Who knows?

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Upon going back, Manager Hao asked Dylan to put some smile on his face for fans not to speculate if they will see him sad, and so Dylan did just until he reached his unit.

For the next few days, he doesn't have any schedule or events to attend to. He busied himself by either playing video games, watching movies and series or reading letters from his fans that he got from the airport.

One of the fans told him about a website, where he can send letters and put a specific date and time when will the letter be sent to the receiver, this captured his attention but decided to visit the website some other time. When he went outside his room, his manager was nowhere to be found but he found a note from him saying he would go somewhere and would just buy dinner for both of them on his way back.

Dylan found himself again in solitude, nothing to do and no one to talk to. He thought of calling his Mom but he thought that he might just bother her.

I keep myself busy with things to do but every time I pause, I still think of you. I still talk to you in my head. I guess we are bound to be broken, shattered and be in pieces; -- if that is true, how am I gonna put back all the missing pieces together? 

Loving you secretly was enough for me, but seeing you smile for someone else kills me deep inside. I wish you knew what you mean to me, like a song in my head that keeps playing on repeat when I try to sleep.

Dylan found himself crying in the corner of the kitchen holding a can of beer, it was already his fifth can. He was able to keep all the pain he felt for the few days on the bay but being alone right now makes him so vulnerable. 

Then it flashes back again, Yue nodding at her Manager's question.

You do like him?



Manager Hao left Dylan who was busy reading her fangirls' letter to actually pick up Xize, Kang, and Kuan whom he contacted after he wasn't able to get through Dylan's wall. He knows one of the 3 boys would be able to talk Dylan through this.

They were all in the car when Manager Hao told them almost everything that happened.

"He saw what?! With who?!", Kang shocked by the news.

"That was some news you got there, ge. I didn't hear any of this from Yue, she didn't mention him at all and now this?", Xize who was baffled with the story.

"Well, she didn't have any reason to tell us about him and we didn't even ask her as well so that is given.", Kuan said calmly.

"So how was he? The last time I talked to him, he sounded so ... sad.", Kang said.

"He is a mess. And, I am not sure what the hell is he now doing in the unit."

Manager Hao continued, "He's been reading his fans letters, playing video games, sleeping and eating for the past couple weeks. I think that is how he copes with heartbreak? And he doesn't talk which is unIikely of him. I am getting worried that's why I called you three."  

"We'll see once we get there.", Kuan said with a sigh then closes his eyes.  


After almost 2 hours on the road because of the traffic on the road, they reached Dylan's unit. The 4 guys entered with caution and started looking for Dylan. Manager Hao checked his room and found no one. Then Xize shouted, "Here.", they found him sleeping on the kitchen floor and beside him are 5 cans of beer, 1 is half empty which was still in Dylan's hands. 

"Di, wake up! What the hell are you doing sleeping on the kitchen floor?! Did you finish all these beer cans yourself? I swear to God Wang HeDi if your friends won't be able to have you get your shit together I will call your Mom and tell her everything!", Manager Hao furiously woke Dylan up and force him to sit on the kitchen stool.

Everyone can't believe the scene they are seeing now. The almighty, bully and full of confident Dylan Wang was a mess becasue of love. It was as if they are filming another scene from Meteor Garden all over again, DaoMing Si's sorrow after ShanCai rejects him.

Messy hair, swollen eyes from too much crying and his entire body reeking of alcohol. Yes, Dylan is in another level of being a mess. So Kang told Dylan to take a bath first so they can all get to eat dinner, in which Dylan quietly followed.

All of them finished eating without anyone mentioning about the scene Dylan pulled off in the kitchen, well, until Kuan.

"So Dylan, is this how you sulk after getting a heartbreak?", Kuan asked, his arms are crossed in front of his chest.

"I never thought that they know each other personally.", Kang's eyes squint.

"Di? Is it really true that Yue likes that guy, Fei Qi Ming?", Xize asked while looking at Dylan's reaction when he mentioned the names.

I was doing fine, I think, but then they said your name, out loud.

Dylan nodded then closed his eyes. The four guys can clearly see that Dylan is breaking apart, again.

"Dylan, they are not together. The guy is still courting her, means you still have a chance to change her mind. Court her too, if you must. Do it privately as he did. Do everything you can to make her fall for you. You know what she likes and not. We all know Yue is attached to you. You have an advantage since you are already an important person to Yue, all you have to do is make her realize that you can be more than a brother to her or best, be her brother and her lover.", Kuan with his poker face stating facts to Dylan.

After an hour of Ted-talk with Dylan, the boys decided to play some video games. While everyone is busy, Dylan decided to do something else while watching his friends laugh at how bad they are in playing the game they selected. He took his laptop and started typing.

Kuan was looking at Dylan every few minutes, thinking what is he up to now. Well, I just hope that he is now thinking of a plan to win over Yue or else we'll see another scene of Dylan going through a heartbreak again, and I swear it will be messier.


Dylan opened the website that his fans told him about. His fan actually recommended the website if in case he wants to read it in the future and see what his past self is thinking and going through, but Dylan used the website for something else.

He decided to write a love letter to Yue. He never does this kind of cheesy things before since 'he always gets the girl', as what he told in an interview before. But he knows this time is different, he knows he needs to fight, head on.


Excerpt from Dylan's love letter:

I want to be the person that you will look at and say I am home. You are my home, Yue. You are my Moon. You are the love I searched for in the stars every night. I wanted to love you like the sun loves the moon, endless.


Before I fell 

in love with words, 

with setting skies

and singing birds  --

it was you I fell

in love with first.

 -- Lang Leav


Thank you for reading, commenting and voting for this story. I hope you all like it. Will try to update one more today or tomorrow. Yue's POV coming soon.

xoxo :)

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