Family Time

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The next morning Emma woke up seeing Hope doing tummy time on her Mommy. "Hi, baby. Are you doing tummy time on Mommy? She kisses Hope on the cheeks. "I love waking up seeing you on me, my little sweetie."
Killian enters their room. "Morning, love."
"Morning, Killian. How did Hope end up on me? I fed her a few hours ago."
"Well, our little lass wants her Mommy after we did Daddy and daughter time. So I placed Hope on you. She was sleeping on you before."
"Well, I woke up and she was doing tummy time." She holds Hope in her arms. "I love you so much, Hope." Hope gripped her Mommy. "Are you looking for going to the nail salon with Mommy and Auntie Allison?" Hope looked like she was about to cry. "Hope, you are coming with us, sweetie. You, me, and auntie Allison are going together and have our nails painted." She looks at her daughter. "Hope, Mommy is not going to sick after the nail salon this time, sweetie. After we get our nails done, you, me and auntie are going to the ocean." Hope smiles. She hugs her daughter and kisses her on the head.
"Is she okay love?"
"She remembers the last time I went to the nail salon when I fainted."
"She is concerned for your safety."
"Yes, she is. I know this time I am going to alright. After the nail salon, we can all meet up at the beach."
"Love, that is a great idea. It is supposed to be really hot today."
'Yes, we enjoy our second to last day of this trip at the beach together. Hope, do you want to go to your baby pool after the beach?" Hope smiled. " want to go swimming with Daddy or Henry?"
"Love, Henry and I take turns."
"I already ordered a baby pool on Amazon, it will arrive by the time we return back to Maine. Hope is going love the pool."
"Aye, she will."
"Is Allison awake?'
"Come to think of it she usually up by the time Hope and I have time together."
"I will go check on her. I did not hear from her after she got her facetime call from her daughter." She gets up from her bed, "Hope, Mommy has to talk to Auntie Allison. Be a good girl for Daddy." She hands her over to Killian.
"Do you think something is wrong?"
"I do not know. That is why I have to check on her."
"Love, she will talk to you."
"I know." They kiss. Emma went next door Allison's room and sees her lying on her bed crying. "Allison, are you okay?"
"Emma." She rushes up to Emma hugs her tightly. Emma rubbed her back and let her cry on her until she needed to.
"Allison, what happened? Is this has to do with Lizzy calling you from sleepaway camp?... Allison, please tell me why you are upset."
"Lizzy called me last night. She missed me... she was homesick. After I got off the video chat. I thought to myself. Why are my children at camp? Connor loves it. Lizzy misses me and her Dad."
"Does she want to come home?"
"I told her to give it a few more days, she only has been there for a few days."
"Can you bring her home?"
"I miss my daughter. Seeing you are with Henry and Hope made me realized I need to spend time more with my children."
"Allison, if you need to spend time with your children, you need to. You do not want to miss out them growing up, trust me. I am still making it up for Henry for missing the first ten years of his life. If you want to take Lizzy home, you bring her home and spend time with her."
"Emma. I have work, Ted has worked. I have no one to watch her during the day that is one of the reasons why they are both in sleepaway camp."
"Allison, if Lizzy home is not an option for now. When she comes home from camp, spend time with her as much as possible after work."
"You are right. I am just so upset." She lies on Emma's lap.
Emma rubs her back and her head. "Allison, you are a good mom. Your children love you so much. Just by how they were so excited about seeing you when they both came home from New York. They love you so much. I know that they miss you while they are at camp. They are going to want to spend all of your time with you when they come home."
Allison sits up. "They will?"
"Yes, I know so." They hugged. "You are like my long lost sister that I never had until recently."
"Allison, you are my sister. I never had a sister ever until I met you."
"Yes!" They both smiled and laughed. Killian enters the room with Hope.
"Morning loves. Am I interrupting up?"
Allison wiped her eyes. "No, you are not Killian."
"This little love wants to see her auntie Allison." He brings Hope to Allison.
Allison was happy to see her god niece."Hi, Hope. How are you this morning? Are you looking forward to our girls day?" Hope smiled and gripped her godmother/aunt shirt. "You know when I needed extra love my little god niece." She gives Hope a lot of kisses that make Hope smile more and coo. Emma and Killian both smile at each as their daughter making Allison happy.
"Hope, are you happy to be with Auntie Allison?"
"Emma, your daughter is so cute. She is making me feel better already." She kisses Hope on the head which makes Hope coos loudly. "Well, she is your goddaughter. She knows to make you happy too. Are you looking forward to our girls day?"
"Yes, I am. Hope might be a little nervous at the nail salon. When I mentioned it to her before she looks like she was about to cry. Since our last time in Maine, I fainted."
"Emma, we will have fun. Hope will be happy with the both of us." She talks to Hope. "Hope, are you going to be happy in Mommy and auntie's arms at the nail salon?" Hope gripped Allison and looked upset. "Hope, your Mommy will not get sick. She has me with her I am a doctor. Your Mommy is not going to get sick, Hope." Hope reaches over to her Mommy.
"Hope." She takes her daughter. "Hope, you are going to be with me and auntie. After our nails have done we are going to the beach. You want to go to the ocean with Mommy and Daddy?" Hope smiled.
"Emma, if Hope is uncomfortable at the nail place, Henry and I can take her with us."
"Killian, Henry is looking forward to your one on one time."
"Unless he and I have our one on one time tonight on the boardwalk and we take Hope to the beach." He talks to Hope. "Hope, do you want to go to the beach with Daddy and go into the ocean?" Hope smiled big. "Hope, you are my little pirate princess." He gives Hope kisses on the cheeks.
"Killian, are you sure? What if Hope starts crying when I leave?"
"Love, she will have fun with her Daddy and Henry."
"Are you sure?"
"Emma, I want to spend time with both of my children together. Plus, you and Allison can have time one on one time just the two of you."
Emma looked down at her baby girl who was snuggling at her. 'Hope, you want to spend time with Daddy and Henry?" Hope smile and snuggled her Mommy. "My little sweetie." She hugs her daughter.
"Emma, we can have a girls night in later with Hope, since the boys are going out tonight."
"Well, we have not had a girls day without Hope yet. Nails and lunch?"
"Of course. We can. After the beach, you, Hope and I are going to have a girls night in." She talks to Hope. " How does that sound Hope? You, me and Mommy having a girls night in? Would you like that Hope?" Hope smiled. Allison gives Hope kisses on the cheek.
"Hope, are you going to be a good girl for Daddy?" Hope smiles. "Hope, I love you so much, sweetie. You and I are going to snuggle tonight." Hope began to fuss. "Hope, Mommy will feed you now." Emma takes Hope into her room to feed her.
"Allison, do newborns get anxiety?"
"No, but they have good enough memory. Hope seemed upset. I don't want my niece to be uncomfortable and be crying the whole time."
"Aye, that is why I offered to watch Hope for a few hours. I know Emma needs a girls day to relax."
"Yes, Emma does need to relax. Emma and I will have fun today. I know Hope will happy at the beach with you and Henry."
Emma got dressed for the day she wore a tank top shorts and changed Hope into her swimsuit. "Are you going to have fun with Daddy and Henry? Yes...yes..." Hope was copying her Mommy talking. "You love the water." Hope tried to talk. Emma thought to herself and smiles big, "My daughter is trying to talk and I am the only one witnessing her new milestone." "Hope, Mommy....Mommy." Hope opened her mouth so big and tried to copy her Mommy. "Hope, you are trying to talk like Mommy." Hope smiles big and reaches out to her Mommy. Emma gives her kisses everywhere. "Hope...Hi...hi...Hope..." Hope copied her Mommy talking. Emma was in baby bliss happiness seeing her daughter trying to talk. "Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy as best as she could. Emma smiled big. "Killian!!" He rushes in.
"Emma, what is it?"
"Check this out." She talks to Hope. "Hope...I love you...Hope..." Hope tried to talk with her mouth wide open copying her Mommy. "Hope...Mommy...Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy again. She turns to Killian who was smiling big.
"Is Hope trying to talk?"
"Yes, our little girl is trying to talk by copying me."
"Little love, Daddy....Daddy.." Hope tried to copy her Daddy not as good as her Mommy so she got upset. "Hope, it is alright little love." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, it is okay sweetie." She kisses Hope on the head and calmed her down. "Mommy got you. You did such a good job of trying to talk. Since you were trying to talk, are you hungry?" She prepped to feed her and Hope latched on quickly. "Killian, I am sorry about Hope upset. I think she was getting hungry."
"Emma, it is alright love. I am really happy you got to experience Hope's moment with her." He kissed her on the head. "Hope was happily trying to talk to you, her Mommy."
"Yes, she was trying to talk and it was so cute. Are you sure you can watch Hope today?"
"Emma, Hope will be happy with me and Henry today. We will have fun together. I have not spent one on one time with both of children in a while."
"You promised Henry that you will get to spend time with him on vacation."
"Aye, I am and with Hope. Since it is summer we can still go on Jolly Roger when we get back to Storybrooke and have family sailing trips."
"Yes, we will love that."
"Aye, I want to spend time with both of my children one on one."
"Well, when I need a break. I know that they will have fun with you."
"Aye, I know."
"Hope and Henry love their Daddy." Hope looks up at her parents and Emma and Killian both smile."Hope, you love Daddy baby."
"Aye, she does." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, you have to eat sweetie." She got Hope to eat. "Killian, if anything goes wrong."
"Emma, Hope, and Henry are both safe with me. I know Regina...made you afraid. They are going to be at the beach right across from our beach house love. Henry, Hope and I will have fun in the ocean. We will be fine love."
"I know. I am just worried...I do not want anything to happen to my family."
"Emma, we will able alright. When we were out last night, Henry had so much fun with Hope."
Emma smiled. "You are right. I have to admit it was so cute seeing Henry playing with Hope in a bathtub last night."
"See, love. They are going to alright, especially with me."
"I am sorry for being overprotective of my children."
"You are their mother, of course, you are going to worry about them and being overprotective of them. You love them and they love you. I love you." They kiss.
"You are right. If you need me to call me. Take pictures of Henry and Hope on the beach."
"Aye, I will love."
"Allison and I will come later to the beach."
"Sounds like a good plan." Hope finished eating. "Love, I can burp her." He takes Hope from her and burps her.
As Emma pumped for Hope, she watched Hope snuggling with her Daddy. "She looks comfortable on you."
"Aye, of course, she does. She is my little love." He kisses Hope on the head.
"She loves her Daddy. Does Henry know that you two are going to the arcade tonight?"
Henry enters their room. "Hi, Mom and Dad."
"Hey, kid. You never guess what Hope did?"
"What Mom?"
"Hope tried to talk by copying me."
"Really? She was trying to talk?"
"Henry, I have a video of it." He hands over his iPhone to Henry for him to watch Hope trying to talk. Henry saw Hope copying their Mom.
"Killian, you were recording?"
"Aye, love. I was. I knew you were the first one to witness Hope cute new moment."
"Hey, you were there when she had her head up during tummy time."
"Swan, you get to witness one of her many moments."
"I'll try to record her moments next time. I was in the moment."
"Love, enjoy it. I am happy you got to witness Hope trying to talk. Hope looked so happy talking to you." They kiss. Emma pumped 2 bottles for Hope and they had extra in the fridge for Hope.
"Lad, we are going to the beach, you, me and Hope. Tonight, arcade?"
"Dad, just you and me tonight."
"Yes, lad. Hope wants to go to the ocean, not to the nail salon."
"Yes, Dad. You get to spend time with me and Hope. We have not spent time together just three of us since the pottery store when I was absent that day."
" this the day when I was at your school principal office?"
"That is when you made my mother's day presents for me. I wonder when you went to the pottery store."
"Aye, love."
"Mom, have fun with Aunt Allison. You need a break from us." He hugs his Mom. "I love you."
"I love you too kid. Have fun with your Dad and Hope."
"I will. Mom, Hope will be with one of us."
"I know. Hope loves you and your Dad." She kisses Hope on the head. "Be a good girl for Daddy and Henry."
"Love, Hope will be with me. Have fun on your girls day."
"Thank you. Have fun with the kids." They kissed.
"I will. Enjoy your time with Allison love." She gets her purse and finds Allison next door. "Allison, are you ready?"
"Yes, I am. I was waiting for you."
"Sorry, it took me so long. I had to get Hope dressed for the beach. All of the sudden I was talking to Hope and she was copying me talk. I was so happy and in a trance. I was tearing up a little."
"Hope was trying to talk?"
'Yes, it was so cute. Killian recorded it. Later during girls night, Hope and I will show you."
"I cannot wait to see that." They went to the car and Emma drove with Allison directing with the GPS to the nail salon. "Allison, I needed time away from the kids. I miss Hope but I need..."
"I know Emma. All mothers do need time away from the kids."
"Exactly!" They both laughed.
"Besides getting our nails done. What else do you want to do?"
"I was thinking of going to the mall. If you want to.."
"Emma, since Storybrooke has limited stores. We can definitely go shopping." They both laughed and talked on the way to the nail salon.
After Emma and Allison left. Henry watched Hope sleeping on their parents' bed as Killian prepared Hope diaper bag for the beach and her cabana. They equally carried beach supplies and Henry pushed Hope in her stroller. They set up their spot and put suntan lotion on as Hope was taking her nap. "Dad, when we get back home...I was wondering if you will have enough time for us. I know that you have to go back to work. With this vacation, we got to spend more time together."
"Lad, we are going to spend more time together. I was actually planning days for your sailing lesson and having family days on the Jolly Roger."
"Aye lad." Henry hugs his Dad.
"When are we having our sailing lessons?"
"I have to work on Sunday. You and I can have a sailing lesson on Monday."
"I cannot wait." He looks at his sister. "Hope is going to miss the beach are you Dad?"
"Lad. I love the ocean just like your sister. I think she is going to miss it more since we have been coming here every single day."
"Yes, I was thinking of when we are back home and I am babysitting Hope I can take her to the beach so she won't miss the ocean too much. I know that it won't be anything like this. I want to make baby sister happy."
"Henry, that is a great idea. Hope will love that. Also, your Mom ordered a baby pool on Amazon. So you and Hope can in our backyard."
"She did?"
Killian smiled. "Yes, lad she did."
"Hope is going to love it. Later after the beach can I bring Hope into the baby pool?"
"Aye, lad. You can. I know Hope is going to love it."
"Why Mom did not bring Hope to the nail salon?"
"Hope was getting nervous about nail salon because when your Mom fainted, she remembers that. When I saw how Hope was nervous and to make Hope happy, I asked her about going to the beach and she smiled."
"Dad, we are making Hope happy."
"Yes, we are Henry."
Hope wakes up from her nap. "Hi, little sis. You are awake." He takes her out of her stroller. "We are at the beach little sis. You want to go to the ocean?" Hope smiles. "You love the ocean, little sis." He talks to his dad. "Dad, you want to join us?"
"Aye, lad. Remember Hope cannot be in the sun too long."
"I know." Henry and Killian sit with Hope and enjoyed watching her loving the ocean. "Dad tomorrow is our last day can we stay at the beach for a long time until sundown?"
"I do not see why not, lad."
"I do not want to leave. I am having fun with you, Hope, mom and Aunt Allison."
"Aye, I know lad. We will spend more time together we still have the rest of your summer break. We are going to New York in July."
"I know. Are we flying there?"
"Aye, I think it is easier with Hope then driving." Hope begins to cry. "Hope, what is the matter, little lass? Are you hungry?" He kisses Hope on the head and takes her back to their spot. He fed her her bottle but she won't take it. "Little love, it is your Mommy's milk." He checks her diaper, she was clean. He bounced her around and walked her around.
"Dad. We can try a story to calm her down." Henry knew Hope wanted their Mom but he knows their Mom needed a break from them.
"Hope, Henry is going to tell you a story."
"Dad, I can hold her and read to her at the same time." Killian hands over Hope to him. "Hope, you want story time little sis?" He kisses Hope on the head and let her snuggle on his chest. "Once upon a time, there was a princess that lived in a far away land name Rapunzel in a tower..." As Henry read to his sister she calmed down. When the story finished she began to cry again. "Hope, you want another story? I will read you another one about Grandma's best friend. Once upon a time, there was a girl named Ruby." Henry read stories to her until she fell asleep on him and he fell asleep tired from reading stories to her but he was happily making his sister not upset anymore, Killian took pictures of them together.
Emma and Allison went o a nail salon and was able to relax. Emma got her nails painted maroon and Allison got her nails painted red. As they were getting their toes nails painted, "Allison, I miss my daughter. She always with us on our girls day."
"I miss my little niece too but you know she would not be comfortable here."
"I know...I do not want Hope to be upset. She is happy with her Daddy and Henry at the beach. Do you think Hope gets anxious from me? I do not want my daughter to have anxiety."
"Emma, Hope is 2 months old she does not have anxiety, when she is older and in school yes. For now, she can sense anxiety but I know Hope makes you, Henry, and Killian very happy. She made me happy this morning when I was upset."
"Yes, she does. I am hoping the boys are having fun with her."
"I know they are Emma."
"Let me just call them. I just want to make sure." Emma calls Killian. "Hi, Killian."
"Hi, Emma."
"Are you whispering?"
"Aye, I am."
"Hope got upset the only way she stopped crying was Henry read to her. If he stopped she would cry. Henry read like 10 stories to Hope until she fell asleep."
"Aww. Henry is great with her."
"Aye, love. He loves his sister. Now they are napping together, Henry fell asleep tired out from reading to Hope after she fell asleep on him."
"Aye, I took many pictures. I will text them to you."
"Killian if.."
"Emma, enjoy your girls day with Allison."
"We are going shopping after getting our nails done. We can bring home dinner."
"Aye. Enjoy your time off from hope and Henry. You need a break."
"Killian, I miss them."
"Love, enjoy time with Allison."
"Emma smiled. "I am. I am just missing my babies."
"They are safe and are with I love."
"I know. I love you."
"I love you too, Emma. I will see you later."
"I will see you later." Killian text the pictures of Henry reading to Hope and Henry and Hope sleeping together with her on his chest. Emma got the text of pictures of Henry and Hope together. "Aww. My two babies. Alison, look." She shows Allison the pictures.
"Emma that is so cute."
"Killian was whispering on the phone because they were asleep. Hope was upset only Henry reading to her stories to help her stop crying. He said Henry read around 10 stories."
"Wow, that is a lot. He is really dedicated, big brother."
"He is. He loves his baby sister so much he just wants her to have a happy childhood."
"Emma. Henry has a happy life all because of you. Now he is with you, Killian and Hope making his life happier and normal."
"I know. Henry and Hope are everything to me. I just want to be there for both of them."
"You are Emma. They love you and know that you are doing everything for them."
"How do you give time equally for Connor and Lizzy? I am still adjusting to having two kids."
"I make time equally for them. If they want to talk I listen, or they want to play a game with them I play with them."
"Allison, I know Lizzy misses you."
"I know..I miss her."
"If you want her home."
"No, she has friends there."
"You can facetime her."
"Yes, I can. Or I can call her."
"Once she is home she will be hugging you and spending all her time with her."
"I know. I am looking forward to that." After they got their nails painted they got lunch. Emma drove them to the mall for more shopping.
Back at the beach, Hope was still napping on Henry. Henry was awake. He whispered, "Dad, I think Hope pooped."
"Aye. I will set up her changing station." He set up the changing pad. Henry placed sleeping baby Hope onto the changing pad. Killian took her bathing suit off and all he smelled was poop. "Hope had a poop explosion. Lad, can you hand me a plastic bag. Hope will just wear a swim diaper for now."
Henry looked at Hope. "Dad. The poop is on her back."
"Aye, it is definitely a poop explosion." He with Henry's help he was able to wipe up Hope's poop. Hope was crying and when she was being changed and cleaned up. "Hope, do not cry little love. Daddy is cleaning you, little lass."
"Dad, I think she is hungry too."
'Aye, she has not eaten since before your Mom went to get her nails done." Hope cried more.
"Hope, do not cry little sis. Henry will feed you when Daddy cleans you up." He gives her kisses on the head. "It is okay, Hope." When Killian got Hope into a clean swim diaper, Henry was able to feed her. "That is it, Hope. You are being a good girl for your big brother. I love you, Hope." Hope reached out and touched him as her response. Killian took a picture of Hope with Henry bonding, brother and sister love. After Hope was full Henry burped her and she snuggled onto him. "Hope do you want to get wet with me?" He takes Hope to the ocean. He sits down with Hope by the water and begins to cry. "Hope, you do not want the ocean little sis? I will take you back to our spot. Dad, Hope does not want to get wet."
"Lad, maybe Hope is having a rough day or misses your Mom."
"Maybe a little bit of Hope."
"Hope is loving you today. You are giving her all of your attention."
"Yes, I am. I love making my little sister happy especially when she is not herself." He kisses Hope on the head as she gripped him. "Hope, I am not letting you go little sis. Henry got you." He talks to his Dad. "Dad, can we try the baby pool at home?"
"Sure, lad. I think that will be better for Hope." They got ready to go back to their beach house. Henry carried Hope's diaper bag and his beach chair while he was holding his little sister who did not want to let go of him or she will cry. They went back to their beach house. Killian unloaded everything as Henry was holding his sister. "Hope, you want to relax in the living room?" He takes Hope to the living room and laid on the couch with her. Hope did some tummy time on her brother. "Hope, I know you miss mommy little sis. She is with Auntie Allison who is having some girl time. She needs time away from us. I miss Mommy too. Our mommy is the best Hope. She has you me, Daddy and Aunt Allison, our whole family. I know how it feels when I did not have Mommy in my life. I did not meet Mommy until I found her when I was 10 years old. She could not raise, she was in prison because my Dad, not our Daddy, a different man framed her for his crime. My dad never apologized to Mommy. Now our Daddy is my Daddy who is there for me and you all the time. When I was a child, I did not have Mommy I had my other mommy. I had no friends. My other mommy was awake during the curse and she did not even help me when I was lonely, Hope..." Hope placed her hand on her big brother's chest. "Hope you know when I am sad. I love you, little sis." Hope coos. "Yes, I know. You love me too." He rubs her little hand. "Now I have you, Mommy and Daddy, Auntie Allison with me in our family and I love it. You all are my family." Hope moved around. "Yes, Hope I love you the most." Killian heard their conversation from the entrance. He gets a phone call from Emma. "Hi, Honey."
"Hi, love. How is your girls day going?"
"We got our nails done, went to the mall and now at the grocery store. Since we have a grill. We can barbeque tonight and tomorrow."
"Aye, love. That sounds good."
"How are the kids?"
" Hope is extra attached to Henry and does not want to be in the ocean."
"Is hope alright?"
"She is with Henry in the living room doing tummy time on him. Henry is going to try the baby pool later on with her."
"Killian, do you think she misses me?"
"Aye, that what we think or she is having a rough day. Love, she is with Henry who is making her very happy."
"Killian, we are almost done shopping. We will be home soon."
"Love, we can make some...what do you call them the cracker, marshmallows, and chocolate."
"You mean smores?"
"Aye,that is the name s'mores."
"Killian, that is a great idea. We can pick up the ingredients at the store. We will be back soon."
Hope begins to cry on Henry. "Hope, what is the matter, little sis?" He checks her diaper. "You need a change. I will change you." He takes Hope to their parent's room to give her a clean diaper. He noticed a rash on her thighs. He calls Aunt Allison. "Aunt Allison."
"Henry is everything alright?"
"I know you are Hope's doctor. I think Hope has diaper rash. She starting to have red spots on her thighs. She has been extra clingy to me today."
"Henry, can you send me a picture?"
"Sure." He takes a picture and texts it to his aunt.
"Henry, you are right. Hope has a diaper rash. I will get an ointment for Hope. She will feel better soon."
"Thank you, Aunt Allison. What should I do now? I am changing her."
"Just change her into a new diaper. We need to change her diaper more often."
"Thank you, Aunt Allison."
"You are welcome, Henry. I know Hope was extra clingy to you today."
'Yes, she is. She did not want to go in the water at all today. I knew she was not herself at all."
"We will be home soon."
He changes Hope diaper. "Hope, Aunt Allison will give you medicine when her Mommy gets home little sis. I am sorry you are in pain." He gives Hope kisses and holds her in arms. "Dad."
"Yes, Lad."
"I figured out why Hope was not herself today."
"Why lad?"
"I noticed when I was changing her she had red spots on her thighs. I called Aunt Allison and text her a picture, it is diaper rash. She is going to buy medicine for Hope."
"Lad, you are a great big brother to Hope." He rubs his head. "Hope, are you happy with Henry? I know you in pain little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. "Henry is making you feel better?" Hope coos and gripped her big brother.
"Hope, auntie Allison and Mommy will be home soon little sis."
"Lad, we are having a barbeque for dinner tonight and s'mores for dessert."
"We are!"
"Aye, yes we are!"
"Are we still going to arcade tonight?"
'Yes, we are at night."
"Great." Hope begins to cry. "Hope."
"Henry, let me try." He takes Hope from Henry. "Hope, you are with Daddy little love. I know you are in pain and you want Mommy. Mommy is coming home and she will be here soon." He rocked and bounced her around the room while she was crying.
Allison and Emma were in Walmart when Allison got the call from Henry. "Emma. I got a call from Henry."
"Is he and Hope are alright?"
"Emma. He asked me a question and it turns out Hope has diaper rash on her thighs. Now there is an ointment that can help her heal faster. She is in pain."
"So that is why she wouldn't go into the ocean and extra clingy to Henry."
"Yes. Emma, it is alright. Henry caught the rash because it started today. We are at a store where we can buy her medicine."
"Was Hope crying in the background?"
"Emma, I got the medicine."
"Great. Now let 's get back home. Knowing my daughter she is giving Henry or Killian a hard time."
"She most likely is. As long as you put this ointment on her a lot and change her diaper a lot the rash will go away." They pay at the cashier and drove back home. Emma rushes back to the house and sees Hope wailing as being comforted by Killian.
"Love, thank Zeus that you are home. Hope has a diaper rash and she wants her Mommy."
"I know." He hands over their daughter to her. "Hope, Mommy is home sweetie. Mommy got you. Auntie Allison gave me medicine for you to help your pain sweetie." Emma takes off Hope's diaper and placed the ointment on her daughter. "Hope, you will feel better soon, sweetie." Killian gives Emma a new diaper for Hope. She holds her daughter in her arms and Hope gripped her. "Hope, Mommy is home sweetie. I missed you today." She kisses Hope on the head. "Did you have fun with Henry?" Hope smiled. "You did have fun with Henry. I heard he read to you a lot." She talks to her husband. "Killian, where is Henry?"
"He is taking a needed nap. Henry was holding Hope the whole day, reading to her and playing with her and changed her diaper. After he called Allison. I told him to rest and held Hope until you got home."
"Killian, I know Henry and Hope had fun with you today."
"Aye, Henry and I talked a lot. He wants to have more family time when we get back home."
"We will. I know it."
"Aye. I better help Allison with the groceries knowing Hope is happy with you." They kiss. Killian goes to help Allison unload the car. Allison enters the living room.
"Emma, how is Hope?"
"I just put the ointment on now. She is stopped crying and very happy to see her Mommy." She kissed Hope on the head.
"I know that she missed you today. Henry told me a little bit on the phone. Where is he?"
"He is napping up in his room. He was with Hope all day. She wanted Henry that is all." Allison talks to Hope. "Hope, I am sorry you have diaper rash sweetie. I got the right medicine for you to feel better very soon."She kisses Hope on the cheek and Hope smiles. "Emma, I think her having a wet diaper on can be a cause of diaper rash."
"So, you mean we have to change her diaper a lot not to be too wet?"
"Yes. Hope can still have fun in the water though. I know my little niece loves the water." She rubs Hope's cheek.
"For now, Hope just wants to be with her Mommy. I know she gave her Daddy a hard time."
"Emma, she is happy with you. She knows she is safe and content in her mother's arms."
"Hope, are you happy that Mommy is home?" Hope coos and gripped her Mommy. "Mommy is home. You and I are going to so a lot of snuggles tonight." Henry comes downstairs.
"Mom, you are home!"
"Yes, I am. I heard you were a great help with Hope today."
"Yes, I was." He talks to Hope. "Hope are you happy that Mommy is home little sis? You look happier." He kisses Hope on the head. He hugs aunt Allison. "Aunt Allison thank you for answering my call. I am really grateful for having a doctor in the family."
"Henry, you caught it. I just got the medicine."
"But you knew what medicine it was."
"Yes, but you caught it and made your sister happy all day."
"Yes. Mom and aunt Allison Hope would not let go of me at all at the beach, not go in the ocean only once, and I read so many stories to her on the beach. I talked to her a lot here too."
"Kid, you made your sister very happy and she loves her time with you."
"Yes but Mom I knew something was not right with her. She was not herself."
"Henry, you figured out what happened. Hope loves you more because she knows that she can come to you for help and she was extra clingy?"
"Yes, Mom. I do not know how you do her clinginess all the time."
"Hey, that is what her carrier is for. I love her snuggling with her."
"Lad, can you get me the hotdogs."
"Yes, Dad. Hope have fun with Mommy little sis." He kisses Hope on the head and gets what his Dad needed.
"Allison, what do you want to do tonight?"
"I was thinking that we can watch some Netflix, eat some smores and give Hope her own mani and pedicure since she could not come with us."
"Allison, I did not bring any nail polish."
"I did." She shows Emma the pink nail polish.
"You are like my long lost sister. You are amazing." They hugged. "Let's do her nails when she is feeling a little better. I have a feeling Hope will be snuggling with me for a while."
"That is no problem. Hope loves her Mommy." Hope was fast asleep on her Mommy's chest. They joined Henry and Killian on the back patio, watched them cook and they talked. Everyone ate outside. Hope woke up from her nap.
"Emma, someone is awake from her nap."
"Hi, Hope. Are you feeling better?" Hope smiles which make Emma and Allison both smile. "Are you looking forward to our girls night in? We missed you today. It was not the same without you."
"Mom, can I try to take Hope swimming in the baby pool?"
"I do not know. Allison, what do you think?"
"I think the pool water will be fine for her. Just as long as we change her diaper after she gets out of the water." She talks to Hope. "Hope, are you going to have fun in the water with Henry?" She tickles her niece. Hope coos.
"Hope, Mommy and Daddy will see you play with Henry." She takes Hope upstairs and change her into a swim diaper and added her Aquaphor diaper rash cream. "Are you ready to have fun with your big brother?" Hope smiles and Emma give Hope kisses everywhere and played their special game. Emma brings Hope back outside in her swim diaper, seeing Henry setting up the baby pool Hope."Hope, your brother loves you so much. He is setting up the pool all just for you sweetie." She brings Hope to Henry. "Henry, Hope is ready to go swimming. Are you?"
"Yes, I am." He goes into the pool first and his Mom gives him his sister. She sits by them and watches both of them having fun together. Hope was being held by Henry and she was moving her arms and legs around. "Mom, I told you Hope loves the pool."
"Kid, I ordered one. I know you and she will be in it a lot when we get home."
"I was thinking, Mom. When I babysit her when you are work or need a break like today. I can take Hope to the beach or let her and I swim in the backyard. Is that alright with you?"
"Henry, you do not need to ask. Why do you think I ordered a baby pool because I know it will make your sister very happy and you will be in it with her for the rest of the summer playing with her."
"So I can babysit her more?'
"Yes, you can Henry. I also want to spend time with the both of you."
"Mom, Hope missed you today. I made her happy but she wanted you all day."
"Your Dad and I were calling each other all day. I know Hope missed me and you did great with her even when she was not herself."
"I know. I am her big brother and will always be there for her no matter what." He kisses Hope on the head.
"Hope, are you having fun with Henry?" Hope smiles and Emma tickle her. Hope splashes her Mommy. She acts surprised. "Hope, you get me wet, baby." She gives Hope kisses on her cheeks. She splashed Hope a little bit which made Henry splashed his Mom.
Henry gulped."Mom..."
"Make space for me. I am coming in." Henry smiled and moved over, luckily the pool was big enough for them to fit in.
"Hope, Mommy is going to join with swimming us."
"Yes, I am."
Allison and Killian were watching from the distance. "Allison, I have a feeling this will get interesting."
"So do I, Killian." They took pictures of Emma and the kids.
Emma lightly splashes Hope. "Hope...I am going to get you...I am going to get you..." She splashes her daughter and makes her smile.
"Hope, you and me against Mom." Henry and Hope splashed their Mom. After a while, Hope began to cry.
"Emma, I got our little lass. Hope, I know. You had fun with Mommy and Henry. It was getting too much for you little lass." He wrapped up Hope in a towel and held her in his arms. Henry got out of the pool and went to the hose and sprayed his mom.
"ha. Ha."
"Oh, you are going to get payback." She lifts up the pool and drained most of the water and got Henry wet.
"Mom, I have the hose." He starts to run with the hose and she chased him around the backyard.
"Henry!" He slipped into the mud that they created. Emma got the hose from him and sprayed him with the hose.
"Kilian, does this happen a lot?"
"It happened once with paint that was worse. I have a feeling this will happen more."
"I am taking a lot of photos."
"Aye, send me them."
"Sure I can." She talks to Hope. "Hope, did you have fun with Henry and Mommy in the baby pool?"
Hope smiled big. "You did have fun." She kisses Hope on the cheeks.
"Allison come to join us!"
"No. I am good to watch from here."
"Please aunt Allison. We want you to join the fun!"
"Killian, can you take pictures?"
"Aye, I would love to." She hands him her iPhone and he sits with Hope from a safe and takes photos of Henry, Emma, and Henry getting wet and filthy.
"Yes, we got Aunt Allison to join us." Henry sprayed his aunt.
"Henry, give me that. Emma."
"Yes, Allison?"
"Hold him down."
"Oh no." Emma held her son and Allison sprayed him with water. The girls laughed. "This is a big mistake."
"Girl power?"
"Yes. They both laughed. They chased around Henry got soaked in mud and from the hose until they were exhausted they lied on the ground out of breath. Killian took a lot of photos until it was getting cold and brought Hope inside gave her a bath and got her dressed for bed. Killian had Hope wrapped up in her quilt and snuggling on him by the time they were done playing and getting dirty it was dark out. "Your Mommy, Henry, and Auntie Allison are having so much fun they are getting very dirty. You are nice and clean little lass." He kisses Hope on the head. Hope enjoyed time with her Daddy. Emma approached them. "Love, did you have fun with Allison and Henry?"
"Yes, I did. How is Hope?"
"Hope is fed, washed and ready for bed. She is comfy snuggling up with her Daddy. I also got the s'mores stuff out and towels for you all to dry up."
"Killian. You are the best."
"Aye, I know I am." They kiss.
"Henry! We are going to do s'mores!"
"Yes!" They laughed.
"Kilian I will be right back I need a shower quickly." Emma takes a very quick shower. Henry and Allison were making s'mores already from the grill. "Kid, you started without me."
"Mom, I was excited."
She hugs her son. "Kid, I was only kidding." She kissed the top of his head. "Can you make me one?"
"Sure. I can."
"Emma, thank you for letting me your dirty fun."
"Your welcome. You are in our family, so it makes sense for you to join in our family fun." Henry hands his Mom a few s'mores."Thank you, Henry."
"Your welcome, Mom." Emma ate her s'mores.
"Killian, have you tried s'mores?"
"Aye, I have they are delicious."
"I have a feeling you like them, captain." They kiss. Hope wakes up crying.
"Hope, are you hungry sweetie? Mommy will feed you." Killian hands over their daughter. He goes inside to get a burp towel. Hope latches on quickly. "Emma, Hope looks very comfortable on you."
"Yes, she is. She had her bath and in her pajamas and wrapped in her favorite quilt."
"Mom is it alright tomorrow...Dad and I go to the arcade in the morning and we can meet up at the beach later on. We can stay there until sundown since tomorrow is our last full day here."
"Of course we can, Henry. Allison, a whole day at the beach?"
"Sounds like fun."
"Henry, our flight is in the evening. I am pretty sure that you and Hope can use the baby pool before we head to the airport."
"Yes! I know I can help you, Mom. So I can tire out Hope for our flight." Emma and Allison laughed. "Henry, are you going to switch seats again?"
"No. I can read to Hope on the plane."
"Hope will love to spend time with you on the plane." Killian returned to his family.
"Dad, can we go to the arcade tomorrow instead of tonight? I want to spend time with everyone together."
"Sure lad. We can go tomorrow." Emma burped Hope and she fell asleep on her Mommy, snuggling. They end up talking on the back porch talking, eating s'mores and enjoyed their time together as a family while they are on vacation. They talked until midnight. Allison and Henry went to bed. Emma and Killian talked in bed with Hope attached to Emma. Hope wakes up "Hope, you are awake." Hope to copy her Mommy talk. "Hope...hi...hi..Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy and Emma smiles big. "Hope...Mommy..." Hope copied her Mommy with her mouth wide open. They both ended up smiling at each other. "Killian. You want to try Hope talking to you?"
"Aye, I would love to." She hands over their daughter to him. "Hope...hi...Daddy...Daddy..." Hope copied her Daddy. Killian smiled."Swan, she is trying to talk to me."
"Now you know how I felt this morning." She watched her daughter trying to talk to her husband. She is grateful for her whole family, being there for one another, her two loving kids who have a close relationship and would not change anything in her family. Her family perfect just the way it is and she is enjoying her family vacation with her whole family.

Happy Beginning Captain SwanWhere stories live. Discover now