They find out you self harm part 2...

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Again if it triggers anything don't read please 😗.

Aaron Hotchner

You where home alone thinking about when you where 16. You had been sexually harassed when you where a kid by to kids in you school. It was just stupid comments made towards you but they still terrified you a lot because you didn't know of they would truly go through with the threats. You where scared and believed you couldn't tell anyone. You took to electricquting yourself, not badly just small zaps from an old charger cable you had cut the end off of. It left burn marks on your arms.

The men had came in and wanted you to be there personal trainer. They knew who you where and acted like there where old friends of yours. You where scared you acted normal but the moment they went you left early to come home. You grabbed your old charger and started to do the same thing.

"(Y/n) I'm home where are you" you hear Aaron calling.

You hide the charger and head towards the kitchen forgetting about your shirt sleeve. You hug him and move to the fridge not saying anything.

"Um what's with your arm" he says.

"What do you mean" you say.

"Your burnt, what happened" he says taking your arm.

You brake down and tell him everything. You can tell he's getting angry. He pulls you into a hug.

"I'll deal with this ok don't worry they won't come near you ever again" he tells you not letting go.

"Thank you" you whisper loving the hug.

Luke Alvez

One of the guys taking your yoga class where getting a little handset and it toke you back to when a teacher at your high school did the same thing to you. You started cutting back then and you couldn't help been scared wanting to go back to doing just that.

The moment you got home you grabbed a sharp knife and ran go the bathroom. What you didn't notice was Luke who saw this and toke of after you to. You just got one cut when the knife was grabbed from you hand and thrown to the ground.

"What the hell" he said glaring at you for hurting yourself.

"I can't take it. What happens if it ends up the same way as before" you yell out.

"What" he said looking ready to attack anyone for hurting you.

"A teacher sexually assaulted me and now some guy is getting close to me and I feel its going to end up the same way as back then" you say crying.

"I've got you and I'll take care of this hug and the teacher" he says after pulling you into a hug.

"The teachers in jail because  of what he did" you say.

You feel him tighten his hands around you not wanting to let go of you ever again.

Matt Simmons

Your father was abusive towards you and your brother. You both cut yourself daily because of it. Your brother unfortunately ended up committing suicide because of it. That was when you where taken away and sent to live with your aunt who loved and cared for you.

You didn't cut much now but every anaversary of his death you would always lock yourself away and cut. You don't know why but you guess it was because it was your way of remembering. (This was another brother, your sister was older and joined the marines so she didn't know until she came back).

Your nephew was always at school. He was there now along with Matt's kid. Matt was at work so you where safe. Especially since all kids weren't going to be home your nephew was with your mom and step dad.

That night you where cooking dinner for you and Matt. He walked in and hugged you from behind rubbing his hand up and down your arm, he suddenly heard your yelp. He grabbed you and pulled up the sleeve of your shirt looking at the fresh marks and old marks.

"What happened" he said fearing the worst.

You told him everything and where greatful that he just stayed there and listened to the entire thing.

"Please don't do that there are other ways to remember him ok. I'll help wherever I can but I'm always here to talk to you" he says pulling you to sit on his lap hugging you.

"I know and your right. I'm glad I have you" you say giving him a kiss.

Here is part 2. It didn't take that long to get out. Like I said its because I haven't updated for a while but will be a lot more. Or at least until my data runs out.

Please don't self harm this is just a just a story. It no joke I would know. Don't worry I stopped but sometimes I do want to go back but I don't. I now just listen to music whenever I feel like it because it helps me. I don't know if that helps but it does for me.

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