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Imagine my shock when my eyes land on a furious Sibi, standing there, fists and jaw clenched tight. I've never seen him like this.

"Hey, Sibi!" I chirp trying to lighten the thick atmosphere. His gaze wavers from Mugilan to me for a second before fixating on Mugilan again. He takes a couple of strides while we get up.

"What the hell are you doing with my girl?" Sibi roars while reaching out to Mugilan's collar, who's busy shooting daggers at him.

I'm quick to snap his hands away and step between them, while Mugilan tries to advance on him with a tight expression on his face.

"My girl?" I yell "What the hell, Sibi?" taking my turn to be infuriated.

He turns to me with a slightly hurt expression. I hold up my hand to stop him from explaining himself.

"Look, I have never seen you more than just a friend. We thought you would eventually understand and back off but you seem to have taken my attitude towards you as granted" I fume. He's now having a pained expression on his face.

"Do you understand what I wish to convey? Who are you to be possessive over me? Who are you to restrict me from talking to him?" I spit, pointing to Mugilan who is remaining silent "I have never had any feelings towards you, nor will I ever have. Don't break the little bonding you have with me further" with that I walk off, leaving behind a perplexed and hurt Sibi.

Aah, he has given me the headache which seemed to have paused for a while.

I wish not to hurt anybody at any cost and that's the reason, we have had him sticking along with us. I did not expect him to behave this all.

Each time he tries to put a move on me, I feel like shouting "I'M NOT IMPRESSED!" And now has come an end.

"Hey, you okay?" Mugilan asks and that's when I realize that he had been walking behind me and we are near our classes. I just nod and turn away to my class when Mugilan darts to my front, his hands wide apart, hovering facing me. I stop in my track to give him a quizzical look but he's already staring down at me with the same deep look that I fail to decipher each time. I raise my eyebrow but he just slides away, scratching his neck.

I walk off not in a mood to interact further.


Just a bit more.....a li'l bit more.....AAH! Yuck! This tastes bitter. So, NaCO3 is bitter. Good find!

Okay, stop wondering what I'm doing. I came to the chemistry laboratory with Mirni to finish off my incomplete experiments. All credits to FDFS of Kabali!

Mirni finished them quickly and hurried off to have her much craved lunch. And I'm here stuck up with this damned pipette.

I glance around as I spit out the solution into the sink. To my dismay, I find Mugilan and the lab attendant smirking at me. A couple more students are here too. Day after tomorrow the practical assessments begin and we must be done with our works by today.

When I'm again trying to concentrate on the last drop, for the sixth time............


The pipette from my hand crashes to the ground and I collapse into the ground beside it, losing my whole composure.

My body is far beyond my control but my mind is extra alert. I hear lab attendant and the others rushing towards me, shouting my name.

"Athisya! Athisya!" I feel Mugilan kneel down beside me and take my head onto his lap, all the while chanting my name desperately.

"Move away!" he shoos away the small crowd that has gathered around me "Let her breathe!"

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