•chapter 28•

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"How strange it is to be loved by something that hates all else

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"How strange it is to be loved by something that hates all else."



We collectively winnowed into the mountains beside Velaris. Mor, Elain, Nesta and Lucien stayed to protect Velaris should anything happen, much to the red headed male's dismay as he wanted to meet Tamlin's first born he had no idea about.

"Where is he?" Feyre asked, close to Rhysand's side as everyone looked around at a forestry area.

"Maybe he meant a different mountain? He didn't exactly specify." Cassian sighed through his nose, crossing his arms.

Azriel shifted on his feet, shadows curling around his ears as he angled his head in the same direction I felt a wave of familiarity. I cleared my throat, "Alakai?"

He stepped out from what seemed to be the shadows, smoothing his hair back with a hand. I felt Kaleb tense beside me, subtly moving closer. Alakai's green eyes slithered over everyone, landing on mine.

"We've never had a proper introduction face to face, little sister." His lips twitched to the side in a small smile.

"How do you know about Velaris." Amren ordered, voice that of chaos.

Alakai lazily turned to her, "somebody in your Court of Nightmares told me about it for some good money."

"Is that so." Rhysand muttered, sharing a look with his High Lady.

"You look just like your father." Cassian pointed out and Alakai hissed, nose pointed upwards.

"Don't compare me to that coward." Alakai scoffed, glancing at me and then his eyes sliding to Kaleb, his nostrils flared slightly and alarm lit up in his eyes. "So you accepted the mating bond?"

I nodded slowly, "we have some questions we need you to answer."

Alakai leaned against a tree, sighing quietly with a irreverent look on his face. "You always have many questions when you see me, little sister."

"Maybe it's because since the world was poisoned, you turn up just on time and you're a part of the riddle in The Book of Breathings." Kaleb retorted, his hand gently touching mine in confirmation he was here, I wasn't in this alone.

"Are you accusing me of something?" Alakai's eyes flashed, that arrogance so similar to my father's that I cringed.

"Depends, what information do you have that's useful?"

Alakai grinned and looked down at his slender fingers, "I suppose you're now my brother-in-law. Interesting."

I rubbed a hand down my face in frustration, I don't know why I expected Alakai to cooperate, especially with everyone around as if it was a confrontation.

"I suggest you tell us what you know, boy." Amren's voice was haunting, and her small frame looked more intimating that everyone else here.

Alakai studied her, "you may scare a lot of people, but I'm not one of them. Interrogation and threats won't get anything from me."

"Then why did you tell us to come here?" Feyre questioned, voice harder than I'd ever heard before.

Alakai's eyes then met mine, "honestly, I wanted to meet The Night Court. I've heard many things about you, but never truly met you."

I stepped forward, moving past Kaleb who watched me carefully, yet allowed me to act on my own accord. I splayed my palms for my brother as I neared him, his scent so familiar to home.

"Please help us." I urged, eyebrows creased as I was suddenly face to face with him, being in his actual presence was overwhelming. "Help me."

He grasped my hands tightly, and I heard Kaleb faintly growl from behind me. Alakai's eyes shone as they looked into mine, ignoring my mate, "I am helping you."

"Alakai-" I sighed, but he cut me off.

"You may have a mate, but it's going to be me and you until the end. This world we live in- with all of these horrid creatures- it's disgusting. But you're the only one I care about, the only one who's soul isn't tainted with darkness like the rest of these..." he waved a hand towards The Inner Circle, Cassian snarling softly.

"She's a mate of The Night," Azriel called out, "she's a part of the darkness."

Alakai grinned at the comment, "I'm not pure, Acacia. I'm also horrible, and I've done horrible things, but I promise to protect you and look after you-"

"Alakai," I pulled my hands free, shaking my head, "you don't make sense. You never do. And then you'll say it will make sense eventually, but I don't care about eventually, I care about now. The world is dying, and I feel every second of it, there won't be a me and you if this continues."

"You're wrong." Alakai protested, his tone slightly harder than before, Kaleb let out a snarl in warning and I sensed Cassian gripping his arm to prevent any behaviour that'll cause a fight. "Whatever happens to this world, or the creatures in it. You're my little sister, and you may be feeling the world's death, but it won't kill you. Nothing will harm you, I'll make sure of it."

"You don't understand. If this world dies, we won't be alive anymore!" I exclaimed, flailing my arms at the rotting and dying trees around us that made me feel sick.

"We will- we will-"

"Alakai! I know you know something, you must do. Please, just tell me." I begged.

His eyes flashed, signal of some inner conflict. But he shook his head, "you don't need to know until the time is right, and the time isn't right. I'm sorry, Acacia, there's nothing I can tell you that'll make a difference in what is happening to the world."

"But you don't know that, anything can be useful-"

"It's not! You can't stop it, none of you can. You just need to let it happen, Acacia. I'll protect you, you'll be fine, I promise." Alakai urged, his own eyes pleading.

Amren hummed behind me, "I've heard many things in my time, boy, and I've seen many things too."

I heard her walk forward, and I froze in apprehension. Alakai crossed his arms, waiting for whatever she had to say.

"Alakai doesn't know information on the world's poisoning." Amren confirmed, and just before I could speak, she continued.

And what she said next felt like the ground had been ripped from under my feet.

"Because he is the cause of it."

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