sun ; moon

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It's now the 2nd recording for The Inn variety/reality show, the production decided to drive from Beijing to Arxan.

It was one of the longest drives Dylan ever had in his 19 years of life. It was long that his back ached for sleeping in an uncomfortable position in the car. The staff told them to go to sleep when they arrived at the location.

Dylan woked up by his own as he knows it is today that he would get to see her again. After breakfast and doing some grocery shopping, while waiting in the reception area, Boss WangKe received a call, he put it on speaker and talked to the caller. Dylan already knew who is the owner of the voice and started calling WuYi to inform him but the guy actually knows it's just for show so he didn't even bother to look at Dylan's excited look. 

They actually are waiting for 2 people, first is the man who will teach them the ways of housekeeping, his name is XiaoMa and then 2nd is her which according to Dylan is the arrival that everyone is looking forward to.

After the first guest arrived, Boss decided to call her to know her location then he handed the phone to WuYi but is too shy to talk to her since he doesn't know her at all, so Boss ended up giving it to Dylan who jokingly told her there are 6 people waiting for her and that she has to thank them when she arrived  which made her nervous.

Then, there she is, as soon as she stepped out of the car, Dylan's heart flutter just by seeing her. Boss introduced himself and the other guys then Dylan introduced WuYi to Shen Yue and vice versa, well, he just kept his word that he would introduce them to each other.

He also told her that she would need to do a talent show as one of the requirements for being an employee to her disbelief. As everyone has settled in and Boss already gave his instructions, the 2 ladies went off to somewhere while the boys were left in the lounge, Boss told Dylan that he was in charge of her.

They invite everyone to the 'glass house' and decided to go to the roof where Dylan jokingly pushed ShenYue at the edge which startled her making her give him soft punches.

They were taught by XiaoMa on how to make beds and clean rooms, the four went to go ate some noodles. Yue noticed that Dylan is nowhere to be found after she washed the dishes with WuYi, whom she finds very shy though friendly and kind, the shy part most likely because of the teasing from the two boys and how the staff wanted to look like it was a love triangle.

She went to check Dylan in other rooms but she just can' fin him so she decided to take her luggage to her room, but in her surprise, Dylan was already doing it.

She decided to take the one in the middle and saw that the room is full of cameras, so she asked Dylan if there is one in the bathroom which he said no, she felt relief but Dylan went on saying that there are mics everywhere that they can record her sleep talking, which Dylan knew when he tried to prank her but saw her sleep talking, it was when they were still filming their drama.

Everyone was amazed to see Dylan cooking but for ShenYue it was not a new scene for her anymore, way back in MG filming all of them would usually hang out in each other's room, depending on which one is currently clean then Dylan would always be the one in charge of cooking then the rest would fight who will set and clean the table then do the dishes. 

She always loves Dylan's cooking as it tastes like home, it always hits the hungry part of Yue's stomach, she also finds him more attractive when he is coking along with the food flips he'd do.

And while resting in the lounge, Dylan notices some of the things Yue brought along with her and asked her what the pink thing with balls on it, it was a massaging device that he enjoyed when Yue tested on his back. Then they started playing with the shark toy and everyone was enjoying it.

At nightfall, everyone decided to go to their respective rooms, when Dylan send a WeChat message to Yue,

"Goodnight, my Moon."

After not less than 2 minutes his phones beeps,

"Goodnight, Di. See you tomorrow :)!", Yue texted him back.

From then, all he can think of was the letter, the letter where he poured his heart out for her.


Dear Yue,

This is the first time I am doing this kind of thing. Writing is not my forte. I'm usually the one who receives this kind of letters before but now I do not even care about receiving letters from anyone, I am just thinking, what if I write one for you?

You know we are close, very close that we know some secrets about each other that other people do not know of. But I have a secret from you that I have been keeping for the longest time now and I still do not have an ounce of courage to tell you about it personally. I don't even know how. I never thought that I would lose confidence over something until you came. And, I think, this is currently the only place where I can tell you what is really inside my heart, the one I would like to shout to the world for everyone to know if given a chance.

I can still remember the day we first met and the first thing I noticed about you was your smile, it pulled me in. Weeks passed by and we are inseparable, buddies they said. But I know to myself that I want more of this, more of you. You see me the way I want to see myself. You laugh at something I do, silly or just me being plainly stupid, and I think that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

I want you, Yue. I want to be your friend. The kind of friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into the private world you keep inside your head. I don't care if you're insecure about all things about you, I want to be the person who would remind you how beautiful you are, inside and outside. I don't care if you have a tendency to be moody, I still want to be the one that will hold you when times get rough or if you ever stop loving even yourself. I don't care if you feel like you are not worth it, I wanted to be the person who will show you that you are worth than all the stars in the sky. You are worthy of everything and that you are more than enough for me.

I want to be the person that you will look at and say I am home. You are my home, Yue. You are my Moon. You are the love I searched for in the stars every night. I wanted to love you like the sun loves the moon, endless.

I love you, Yue.



Sorry if I just updated today when I said I'll do it before Christmas HAHAHAH.. but here it is and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND YOUR FAMILY!!!

Also, you can try playing the Youtube video below for some DiYue/DyShen moments along with I Like Me Better by Lauv, I really like the sone for them HAHAHAH!


xoxo :)

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