Somebody Else

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It has been a week after he introduced his family to Yue which accidentally happened since she demanded to meet him when he was with his family. It is not a surprise to Dylan when his parents told him that they like her since she has a very charming personality.

"You got this, Wang HeDi", he said to himself, his own self-encouragement.

After that, Dylan asked her out for a movie date.

Date? Where?

Movie date on my apartment's rooftop, game?

It depends. What's in your movie list?

Tell me what you want then that's what we'll watch.


Manager Hao was very supportive of Dylan as he knows how he likes her. He also told his friends about his plan.

"Dylan, your confession plan is too cliche, it's a bit cringy.", Xize exclaimed in which Xizi and Kang nodded.

Kuan retorted, "Hey, let him be! If he thinks that's his way to go then let him! Just tell her everything you wanted to say."

"Jiayo Di!", he thanks them and hung up.

Dylan's phone ring and he instantly smiled when he saw the caller ID, "Hey, I am already on my way."

"Ok, take care! I'll wait for you at the parking lot."

He lays a medium-sized carpet and top it off with a white fluffy comforter then added a blanket with lots of small pillows. He also decorated it with some fairy lights to brighten up the place. Over it was a makeshift tent using a bigger blanket. Inside it, he placed an average sized TV with a USB plugged into it full of movies Yue listed for him. Put some snacks and beverages to munch while watching the movies

**for a visual of how the rooftop looks like check the picture at the end**

Yue was stunned to see how Dylan beautifully decorated the small garden on his apartment rooftop.

It's perfect, she thought to herself.

"So, do you like it?"

"Are you insane? It's like you took it out of a romantic book. This is -- I love it, Di."

Yue excitedly sat on the comforter and checked everything out, from the fairy light to all the snacks he prepared which are, in fact, all her favorite finger foods.

"So, which one do you like to watch first?"

She browsed the movie files and settled with Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Yue paused the movie while it is on the opening credits and asked him, "Do they have subtitles in Chinese?"

He looked at her as if voicing out a 'what-do-you-think-look'. "Just checking.", then laughs.

It was the first time Dylan watched that movie as he usually watches action or adventure movies so he would randomly questions to her which she patiently explains everything to him without spoiling the whole movie.

After the movie, they ate pizza which Dylan ordered for them. While eating, he said, "I guess some people will always gonna be together." He sighed and continue "No matter how far apart they are, how long it takes or how painful it gets. Somewhere, somehow, they'll find their way back and will finally stay."

Yue looked at him with glistening eyes, "Maybe."

The next movie they watched was Crazy Rich Asian. Dylan already watched the movie since Hao ge asked him to accompany him.

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