room in the morning, seeing his sister sleeping with their mom who is awake, and Dad passed out. "Mom, how is Hope?""She is sleeping, she had been puking most of the night and pooping diarrhea." "Mom, I am sorry.""Henry, come here." She gives him a hug. "You did nothing wrong. You called us right away. We are sorry. Your grandma was getting beaten by a criminal whose daughter was in Leo's class and one of Leo's victims.""You mean Grandma got hurt for revenge?""Yes. Your grandma got stitches. We came home to finding Hope crying, Hope did not want Regina.""Mom, Hope just wanted you. I was hugging her for a long time. I just wanted Hope to be happy.""She loves you, Henry. I have a feeling that Hope would want to play with you later when she is feeling better.""I can watch Hope again when she is not sick, so you and Dad can have a makeup date night." Emma smiles and hugs her son. "Thank you, Henry." A few hours later, Henry was snuggling with Hope watching Disney Junior, while Killian did the piles of laundry from their long night of baby vomit and diarrhea mess. Killian was playing on the floor with Hope who was patting his face while he made silly faces making her smile. Emma was half asleep on the couch next to Henry, the doorbell rings, Emma answers the door, it was her Mom. Emma was mad. "Emma, I just wanted to come by to thank you for rescuing me. Emma..""That criminal hurt you for revenge because your son hurt his daughter."Snow White was mad. "Emma, he is a criminal.""Yes, a criminal who cares about his child's safety. If you stopped Leo before, you would not be injured right now. Killian and I were on the way home because Hope was sick. She needed me but I had to stop the man from hurting you." Hope was crying. "Leo did not..""It was you this time!! Cannot you see that?! I saved you but you need to think about Leo and being in denial is causing you and everyone in town pain. I have to go my daughter needs me." She shuts the door, Killian was right there and gives her a big hug. Emma was crying. "Emma, I am right here. You did nothing wrong..." She hugs him as he rubs her back. "You did everything you can do to talk to her, you saved her last night, and you are taking care of our children, as their Mommy." "Killian?"Yes, Emma?""I definitely want to have Christmas traditions that Hope and Henry will always have our Swan-Jones family Christmas.""Aye, we are going to have a great Christmas with them, love." Henry carries his sister. "Hope, Mommy needs a family hug.""Aye, come join our hug, Henry and Hope.""Mom, Dad, Hope and I cannot wait for Christmas." Hope babbles. "Yes, we are going to start Christmas decorating this weekend." "Friday night Mom?"Emma and Killian smile at each other, "Yes, after we get the tree on Friday." "Yes!""Yes!" Henry high fived Hope. "Aye, we are going to have a great Swan-Jones Christmas!" They have a family group hug, Emma looking forward to the Christmas holiday with her family with Killian on her side and being together with their children.

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