Ch 20 punishment 2

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Chases POV

After our little talk downstairs Ian has been pretty quiet.

"Baby you ok?" I say in my concerned voice. But I already know why he's acting like this.

"Yea just tired." He says while looking down.

"Maybe you should go home and rest."
He finishes then looks up at me.

"You want me to leave?"

"Baby if your tired I do t want to keep you awake and later you can't drive home."

He looks at me very sad, in my head I'm like * Sorry honey bun that ain't gone work on me tonight *

" maybe if your really tired my mom can get the guess room ready for you."
His smile faded into a well known frown.

"Is this part of the punishment?"

"What do you mean." I say acting like I forgot all about the punishment.
"You are acting like you don't care about me, I remember even before we started dating if I became tired you would jus tell me to get in your bed and knock myself out, but now it go home Ian or mom will get the guess room ready for you Ian. Really Chase are you that mad at me.

I look into his eyes with sad ones, but on the inside I'm laughing my ass off. You really think I don't know you by now Ian, playing the sweet little victim, weelll two can play at that game let the water works begin.

The look of shook on his face when he noticed I was crying.
"Babe what's wrong, did I say something wrong? Don't cry babe come here."

He tries to grab my arm but I back away and run into the bathroom.
I lock the door and continue my loud sobbing.

"Babe please open the door, I don't know what to do. I want to know what's wrong, did I do something please done shut me out."

I walk over to the sink and turn the water on just slightly and splash around my eyes. I go to the door and put on my sad face and open it.

"Babe." he runs to me and wraps his arms around me. "Babe tell me what's going on you were fine a while ago."

"Y-you said t-that I d-didn't car, all I do is c-care. If I d-didn't there wouldn't b-be an us."
*Oh yeah I'm good*
(He's talking in his head)

"Babe I am so sorry I hurt your feelings, I know you care about me, I care about you I love you please forgive me for my stupid wording and hurting you?"

I know your might be saying right know why you doing that to the poor boy? But he has to learn when I say something like stop I mean it. If I let just one little thing slide then the next time I tell him to stop downing something I don't like he might not stop and that scares me.

He also need to know I may be the submissive in this relationship but i run this mother fxxxer.

Part A making him sad complete.
Part B making him jealous begins.

I whip my tears from my eyes and look at him in the eyes. "Can we go to the mall?" I ask in a cute and low voice.

"Yes of course get ready and meet me downstairs babe."

I pull out my phone and text a friend from one of my classes who I helped out and owes me one. I told him to meet us at the food court in the east woods village mall and pretend to flirt with me and ignore Ian. He was kinda scared because he knows that in has a temper but he agreed.

I walked down stairs and mom said, "He's outside waiting for you."

"Thanks mom see you later."
*i'm ready*
Look at him so clueless sitting in the car. Ok time to put the sad face back on. *knock knock* I knocked on the window so he could unlock the car door. He jumped because I think he was deep in thought.

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