Little Things

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It has been a few weeks since they started filming the drama.

At first, he and Yue are a bit awkward especially when they first filmed their scene together which is for the 'First Date of AhSi and ShanCai'. On those times, Dylan realizes that he has a crush on Yue but it is a growing feeling every day he would work with her.

The staff advises them to talk and share some bits of information about themselves to each other and maybe that would lessen the awkwardness. So they did, Dylan told Yue that his family has some kind of midnight snack restaurant where he learned how to cook dishes. His favorite food is Sichuan dishes and he loves to play basketball. He would also occasionally write his own rap songs. For Yue, she told him that her Father is a teacher and he teaches on the same school she attended, for that, she would always try to behave and study well. She also told him about how she managed to start her career.

After that conversation, they would normally bicker and wrestle especially when Dylan bullies Yue. Everyone around them would just laugh at the crazy antics the two are pulling off every shooting day.

"So, what is the deal with you and Yue? Both of you always fight and wrestle each other. Is that how you show that you love each other?", XiZe asked DiDi, trying to look for answers.

"But in all honesty man, you two look like some couple when you bicker or play.", Kang continues to tease DiDi.

Kuan was just listening at the 3 but he thinks it is something bigger than that but he decided to just take a nap rather than join the guys.


Kuan is always the one with Didi and Yue since he has more scenes with them compared to the other cast. He would casually just shakes his head when the two starts to bicker or if Dylan would bully and wrestle Yue.

These two idiots seem to be getting along really well; Yue seems to be enjoying Dylan's company. Well, the kid is really a ball of sunshine, well, actually both of them. They would just light up the set whenever they are here, as long as they do not interrupt my pre-scheduled nap. I swear one of these days, either Dylan or Yue will fall I love with the other one, and that is a fact. Kuan thought to himself while the other two were rehearsing their lines.

"Hey, let's try this Yue! Kuan will film us.", Kuan opened his eyes and saw Dylan crouching in front of Yue who was sitting on the sofa chair while watching something on Dylan's phone.

"What was that? What will I film for the two of you?", Kuan curiously asked.

"This!", Yue faced Dylan's phone to Kuan's direction. It was a video of two people on a hoody and the guy pull the girls' hoody up to her face and shakes it.

"Seriously, Yue? You really want to do this?", Kuan asked.

"Yeah, it was cute and it is the trending video in Douyin!", Yue answered.

It took only 1 try for the two to get it and be satisfied with the outcome of the video and so DiDi upload the video on his account.


A day before Dylan's birthday, they were going to film a kissing scene. Dylan was nervous that he thinks he can hear his heartbeat. Yue on the other side is looking casual about it since this is not the first kissing scene she will film as she already did it on her first drama.

"Dylan, stop smirking!", the Director shouts at Dylan as he is beginning to be playful with Yue again. "You need to look shocked not happy nor contented. I need a shock expression Di, Ok?", Dylan just nodded.

After filming the scene, the Director finished it by asking everyone to be early on the location tomorrow. Yue was thinking about what she can give Dylan on his birthday. She already decided to give him a speaker like her favorite speaker but she needs 1 more thing to give him, then just like a light bulb she remembered something Dylan told her before. And so she asked for help about it.


December 20, 2017

It was Dylan's 19th birthday but he needs to work and film scenes with Shen Yue. It was okay for him to be working on his birthday as long as he will work with her. The scenes they need to shoot are all lovey-dovey and Dylan can't hide his excitement.

"Di!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!", Yue greeted him with so much enthusiasm.

"Thank you, My Cai! But where is my gift?", Dylan asked her.

"Oh Di, I forgot. I am really tired yesterday that I wasn't able to get a present for you.", Yue explained with a sad look plastered all over her face.

"It is okay, I am just joking.", but it is evident that he was actually expecting something from her.

Later that day, they were now filming a scene with JiaQi where she sings her heart out in a karaoke room after thinking she was dumped by Ximen. Little did Dylan knows that he was about to get pranked by everyone along with his Moon. The makeup artist already put the makeup on his face, Yue decided to not look at him as she might burst into laughter though Jiaqi already was laughing secretly while lying on the karaoke room's sofa.

When it was rolling, Yue looked at Dylan and saw the lipstick graffiti the makeup artist did on DiDi's face and can't help but laugh a bit tin which Dylan noticed that made him look confused. Then, the 3 boys entered the room and started laughing when they saw Dylan, Angie let Dylan see what is really happening and he ended up laughing along with them and look for the makeup artist who did dirty on him.

After changing to their own clothes, everyone gathered on the room to sing him a happy birthday song along with cakes to blow and a bouquet of flowers for him.

While they were eating, Yue pushed Darren who is busy eating his share of Dylan's cake that made Darren threw the cake to Dylan. Dylan's revenge came in a snap, he took a handful of icing from his cake and throw it to Darren who was savagely hit on the eye and some to Yue.

Dylan's birthday ended up being a blast. He was thanking everyone for their efforts on both the surprise birthday celebration on the filming set as well as the bridal-themed birthday party when Yue approached him with hands on her back.

"I thought you already went out?", Dylan asked.

Yue shakes her head while smiling. She then handed a box to Dylan and greeted him Happy Birthday again and said the gift was part1 then left Dylan dumbfounded.

When Dylan reached his room, he immediately opened the box Yue gave him and was surprised it was a red speaker with Wang and Little Prince engrave on it, then his phone vibrates for a notification. It was Yue's Weibo account notification, yes he has the notification on for Yue's account. It was a birthday greeting, a GIF of his name appearing in a Shanghai skyscraper to be exact and a polaroid picture of two of them.  So this was the part2 then, ehh. Dylan thought to himself. He received 2 gifts from her, for him seeing her on his birthday was already enough.

"She remembered it, eh.", Dylan mumbles.

I am in love with you and all these little things, he thought.


Sometimes, the smallest things take up the most space in your hart -- Winnie the Pooh

xoxo :)

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