With/out HER

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On their last night in London, Dylan decides to ask Yue out for a dinner again. This time, she said yes. Dylan was agitated but excited to spend some alone time with her and maybe confess(?) his feelings.

Dylan wore a simple black polo and black pants with Nike sneakers. He brushed his hair up like what DMS hairstyle would be and he then went to knock on Yue's suit.

Yue wore a white long sleeve turtleneck top with denim dress then put a bit of red lipstick.

**for visuals of their looks, scroll to the bottom of this chapter**

"You look amazing with your look tonight.", Dylan complimented Yue's look.

"Well, thank you for the compliment, kind sir."

"Let's go then, I am starving."

The silence between them is defeaning. No one bothered to speak or start a conversation. Dylan's hand were sweating from nervousness and Yue can only stare at the road.

They reach the restaurant that Manager Hao reserve for them. It was a fusion of Chinese and British restaurant. The waiters seem to have Chinese descent on them. Dylan thought that this might go worse since his English is 'no good'.

He let a sigh of relief when the waiter talked in Chinese and was able to understand them while he was taking their order.

"I actually want to ride that London Eye but since we are leaving tomorrow morning then I think I have to come back here to ride it. I always wanted to have rare memories whenever I go to a new place like this.", Yue told Dylan what she really wanted to do after filming.

"So, when would that be?", Dylan asked. "You will be busy shooting commercials and doing photo shoots once we go back to ShangHai, going back to London would be a bit impossible, Yue."

"Yeah, I know", she answered, a bit sad with the fact that she can't even fulfill those dreams she has. "Maybe, someday. Yeah, someday, I will go back here."

The two decided to walk back to the hotel since it is not far from the restaurant while walking they come across some street performers and some murals on random walls.

Dylan looked like an Instagram boyfriend, the one who would take IG-worthy pictures of his girlfriend. Some shots are taken upside down, there are panorama shots, blurry shots, even slo-mo videos of Yue dancing, but his go-to style is slanting the camera a bit and focusing on the eye of the subject then making the background a bit blurry for an aesthetic touch.

Yue loved all the pictures Dylan took of her. Most of the shots were taken using his phone and he just sent it to her. She actually took some pictures of Dylan, but most are stolen, her favorite was when he was laughing, the kind of laugh that is so full that makes him throw his head back while clapping.

It was a bit cold so Dylan took off the jacket he brought and put it onto Yue since she forgot to bring her own.

They passed by a bakeshop who was already selling their bread for half a price so they can close down. Yue decided to buy some for her Manager sho is most likely waiting for her. She also purchases some for Manager Hao.

The baker suddenly said, "Such beautiful young love, don't worry child, you'll go back here with the person who will make you realize that the pain is worth it."

Dylan and Yue looked at each other knowingly thinking if the baker was talking to them or to the guy who just was ahead of them. They both decided to just shrug it off and walked.

Dylan woke up a bit early the next day, he decided to get some coffee and a morning walk. He heard Yue and her manager talking to each other on their way to the elevator.

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