Quick Note

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I am really sorry for mistakes in my writing or in my grammar but English it's not my first language. As for mistakes in my writing I do check if there are mistakes but since I know the chapter very well I accidentally look past them and I am reaaaally sorry.

Anyways, Davina finally ended lol.

Thank you for supporting me and my story. I almost gave up so many times because I didn't had time to write it and finish the chapters. I was really stressed and that's why the book was on hold. I just needed more time.

I wrote 2 different endings since I know  no one will like the first one eh. This will always be one of my favorite books and I'm glad I finished it. I will take my time to write my other book because I want all of the chapters done before I release it. The next book it's going to be a sweet book. A boy, a girl, highschool.. yeh typical but I really like it lol.

Another thing:

My account recently got hacked and I saw that whoever hacked it released few chapters of the other book. I got my account back after some time but it was very frustrating cause I had to unpublish the chapters that he or she published. But I got through it it's all good now.

Again, thank you for your love and support. Take care.


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