Ch 5 Wild

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(Pic of Chase)

I know it's been like forever since I last updated but one back.
Hope you like it and stay tune for some interesting outcomes

Someone's Pov

The drive was silent, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silent. As they drove up to the house where the party was being held you could tell that Chase was getting antcie.

Chases POV

"I am so ready to dance my ass off, it's been way to long since I been to a party." I said with stars shining in my eyes.

"look at all the cars now this is what I'm talking about."
"Ready to have some fun babe?"
Ian said with a smirk on his face.

I looked at him and pouted, "I'm still mad at you, so don't think because you brought me here everything's going to be aye okay."

He looked at me sad but understanding. "I know babe and I will tell you everything in do time."

"Whatever, all I know is tonight am going to get my party on and maybe just find me a hook up."

Ian started laughing. "Ha ha ha ha." I gave him and unamused look. "What's so funny?" I said with anger laced in my voice.

"Did you just say hook up? Now that's the funniest thing I've ever heard you say. You got scared and ran away when Liam from third hour said you were cute."

"You know what forget you I'm going to have some fun."

Ian's POV

I couldn't take my little babe serious. He was so mad at me that he thought saying that he was going to hook up with some random guy would get to me.

Well he might be right I gotta follow him so he doesn't do anything stupid.

When I made my way through the front door he was already drinking God knows what.
"Hey what you drinking and who gave it to you?" He looked at me and turned away from me and made his way to the living I think.

I grab a soda I wasn't going to be drinking tonight. As I made my way through the living room I spotted him moving to the beat of the music. Damn he looked good, his hips moving side to side made my mini me start to stir.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. All of a subbed I feel a tap in my shoulder. "Hey." A short girl with dark blue hair and hazel eyes said. "Hey, what's up." I said turning to look back at my sexy best friend dancing.

"Well I notice your just standing here when you could be talking or even better dancing with me."
I looked down at her and came up with and idea.

Chase was on his fourth cup of happy juice, that's what I call liquor. So I wanted to make him jealous.

I grab on to the blue hair girls arm and pulled her to the dance floor right next to my best friend. I start grinding our body's together and looked up to a pissed off chase.

I smirked and looked away waiting to see what he would do.
After about ten minutes I was going to give up, I was tired of dancing with this girl, she wasn't my type and she had two left feet.

All of a sudden I feel the girl being pulled away from me. "You keep your hands to your fucking self and off MY MAN." He said that last part in a God fearing voice that made me even jump.

The whole living room starred at him while he turned and put his arms around my neck.
I couldn't be any happier even though I know it was the happy juice talking.

"So I'm yours now?" I said with a smile on my face. "Shut up your always going to be mine."

I really hope he means what's he just said. The party went on and did I have fun He'll Yeah. Chase started grinding his nice round plum ass on my lap as the song (Grind on me) came on.

"Shit." I whispered when I felt a boner coming on.
If I don't get home to stop I might take him right in front of all these people.

"Babe, let go." I said trying to pull him off me. "Babe, your drunk lets go." Finally he gave in and let me carry him to the car.

"Ian I feel really hot." Chase said while taking off his shirt. " babe don't do that we're almost back at the condo.

"But I'm really hot, I need to be naked right now." "You can do that as soon as we make it inside."

He huffed and crossed his hands on his chest. We got to the condo and he could barely stand but he ran to the door. "Hurry your ass up now Ian." He said and a dominant voice. "Coming my prince." I said running up to the door with my keys in hand.

Once we were inside I was pushed against the door and our lips were connected. "Wait babe, your drunk." He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"As much as I want to pound into that plum ass of yours I want to do it when your sober."
He tilted his head and I wide grin came upon his face.

He moved back without saying a word and started to strip. "Fuck!" His shirt came off, then he took off his shoes and socks.
"Babe, don't do this to me." I pleaded, because I knew I would not be able to control my self.

You see Chase is a virgin and I want him to be sober and consent to us having sex.
"I know you want me I felt how hard I made you at the party."

"Chase your drunk and I'm not having sex with you."
Then he took off his pants leaving him standing in front of me in just his tight boxer briefs.

"We don't have to have sex." He said walking to me.

Sorry to leave you hanging but the next ch will be great. If you don't like boyxboy action please stop reading here.

Vote share and comment please. Again this is my first story on here be nice.

Best friend lover  boyxboyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें