Chapter 18

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Marioselle wasn't quite as confident as U Aung in finding the driver.  They had tried to persuade Chen Li's staff to tell them who he was or where he lived, but they were either too afraid, or they honestly didn't know. 

The butler said he had never actually seen the man's face, nor had he ever spoken to him.  He confided that the driver would just show up outside when Madame Lee needed him, and Li would walk out alone. When questioned on how she summoned him there, he could not say.

As Ian had remarked, it would make sense for her to keep the man's identy a secret, for her own safety, as well as his.

Aung had a theory that the man couldn't have lived too far, as it wouldn't be convenient.  He also felt that it had to be someone who kept to themselves or someone unexpected.  A shop keeper or a barkeep.  He believed that a hired coach would be too easy to track down.  They knew she kept her own coach, but according to the servant it had no identifying markings.  It was like all the others, he had said.

Marioselle pointed out that looking for an unmarked coach in the middle of Paris would be like looking for a needle in a haystack, impossible.

They were just making there way to the third establishment on the Rue when Aung suddenly yelled for the driver to  stop the carriage.

"What is it?" Ian asked, the very same question resting on the tip of her tongue.

"Did you see something?" She finally managed to spit out.

"Yes miss, I did.  But I cannot say for certain what it was. It was a blur really.  Someone or something darted into the alleyway"

"Could it have been a stray dog perhaps?"

"I am not certain.  It looked to big to be a dog.  I would say a small man or female if I were to hazard a guess."

"Could it be Chen Li?"

"Well, the only way to find out would be to follow," interjected Ian. "I'll get out here and follow on foot. The both of you will take the carriage up the street and wait for my signal."

"No! I'm going with you. She doesn't know you and may take you for an assassin."

"I will be careful, I promise.  Besides it could be nothing at all.  It may not be her.  It could be someone else altogether.  Like a common thief or foot pad."

"What if it is her? She's dangerous Ian, she won't hesitate to kill you if she is threatened.  I'm going with you and that's final."

Ian sighed in defeat.  There was no deterring her decision.  The lady was stubborn to a fault, much like his wife.  He knew from experience with her that it would do no good to argue his point, when she had already made up her mind.   "Fine, we dont have time to debate this.  However, you are to stay close behind me.  Aung, I want you to wait five minutes then follow.  If it's a trap we may need your assistance."


Chen Li noticed the carriage heading her way.  It was the same one that had stopped outside her home.  She had watched as the man approached her door and questioned the butler.  She smiled in amusement, he would get nothing out of Pierre.  The man was a coward, and loyal to the organization. Besides he knew nothing of Li's  activities, or her secret hideouts. 

He had long spied on Li for them, reporting everything she did.  However, she had soon figured him out. Now  everything he reported was what Li generously fed to him.  All of it of course had been false.  In fact, at this very moment their assassin was heading to Versailles, were they thought she kept a secret apartment, courtesy of pierre.  The man was a fool.

As the carriage made it's way down the Rue, she followed closely staying in the shadows.  She watched as the same man jumped out and went into the local pubs, only to come out and repeat at each place.  Who was he? She wondered.  She had never seen the man before, and he didn't work for the organization, so why would he be looking for her? She needed a better look.

As the carriage continued down the street Li decided the best course would be to get in front of it, so she could get a look at its passengers.  She was in the shadows when it slowed around the bend in the road. Hoping for a better view she stepped into the light. What she seen was not only odd, but strangely familiar.  A peculiar looking man was leaning out the window, staring in her direction.

Fearing notice, she quickly ducked into the nearest alleyway.  That had been her first mistake as she heard the wheels grind to a sudden halt.    Looking around her she discovered, she had made her second mistake.  The ally she ducked into had no exit.  It was connected to another building, and it was void of windows or side doors.  There was no escape, she was trapped.

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