Monochrome Sunset

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My dad warned me of bad boys as they would break my heart, but he never warned me about the ones with big brown eyes.


Yue was notified that she'd be going to Changsha tomorrow for a meeting on her upcoming variety show. Her manager told her that Dylan was also included on the show that made her feel secure and excited. She was about to call Dylan but her manager stopped her but didn't tell her why and just said, "You're not allowed to call or text him at the moment.", and just left.

After the Meteor Garden airs, a lot of fans are now starting to ship them that caused an uproar on their individual fans that some ends up in fan wars or trash talk in Weibo which in that case their agency lessen their appearances together after the promotions of Meteor Garden.

While packing her things she needs to bring, her phone rings.

"Hey, how you doin'?", it was QiMing.

"I'm doing good, you? Ehy, I'm going to Changsha tomorrow, you're there now right?"

"Yeah, I'm filming something, why? You going here tomorrow?"

"Yes. Have some meeting with producers."

"Great! Can we grab something to eat after that meeting? I'll wait for you."

"Okay, if you say so, have to go now. Bye!"

Yue and her manager came a bit early so she had time to scroll through her phone and stumble upon the selfies she had with Dylan. The one they took while filming and also the one she took secretly. She actually was the one who took Dylan's picture in London, the one where he was wearing all black. But the most favorite one she took is when Dylan was leaning on a glass door with his eyes close, probably taking a quick nap. She found the picture very raw and serene. 

Dylan Wang. Wang He Di. A bully. He's annoying. He's hilarious. He's childish. He drives her crazy. A complete idiot. Those are the words she uses to describe him in all her interviews but what she really meant is, he's like a morning coffee, birthday wishes, Christmas morning, and all beautiful things in between. Dylan is the guy that makes Yue feel better every now and then. He would tease, wrestle and bully her but he is also the one who first took her hand when she needs someone to hold on to while walking up the stairs wearing bloody heels, he's the one who would shield her from the sun when it is getting hot, the one who would run to her side when the table almost fell to her, the one who would put a jacket on her when London weather is too cold for her feeble body.

Yes, she misses the big idiot. She misses him a lot.

Minutes passed by and staff and crew started to fill the room but the one her eyes wanted to see is not yet around and exactly 5 minutes after, a particular voice caught her attention. "Sorry we're late, just caught up in the airport with some fans."

It's as if his voice was already recorded in the inner part of her hippocampus, the voice that would shout her name out loud during filming. She always loves how her name comes out of his mouth. The way he pronounces it was the same way as other but when he does it, it makes her heart warm. She looks at him and waves then he gave her the infamous Dylan Wang's boyish grin.

Your smile is prettier than any sunset I've ever seen.

Yue was actually not paying too much attention to the meeting since she was a bit bothered by a big brown eyes who would knowingly stare at her from time to time. It is not the first time Dylan would stare at her but it's as if this time, Dylan put a magnet on her and she is being pulled into a black hole because of his stares.

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