Chapter 26

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Marioselle turned left to right in the mirror surveying her appearance. She was admiring Chen Li's handiwork.  The woman had a gift with facepaint, she admitted as she looked through eyes she no longer recognized.  The disquise would hold up well. In fact, Marioselle was quite certain that her own mother wouldn't recognize her.  Would Sean? She wondered.   Hmmm...testing that theory could prove rather entertaining, she thought amusingly.  She tried stifling a giggle under her breath, but Chen Li who was standing directly behind her heard it. 

"What pray tell, may I ask, do you find so amusing?" Chen Li questioned with a  look of concern, her slightly raised eyebrow captured in the mirror in front of her.

"Oh!" She colored, placing a gloved hand over her painted red lips.  The action caused her to chastise herself when she realized the glove was now stained from the lip rouge.  "Oh, Bloody hell, now look what I've done.  Please, do forgive me?  I meant no disrespect of your talent, I was just contemplating my appearance and what others would think if they seen me dressed this way.  It"s just upon further perusal of my disquise I simply wondered if Sean...I-I mean Mr. O'Brien, would recognize me." 

The look of confusion on Chin Li's face caused Marioselle's eyes to suddenly lower in shame.  How could she be so selfish to think of herself, or find humor at a time like this?  How could she have forgotten? When she left Sean had still been abed with the fever, and the reason behind all of this preparation was to rescue Li's sister Mei.  She mentally kicked herself for acting so self absorbed.

"Non, Milady, do not frown.  It is good to laugh once in a while.  I understand." She replied as she placed a hand upon Marioselles shoulder in a comforting gesture.  "Do not worry.  Soon the Blue Knight will be back on his feet again.  I wouldn't be at all suprised if he wasn't looking for you at this very minute.  Besides, it would be fun to see his reaction, oui?"  She asked with a  conspiratorial wink.

Marioselle couldn't help but grin.  She had never seen Chen Li smile, or tease for that matter.  For the first time since they had met, she had a genuine look of contenment upon her face.  She was already a remarkably handsome young woman, but the newly softened features served only to enhance those qualities.  If that could even be possible, she thought rather enviously.  Not that she would begrudge the girl. No, she smiled faintly, on the contrary she was quite pleased for her.  She deserved to be happy for once. 

Life certainly hadn't been kind or easy for her.  Marioselle's childhood had been no picnic, but at least she had her mother.  Chen Li had no one but Mei. If something went wrong tonight, she could lose her as well.  Marioselle would not let that happen.  She was determined, and once she set her mind to something she never gave up.  Her mother oftentimes complained about her obstinacy, yet it was that particular characteristic that had kept her and her mother alive in England. She sighed to herself at the errant thought, and took one last look in the mirror, then turned to face her companion.

"Well, I'm as ready as I'm ever going to be.  Shall we leave now?"

"Are you certain you are up for this Lady Marioselle?  I could go for Mei alone.  I'm no longer afraid of him."

"I wouldn't dream of letting you go alone. He will be expecting you.  He won't be expecting me, however."

"No, he will not be looking for you, but something could go wrong. He might see through your disquise.  For instance, you don't exactly sound like a prostitute, even one from my establishment. Your voice is too cultured, too refined. You could get hurt, and should you be exposed,  your reputation will be destroyed."

Marioselle thanked her for her concern, and answered her questions in her best patois accent.  Chen Li's jaw dropped open and her eyes grew incredulous.

"I am humbled to be in your presence, she bowed in jest.  Impressive.  It would seem I have underestimated you.  You are certainly full of suprises, and a lady of many talents.  Please you must tell me where the granddaughter of one of France's most prominent men, learned the language of the lower classes?  You have even perfected the local dialect."

"It's a little hobby of mine I suppose.  How it came about is truly a long story, and one I would love to share with you someday.  However, I will tell you this much, there was a time like yours,  when I desperately needed to adapt to my circumstances in order to survive.  Now, shouldn't we be leaving? It's already half past ten. Most of the guests will be arriving and we wouldn't wish to keep them waiting now would we?"

"Oui, we should be leaving soon. I will retrieve our cloaks.  They should help us to remain undetected until we arrive at the masion.


Aung was walking up and down the pavement, stopping every few minutes to look up or to the side.  The man was most peculiar, thought Sean.  Had he not spoken to him at great length earlier, and learned more about him, he would have thought the man simple. 

"Aung, I have every faith that you know what you're about.  However, I must say you are acting most strange indeed."

"Forgive me Sean, I do not mean to be rude.  I am looking for something, or someone I should say.  It is, "how do you say, 'a longshot?'  However, I must try....His last words were cut off as he looked towards the alleyway.
Aha! I believe...hmmm, yes" he thought for a moment.  "I do believe I know where Chen Li's mysterious driver resides."

"By jove! You determined that just by walking up and down the street, and looking into the air?  But how?" Sean shook his head in disbelief, and placed his palm up to stop Aung from answering. 

"Nevermind," he said with a flourish of his hand for Aung to proceed him.

"By all means, Aung, lead on!"


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