Spencer Reid... Make Up Sex 😍

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The kiss after you two said I love you was very passionate. You where so busy making out that niether of you heard the door open.

"Excuse me, my office. Get a room" you heard Dave laugh from behind you.

You both gave him a sheepish laugh but yours turned into a full blown blush.

"You know what its out day off so we will" Spencer said grabbing your hand and dragging you out the door.

You where so stunned by what Spencer had said you didn't know what to say. He dragged you to the car pushing you onto the passenger seat and climbed into the drivers. He was started driving and once he got to the road he had sped up a lot.

"Um Spence slow down" you say a little scared by the speed.

He didn't seem to hear you at all. You where about half way home when he pulled over into a secluded parking lot leaving you even more confused.

"Whats going on" you ask.

"We having fun" he said grabbing you and pulling you into his lap.

He pulled your head down making out with you. You automatically started grounding down on him, loving hearing him moan. He suddenly pulled back, pulling your shirt off and your bra.

He started to kiss you again.

"We should move this to the back" he says while in between kisses.

You climbed through to the back and he followed. He removed his shirt laying down on you with his arms on either side continuing the kiss all the while grounding down on you.

You both made quick work of removing the rest of your clothes in the tight space.

"Ready" he asks, giving you another quick kiss.

"Yes" you say softly.

He lines himself up and thrusts in fast. He continues to go fast and hard, you pretty sure anyone who saw the car could tell exactly what you two are up to with how much the car is rocking. All you can hear is your loud moaning, skin slapping against skin and the car rocking 😂. The windows where misting up with how hot the car was getting.

"Spence I'm about to..." you start to say just as you cum.

He cums soon after and lays down on you still holding himself up enough not to put all his weight on you.

"That was amazing we should get out of here and have round two at home" he says smiling down at you.

"Y-y-yeah s-sure" you say stuttering.

You both get dressed and head home just in time because a police car was slowly turning the corner out on patrol.


Sorry it toke so long, I don't have a job at this moment in time so I don't always have data. Sorry if its messy though because I have been for interviews so I haven't had time and decided to update and publish straight away. So there was time between starting and ending this chapter and I may have been a little confused by writing it.

Luv from

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