13. Enemy Friends

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Chases POV

"Yes Ian I have been pining after you way before we started dating. But with me in the beginning I didn't know that the feelings I had for you was love."

"Babe why did you keep this from me?"

"Because I can." I said with a little smirk on my face.

Ian's POV

"Can I come over?"

There was silence on the other line he wasn't saying anything. I got a little worried, does he not want me to come over, does he have someone over there, is the pizza delivery guy still there or Uber guy whatever he is?

"Umm..  not.t.t tonight love I'll see you tomorrow, I'm really tired."

He said that with a stutter, is he hiding something?

I don't want to accuse him of something, but he just confessed that he got turned on by that Uber guy that delivered his pizza and, he felt guilty about it. I ask him if I can come over and he says no but he stutters and sounds guilty of something.

I trust him, I really do but what is he hiding?

"Ok babe, hope you sleep good."
Something feels really off but I love this guy so I'll just wait to see him tomorrow.

The next day came quicker then Chase wanted. He let it slip last night that he was in love with Ian way before they got together.

Chases POV

It's 7:15 am and I am still in bed.
I really don't feel like going to school today. I want to see Ian but, I just don't want to explain to him that i was in love with him since we were kid growing up.

Buzzz.... my phone just vibrated. I know who that is.

Ian- "Good morning babe."
Chase- "Morninggg... just got up ."gotta get ready for school.
Ian- "okay see you in a little bit love you."

"Ahhh!" I scream just wanting the day to be over.

I get up make my way to my bathroom, brush my teeth and, hop in the shower.

Gotta keep my self real clean. I'll be smelling like strawberries today. Ian loves the smell of my strawberry body wash.

I hop out of the shower and pick out my black skinny jeans and blue, black and, white oceans t-shirt and my black air forces to put on.

I smell and look good, it's time for a quick bite and off to school I am.

Ian's POV

Waiting for bae is like wait for snow to fall in Florida. Where is he, it's 10 minutes till 8? He is never late.

He's been acting weird since yesterday.

There he is, looking good enough to eat.

"Hey babe, what took you so long I almost thought you weren't coming today?"

He looked up at me with an expression I couldn't understand.

"Sorry, I woke up late, took a long shower, had to put my outfit together this morning since I didn't lay them out last night. Ate breakfast then here I am."

"Your never late, you have excellent attendance. Somethings up and I want to know what. But since Its almost time for the bell to ring I'll wait till lunch time."

I grabbed his hand and made my way towards our first period class since we share the same class, but I really want to know why he's acting like this.

"Okay." I hear him barely say loud enough for me to hear.

~~~~time skip to PE~~~~~~~

Lucas POV

Yes I get to see Chase this period.
But of course I have to see Aidan as well.

Make friends with Ian and get closer to Chase. Here they come.

Ian and Chase walk into the locker room but the air is tense between them. This is the perfect time for me to make my move.

"Hey guys how's it going?"
I say with the most excitement in my voice.

Chase answers with a, "good just really tired."
Ian just nods his head.

Chase moves to one of the bathroom stalls to change and Ian stands watch.

We all make it on the the basketball court and spread out. Chase goes and lays on the bleachers and Ian sits on the other side of the court just watching home from a far.

Let go start a conversation.
"Hey why you sitting here alone?"
He looks at me then looks back at Chase.

"Just wanted to."
Was his answer, this is going to be harder than I thought.

"It seems like I'm bothering you, so I'll go talk to Chase."

His eyes go wide and he quickly turns to look at me.

"why would you want to do that, he's laying down with his eyes closed, he's tired I don't think he wants to talk to anybody."

That's it keep talking to me.
"It's just since I'm new here and he was the first to befriend me, I thought it'd be ok to go over and talk to him."

He looked at me with distrust in his eyes, I need to change that.

"But if you don't mind I'd like to befriend you also?"

He just kept staring at me with those eyes, come on say it.

"If you don't want to I can go over and talk to Chase instead."

"It's fine I'll be your friend."

Hook line and sinker. "Thanks, so what do you do usually during PE?" I ask, gotta make him my new enemy friend.

"I play basketball."

I notice his eyes get wide, when I follow his gaze he's staring at Chase who is stretching with some of the other students.

Damn he has a nice ass..


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I know this chapter sucked, bare with me I've been extra tired from work. My anxiety has been over the roof lately and I've been also depressed.

I'm updating but it is a bit slow so don't hate me guys.

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The next chapter will be much better.

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