Make Up...

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Spencer Ried

It had been a week and you haven't spoken to him the whole week. You would avoid him whenever he tried to talk to you. The rest of the team didn't know what to do until Dave did something.

"You two are going to talk this out" Dave said the moment you stepped into his office.

You looked and saw Spencer sitting there crying. Dave walked past you and slammed the door, locking it behind him.

"What do you want" you snapped.

"Look I know I didn't really pay attention to you and you right. Look I should have spent more time with you outside of work. I'm still getting used to this having a girlfriend thing. I'm sorry I didn't come after you and I'm sorry for being distant" he says in one breath.

"You lucky I love you and are willing to forgive you. You're on probation though" you say walking up to him and kissing him.

"I love you to" he says smiling.

Derek Morgan

"Wait (y/n) I didn't mean it" he yelled running down the hall grabbing you by the hand, stopping you.

"What Derek" you snapped tears running down your face.

"Look she's my sister ok, I just got annoyed with you thinking I would cheat or not want anyone to know we're together" he says wiping the tears away.

"Ok but I'm going to a friend's house for the night. I need to calm down and think things through" you say pretty upset.

"Fine but please dont leave me" he whispers.

"Just a night" you say kissing his cheek and walking off.

Time skip...

You where back that night not been able to stay away from him for to long and you where both happy.

Dave Rossi

You where asleep on the couch when you felt yourself been lifted up and moves to your shared room. You looked up once he put the blanket over you and walked to the dresser.

"It's not because your old, its because I love you and don't want to see you get hurt" you say while sitting up and staring at him.

"I know I over reacted about you not wanting me to protect you but I always will" he says stripping down to his boxers and getting in bed, hugging you to him.

"I don't care about the age difference. I just don't want to be here without you" you say kissing his cheek.

"Well neither do I, get some sleep. I love you" he says pecking your nose since you where already half asleep.

"I love you to" you mumble while moving closer to him.

Aaron Hotchner

Your friend was out on a date and you where left alone at her house. It had been 3 days since you spoke to Aaron. He had tried calling but you where still pretty angry at him. You where watching T.V when there was a knock on the door. You got up and opened it to see Aaron with roses.

"Please come home. I need you and so does Jack" he say sadly, "I know I said you weren't his mother but your the closest person he has as a mother figure in his life" he says.

"And the next time" you say showing no emotion.

"They won't be a next time, what I said was wrong. Your right, I should be home for you and Jack more often, and I'm going to" he says holding out the roses.

"That all I wanted and yes I forgive you idiot" you smile while taking and smelling the roses.

You lean forwards and peck him on the lips wrapping your arms around his neck in a tight hug.

Luke Alvez

You don't know what to do, you just stand there watching him. You see him get to the car and open it only to slam the door and storm inside. He grabbed you and kissed you hard.

"Your not sleeping with anyone but me. I know that but I can't help getting angry that there is a guy staring at you" he says looking at the ground.

"You lucky I love you, you dork. Your the only one for me" you say chuckling and pulling him into a tight hug.

He hugs you back just as tight and breaths in your scent not wanting to let go of you.

"I love you so much and don't want to loose you ever" he says in your ear.

"I love you to and you can't get rid of me ever" you say to him with a big smile on your face, "besides you being jealous is a major turn on. Your hot when your pissed off".

Matt Simmons

You hadn't spoken in over two weeks, you did everything to avoid him. You didn't answer any of his phone calls either. You managed to do just that until he showed up at your business. Your assistant let him into your office not knowing since you didn't tell her about the break up. You walked into your office, closed the door and then only noticed him.

"What do you want" you snap at him.

"Look I don't deserve your forgiveness just hear me out" he says with his hands out in front of him.

"You have 5 minutes then" you say moving to sit behind your desk, while he takes a seat in front of you.

"How are you" he asks.

"Time" is all you say.

"I confronted her and she came clean saying she did say that to you. I'm sorry I didn't believe you. Look she's my ex and the mother of my children I didn't want to believe she would do that" he says still looking at you.

"So it was easier to believe I would make it up" you squeak surprised by this.

"No, look I didn't want to believe either of you would do that. On some level I knew she most likely did but she's the mother of my children. I know that doesnt excuse me but please forgive and I love you, and want you and your nephew home" he says looking hopeful.

"You lucky I love you and we both miss you. Just know do this again and we're gone for good. There's no coming back. Got it" you give a serious smile.

He smiles back. He stands up walking around your desk and kissing you hard, pressing you to him tightly.


Well there it is, you guys make up.

I feel like I do more updates when I'm watching the music channel late at night and typing. Guess I work more with music playing.

Luv from

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