Night Sky

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After breakfast, everyone was very busy since there is a lot of guests arriving along with a foreigner. 

ShenYue and Kido are both busy cleaning the rooms for the coming guest along withXiaoMa who constantly gives them tips so they can finish their housekeeping duties. After sending XiaoMa off, the four employees were sent to buy some groceries, they also made a swing and a sundial.

Then a surprise guest came in, Tengger. They also sang some song while waiting for dinner.

At the dinner table, ShenYue decided to sit beside Dylan. She tasted the omelet that he cooked and thought it has too much salt in it but he refutes that he wasn't the one who put the salt in it. She was enjoying the food when Liu Tao said that the 'ant omelet' is delicious and she noticed that LiuTao was referring to the same omelet she Dylan cooked and she ate. ShenYue was shocked that she unconsciously go to Dylan's side that he thought something was wrong and he is ready to but ended up telling her to think of the ants as sesame.

After eating dinner, they all listen to his songs and stories that made everyone emotional and happy at the same time. Mr. Tengger decided to go back to his room first so WuYi and Kido sent him back. 

Then LiuTao asks the couple (the one with the foreigner) about their story. While everyone is listening to their story, Dylan was busy staring at Yue. Then one of the guests suggests to the man to proposed and declare his love for his girlfriend and hand him one of the deer napkins rings as a makeshift ring. Everyone was cheering and clapping for the couple but the two idiots were the only one who stands up. As Liu Tao was giving her advice to the couple, Dylan glance at Shen Yue and it's as if he saw a glimpse of his future, with her. Yes, her, definitely HER.

It was just a split second but he knows it was what he wanted and he thought to himself, I look at her and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes. On that time Dylan knew that it Shen Yue he would like to spend his life with, the woman he would like to see before he sleeps and the moment he wakes up and the woman who would be the mother of his children.

Yue was busy admiring the kind of love the two guests have for each other, and thought to herself, when will I get to have that kind of love, the selfless love that I know I deserve? Little did she know that someone was already looking at her and thinks that she might be the one for him. 

After finishing all the works around the Inn, they were advised by the crew that there will be a meteor shower after an hour and it will be seen on their location, everyone decided to join and they went to the 'glass house to watch it.

Dylan sat beside Yue as she was sitting alone scrolling through her phone. He was originally sitting with Kido and WuYi. 

"Hey, you okay? Are you sulking again?", Dylan said as he tries to disturb Yue.

"I'm not, just scrolling through Weibo.", Yue answered.

Both of them got silent but Dylan can't help to stare at Yue.

There's a world in my mind that has you and I laughing together, having fun, kissing each other on the cheeks and going on so many adventures we can't pick a favorite. There's a world in my mind that has my hand in yours as we go hiking, going on cute dinner dates where all we can see is the sparkle in each other's eyes and the light glimmer of your smile as I make you laugh while we're just sitting, talking, and doing our own thing. There's a world in my mind that intertwines with your world, and I'm sad it can't be a reality.

It is said that the meteor shower would be at 9:17 PM and it is already 9 PM. Everyone is holding their personal phone to take a video or picture of the phenomenon. 

Dylan was just silently observing everyone when he noticed that Yue was taking pictures of everyone so he teased her again.

"Aiyoo, Xiao Shen why are you not taking my picture? My heart is hurt.", then he pretended to pump his chest as if he has a hard time breathing.

"Such a drama king! Here you go, smile!"

Dylan looked at Yue with such gentle eyes that caught Yue off guard.

Then Dylan said something that made Yue's heart beat a little bit faster than normal, "Looking at the stars doesn't compare to having one instance with you. I wish we could be like this forever.", then Dylan's lips turn into a smile.

"It's starting!", one of the guests shouted that made everyone look at the night sky.

Everyone was in awe with all the glistening meteors lighting up the dark sky. 

"The sky is so mesmerizing it feels like a dream.", Yue said.

With that, Dylan hold Yue's hand and said, "It's not a dream.", and he smiled at her again then looked back at the sky. "Shen Yue stop daydreaming, okay?", Dylan teased her but Yue felt the same strange feeling in her heart again.

"This is one of the most beautiful things I ever saw.", Yue was smiling from ear the ear, the kind of smile that warms up your soul.

"Yes, it is.", Dylan answered while looking at Yue.

"Yes, the sky is beautiful but I'd rather look at you because you have more galaxies in your eyes than the number of meteors or stars in the sky.", Dylan whispered while looking at Yue.

Just as soon as she looked at Dylan, he turned his head in other direction so he won't get caught staring at her. "Hey, did you say something?", Yue asked Dylan but he just shook his head so she looked around but there is no one near them that could've whispered to her other than him.

All this while WangKe was quietly observing the two and thought, There is something in the way they look at each other, maybe it's not love, for now, but it's most certainly more than friendship. With that thought, WangKe smiled at the two that made LiuTao turn to the direction his husband is looking at and it also made her smile.

Everyone is walking back to the house, Yue hold on to Dylan's jacket while he walks beside her.

Yue is still figuring out if it was Dylan who whispered to her ears a while ago. So she ended up staring at him while they are walking. 

"Stop staring at me. You're making me feel really conscious.", Dylan blurted out that made Yue flinch and come back to her senses.

"Sorry, I thought you won't notice.", Yue said as she let a quaint giggle.

"I always notice you. I always look at you."

With that words from Dylan, Yue was dumbfounded and wasn't able to say anything.

"Aiyoo, Xiao Shen, go to your room now and get some rest.", as Dylan tried to push her towards her room.

Yue didn't notice that they are already in front of the stairs of her room. Yes, Dylan walked her back to her room.

Yue waved goodbye to Dylan, "Goodnight Di. See you tomorrow!"

"Goodnight, my Moon."

Sorry for the late and short update.. Been busy with my personal life.. Happy New Year tp everyone

xoxo :)

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