Keeping Memories

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After that night, Dylan acted it's as if he didn't cry his eyes out that made it looked puffy the next day. Kido and WuYi even brought things that might reduce the puffiness but to no avail. So he decided to wait until lunch time and maybe they wouldn't notice his eyes although Boss WangKe and LiuTao already know what happened.

Yue looked for Dylan everywhere but she can't find it so she casually asked Kido but said he has a bad stomach and might come out after lunch. After lunch, Boss WangKe checked on Dylan and saw his eyes looks much better so he asked him to come out and eat lunch since they will be going somewhere and everyone needs to come.

They actually went to the mountain where they took some pictures and imitate how their Moms would-be pose in places like that.

WangKe allowed Yue and Kido to use the phone to take some shots and both of them ended up taking WuYi's picture turning it into a contest in which who can make it more of an album cover. They both took the photo on the same angle and ask Dylan who he thinks got the best shot which he chooses Yue's picture.

Goodness, my friend's feeble heart takes over again. Tss! He just can't say 'NO' to her. Well, that is the basic example of heart over brain. HAHAHA!

Yue asked him to do the stunt that the cameraman did on the slope that made everyone laugh which he did.

Again, Kido thought.

During dinner, one of the guests who were a skilled artist draws the cast and staff of The Inn. Dylan, the bully commented why Yue's legs are longer on the sketch compared in real life that made Yue asked WuYi to hit Didi's arms and she'd pay him in which Dylan's surprise that he did because of the payment.

One of the things LiuTao brought in Arxan is a life-size mascot that WangKe tried to wear and scare the deer but he failed. They now tried to scare Yue, which they conspire with Dylan who called her while WuYi was hiding but he also failed to scare her.

Then Kido remarked, "I think Yue is more scared when Dylan teases and pulls prank on her compared to this mascot."

Dylan just nod realising the truth.

With that, Boss asked them all to sleep early as they'll be doing some Yoga early morning. Everyone was able to get up at 5 AM, even Dylan who everyone knows that he has a hard time waking up in the morning. All of them had a really hard time staying awake for the duration of the class that they all ended up sleeping.

The next few days pass like a hazy dream for Dylan.

He knew that the coming guest is a dancer from a girl group based on what the staff says. He also read some article that they are planning to pair him with that guest in which he thinks is a very silly idea that whoever comes up with it must be on crack.

And then she came, her name was Chen Xiao, Dylan can't deny that she was very pretty and dances very well but he actually doesn't give a damn. *savage Didi everyone*

That night, they all wore some 'deer makeup' and do some 'runway' shows and he can't help looking at how beautiful Yue is.

The next day, everything was planned as per LiuTao's instruction for WuYi and WangKe's birthday celebration in The Inn.

She assigned Yue to manage the decorations and gave all the food instructions to the Chef and to the Mayor's wife.

They first started blowing up balloons for the decorations. She actually had a hard time tying the balloon so Dylan asked the Mayor if he can help them with it which he did effortlessly.

After the balloons, Dylan and Kido goes to the main bedroom and clean and decorated it with some red petals. Yue gave her personal phone to Dylan so he can finish the cupcake tower then she started arranging the dining table. She also asked him to finish hanging the 'Happy Birthday' balloon letters but he ended up popping one of them that he screamed for her name like a helpless husband needing his wife.

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