Moon Princess

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It has been an hour since Yue said her good nights to everyone but she can't still sleep. There are a lot of things running through her mind.

First, why did all of a sudden Boss WangKe showed the kissing scene she did with Dylan in MG2018. It was so random and she also noticed the way Boss would wait for Dylan's reaction everytime she and WuYi would talk or interact. Definitely an awkward moment, especially to both of them.

Second, the stupid look Dylan has while proudly showing off the sled he built with the guests' help. And how she said he looks like a 'fool' but what she actually meant was he looks like a 3 years old boy who is proud of his new toy which actually looked cute for her.

Third, how she accused Dylan of cooking the omelet a bit too salty but ended up knowing it was ants that were added to the food. Then she remembered a joke Dylan said to her.

"Hey, how were the ants doing in your tummy? Are they all crawling around still?"

"What a lame joke, Wang He Di! First off, I really thought they were black sesame seeds and the omelet was salty. If I had known I wouldn't eat it!"

"Really? Even if I was the one who cooked it?", Yue noticed that Dylan got a little sad because of what she said.

"Maybe, I would still take a bite or something, you know.", Yue said as she tries to lighten up his mood.

"But seriously Yue, when you lean on me and looked startled I was damn ready to fight those ants."

"I know you will, you were my knight-in-shining-armor and I was your princess that you would protect all the time, remember?", Yue referring to Dylan's role in their Phanta City skit.

"Yes, my Moon Princess. Forever.", Dylan answered in the sweetest voice he would ever come up with. Then the two of them head to the Earth house where everyone will watch the meteor shower.

Fourth, it was when she jokingly called the 3 boys White-eyed wolf. But Dylan the bully told everyone about it that the two of them ended up bickering while the others are looking, then Dylan just smacks her thigh that made Yue flinch as she didn't expect it.

We really looked like a cat and dog, always bickering and arguing about random things, Yue smiled at that thought.

Fifth, it was during the Meteor Shower, she was already perplexed with how Dylan reacted tonight. He was so gentle towards her that she thought he was planning some sort of prank on her. Yes, that is how skeptical she is but she knows that when he cares for her, it will be one of the purest things that will ever happen to her.

She would also notice how he would stare at her. The kind that every woman would love to have. Then come to the words he whispered, Yue is 99% sure it was him, the other 1% is her rational conscience saying it was just her imagination. She remembered every word but what she can't be any more than happy is when he wished they could stay like that . . forever.

Entry #278:

Last night I felt you staring at me when you thought I wouldn't notice. I looked over a few moments later to see you smiling with a funny lil' look on your face. When I asked what you were looking at, you just grinned and shook your head at me.

I wish you could look at me that way . . forever.


Another day at the Inn. After sending off some guest, as usual, they welcomed new ones. Yue and Dylan are obviously whipped with the guest's 2 sons. The youngest always stick to her while the oldest sticks to Dylan. One guest even jokes about it.

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