2nd Meeting

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Spencer Reid

The second meeting was in the bullpen 3 months later. You had just got a job there in the BAU team. You where looking down at your file that you where supposed to give to agent Hotchner when you suddenly walked into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry" you say looking up, "Oh Spencer Ried".

"(Y/n) haven't seen you in a while, what are you doing here" he asked surprised.

"Whos this" a tall guy said.

"This is (y/n), um meet the Agent Derek Morgan" Spencer said.

"Um I actually work here, I'm looking for Agent Aaron Hotchner" you say showing the file.

He points in the direction of the office and you go on your way. Although while you heading there you here Morgan laughing at spencer.

Derek Morgan

You walked into the debriefing room and saw Derek.

"Well hello there Agent Morgan" you say smirking at him. He still looks as surprised but not by much since you warned him.

"Well hello there cutie" he says back.

"You to know each other" a blonde girl says.

"We met at a bar" Derek said.

"Ok everybody this is Agent (y/n) (l/n), we have a case" Agent Hotchner said when he walked in, sitting down with a case file. Everybody got to work.

Dave Rossi

You heard he was at work, so you decided to go see him.

"Hey heard you had arrived" you say walking into his office without knocking.

"Hey don't you knock" he said with a laugh.

"No its kind of how i roll" you say both chuckling at that.

"How you roll?" he smiles at you.

"Sounded cooler in my head" you walked over to the chair sitting down.

You both kept talking until you where called to the debriefing room for a case.

Aaron Hotchner

It was a few weeks later and you where heeled. You decided to go on another run through the woods. You had just stopped for a drink of water when there was a tap on your shoulder. You screamed only to turn around and see Aaron.

"Oh my God you scared me" you said.

"Sorry about that" he said smiling at you.

"Its ok, long time no see" you laugh.

You both start to run again together. All the while talking to each other.

Luke Alvez

You met after Penelope set you both up. You showed up at the cafe and saw Luke.

"Meeting Penelope" you asked.

"Yeah but now I think it was a set up" he says jestering for you to sit down.

"Knew it the moment I walked in and saw you" you laughed.

You where both laughing and having fun. Even though you weren't meant to be alone together it was still fun.

Matt Simmons

You where fetching Jacob a week later when you saw Matt. He walked over to you the moment he saw you.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey how's things been" you ask him.

"Great and you" he says.

"Perfect" you tell him.

Just than his phone rings and he moves off to answer it. When it's done he looks disappointed.

"Problems" you ask.

"I have to get to work but take my kid home" he said looking like he didn't know what to do.

"I can If you want, he's friends with my nephew" I say.

"You can" he asks happy.

"Um yeah" you say waving over to Jacob.

Matt talks to his kids telling them that they where going home with you. You both exchanged numbers and went your seperate ways.


Heres the second meeting between you two.

Love from

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