Ch. 4 Trust

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Ok guys I'm going on two days no sleep so if this chapter sucks please don't give up on reading it to the end.

Chase's POV

That was really weird I've never seen Ian act like that. He almost knocked Lucus out. There's something up and I'm going to find out.

"Hey, Ian?"

"What's up babe?"

We were walking to the cafeteria after we changed out of our gym clothes.

"What just happened back there."

He looked at me confused at what I just ask him.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well you were playing dodge ball as if it was the last game of your life.
And not only that you almost knocked Lucus out."

"I was just playing the game." He said and looked away from me. That made me mad because I know he's hiding something.

"Ian the title of best friend must not mean anything to you?" I asked with anger and, sadness in my voice.

He looked up at me and started to say something but shut his mouth.

"You know what Ian when you can trust me as your friend and talk to me then come find me."

I turned and hesitantly walked away wanting so bad for him to grab my arm and hug me and tell me what's bothering him.

Ian's POV

As Chase walked away from me I wanted to cry. He is my best friend and the love of my life. I know he is hurting because he feels I'm hiding something from him, but I'm scared of losing him.

Ahhhh I scream in my head. I want him to love me, I want him to trust me. I think it's time that me and my best friend had a talk.

Chases POV

As I walked out of school and made my way towards the parking lot, I remembered I didn't drive here Ian picked me up.

So I turned around to made my way to the bus stop and I spotted Ian. Still mad I sped my walking up towards the bus stop, but I'm stop by oh so familiar hands.

"What do you want?" I scream at my so called best friend. He looked at me surprised but still didn't let go.

I was being dragged to his car, in silence. After a couple seconds I gave up and followed still our hands connecting.

We get to his car and he opens the passenger's side door points and tells me to "get in." I don't know what came over me but I obeyed his command.
He walked over to the other side and got in the car.

We drove in silence for about ten minutes when I notice him passing my house then his.

"Hey, where are we going?" I say in and annoyed voice. He doesn't say anything so I just shut up look out the window and start to fall asleep.

When I try to open my eyes and adjust to the darkness outside. I here Ian talking to someone on the phone.

"Yes I apologize for not letting you know in advance, I thought Chase told you." I don't move and I just listen more to his conversion with the unknown.

I sit up in shock when I here him say my mother's name.

"Hey, why were you just talking to my mother, and where are we. How long have I been asleep, and why is it dark outside?"

"Where's the fire?"

I gave him a look that said If you don't give me answers now, your body will be tied down by a large rock in the middle of the ocean.

"Ok babe, so I called your mom to tell her we are spending the weekend at J my dad's condo in town.."

"Why." I said with a raised brow.

"Well we need to work on our friendship right now and spend someone together."

"I don't think I want to." I said with a little bitterness in my voice.

"Okay, I guess you don't want to go to the party of the century tonight with me."

I look up with the widest smile on my face. He knew that parties were my weakness.

"Okay I'll go to this party with you, but I'm still mad at you thought. By the way I have no cloths to change into."

"That's all covered babe."
He says and a blush comes over my face.
I look at my phone and it's only 6:48 pm. Ian gets out of the car and we make our way up to one of his dad's condo. Yup that's right I said it  ONE OF HIS CONDOS. I've been here once or twice when we were younger.

As we walked in the condo I was hit with a wonderful scent of vanilla.

"What time does the party start?"


"Don't you think we should go get ready?"

Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Chases POV

I make my way down to where Ian was sitting waiting for me.
I looked up to see my best friend looking hot as fuxx.

"Damn babe, you look good." Ian says with a Cheshire cat grin on his face.

"Thanks, now can we go party?"

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