They ask you out on a date...

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Spencer Ried

Spencer was very nervous when he asked you out. He didnt really know what he was doing, so he had to ask Derek for help. Even though he was teasing him he decided to help out.

You where sitting at your desk, when a man came in with flowers for you and you had to sign. There was a note...

I've known you for such a short time but I was wondering if you would go on a date with me please - Dr. Spencer Reid

You look towards his desk to find him blushing at you, looking down when he sees you staring. You get up and walk to his desk.

"Of course I would love to" you say pecking him on the cheek and leaving at his desk blushing even more. With a smirking Derek looking at him.

Derek Morgan

He had a different approach. More for the fact that he asked you out every single day and very day you turned him down thinking he was a big player. In fact Penelope was the one to convince you to give him a chance.

"You probably wondering why I wanted to have coffee and talk seriously" she said the moment you sat down.

"Kind of" you say a little terrified that you where in trouble with her.

"Look Derek really likes. Normally he would have given up by now if a co-worker isn't interested but he hasn't. I've also seen his face every time you say no and he looks dissapointed" she says softly and kindly.

After talking to her you felt bad so when Derek walked into the office kitchen the following day you turned to him and said "I'll go out with you".

He looked happy and kissed you on the cheek.

"You won't regret it" he said walking off.

Let's hope so you thought.

Dave Rossi

Ever since the the talk in his office you tried to avoid him as much as you could. I mean he's famous book writer why would he want to date you. You knew he noticed because you practically ran away during him talking to you that about stuff that had nothing to do with work. J.J your friend knew and told Rossi smirking.

That's why the following day after she told him, when you where making coffee the door to the kitchen slammed shut and there he was blocking it.

"So you like me" he says smirking.

"What no. Who said that" you try acting cool but come out really dorky instead.

"J.J did and that's why I want to ask you out on a date" he says with his smile softening.

"That would be great but if you don't mind I'm going to kill my friend" you say smiling and bolting pasted him to find her.

Aaron Hotchner

You kept running the same path every day to meet up with him. Sometimes you would run together and other times you where dissapointed that he wasn't there.

One day you where running when you heard a man calling for you. You recognized the voice so you stopped and waited for him to catch up with you.

"Hey you started without me" he said.

"Thought you weren't coming" you told as you both started running again.

"Um yeah running late. I was wondering would you like to go to dinner with me one of these days" he says looking a head.

Your so stunned you ended up tripping and he caught you, but you both ended falling to the ground.

"Yes I would love to" you say blushing well he was laughing.

Luke Alvez

Well the first date would be the coffe shop that Garcia had set you up at but he decided you needed a real date to call the firsted.

So he showed up the following day to your work in a suit with flowers.

"I know we went on a date yesterday but I would like to take you on a real date" he said holding the flowers out.

All your co-workers thought it was adorable.

"Yes I would love to" you say taking the flowers.

Matt Simmons

It was when he was fetching the kids from your house. He had managed to get off work early and came over. All the kids had pasted out in front of the T.V while watching a movie so you both went to the kitchen to have coffe.

"Hey your great with the kids" he said.

"Yeah I've always loved kids" you say giving a goofy smile towards the lounge.

"Um would you like to go on a date with me sometime" he said with a small blush on his face.

"Yeah I would" you gave him a full on smile.


I know some of them where shorter than the others but here a chapter is because I am back and sooner then I thought.

Christmas was awesome, holidays where boiling hot but sure in the new hopefully everything will be great.

In for some treats with this story.

Love from

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