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So we just hit 400 views and wowwww I have no words. This is truly amazing. So for this I'm answering some questions let's go.


Q: How old are you?

A:  I just turned 16 :)

Q: If you could have a superpower what would it be?

A: Uhmm mind reading or flying.

Q: How many country's have you visited?

A: Well few Germany, France, Belgium, Macedonia, Serbia, and Greece.

Q: Do you have any siblings and how often do you fight?

A: Yes I do have one older sister she is 22 and we used to fight a lot when we were younger but not anymore.

Q: I know that you lived in several places so out of all which place you liked the most?

A: Definitely Germany. It was really fun and had so many places to visit. The people are very nice and kind there too.

Q: If you could be any Disney princess which one would you be?

A: 100% Ariel. The little mermaid was the first Disney movie I ever watched when I was like 2 and I still remember it to this day that I was very annoying about it. My mom told me that I would play it thousand times a day and I even broke the DVD because I played it too much. 

Q: What got you into writing?

A: Reading amazing stories here was probably the main reason. I write songs so I thought maybe I should try writing a story on here. I started Davina a long time ago but never finished it cause I had tons of work. I also use real stories in my stories lol like for example Davina and Leo. Davina is me I just changed her name lmao. I used to be like her a lot obviously I wasn't trapped anywhere or killed or rode a motorbike. I just gave her my personality  and Leo, well I created Leo's character from a person in my life that liked to come and go whenever he liked. Back then I was just a girl in the wrong side of the tracks. I was getting in trouble and then I met him and we did some crazy shit together so yeah.

Q: Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend at the moment?

A: Honestly, I do not know. There is this guy but we both are kinda stuck in between friendship or relationship. We just don't know what exactly we are. We spend every night together not like you know sleeping together just going on dates and stuff but he never asked me to be his girlfriend so yeh..

Q:If you could say something to 7 year old you what would you say?

A: You should've learned how to swim.

So those are the questions I got and there you have it. And happy 400 viewsssss!!


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