You break up...

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Spencer Reid

"All I'm saying is that you should be with me all at least a while on your day off instead researching" you say annoyed that he's not spending time with you but instead with books.

"I will ok, I just need to finish this research" he says looking at the book and not you.

"Really you've been at it for 3 hours now. I'm just saying spend a little time with me" you yell, "this all you ever do, we don't talk anymore. What am I even doing here".

"Annoying me that's what happening. Why don't you just fuck off" he yells at you looking surprised at what he said.

"Fine you want me to leave than I'll leave" you say packing a bag and storming out of the house.

Spencer was so upset and confused that he didn't know what to do. He ended up just sitting there staring not know what to do and that's why he never went after you until it was to late. You had already pulled off in your car by the time he got out of the apartment building.

Derek Morgan

A girl had left a message on your guys shared voice machine. She wanted to hook up with him. When you told him about it he said it was from a while ago and then laughed it off.

"Why are you laughin about this, you should phone her back and tell her you have a girlfriend" you say not wanting her to call again.

"No, its fine just leave it" he says still not paying attention.

"Why don't you want her to know about us" you say getting even more angry with his behaviour.

"Thats not it" he says now getting annoyed with you constant nagging.

"Maybe I'm keeping my options open in case this doesn't work out" he yells.

"Excuse me" you say pissed now.

"Yeah I mean your constant nagging is getting on my nerves and I can't take it maybe I'm keeping her around for when I get away from you" he snaps.

"Fine, if that's the way you want it than fine. I'm gone" you yell storming off.

"Good" you heard him yell at you before you slammed the door.

Dave Rossi

You where at home fighting again. He had jumped in front of you when a suspect had almost shot you. Thankfully you where both wearing bulletproof vest but still.

"Look you could of gotten hurt" you yell at him.

"So could have you" he snaps back.

"Yeah but it would have been fine" you say back.

"Why because I'm old" he said, he had been insecure about the age difference between you two since you started dating.

"No it..." You start to say but he stormed out of the door.

You decided to leave a note saying you where over since you had had enough of try in to reassure him. You packed a bag and left before he could come back not wanting to have an awkward break up conversation.

Aaron Hotchner

He worked to much and you barely got to see him, worst of all you kept having to reassure Jack that he was coming back. Jack was at his aunt's house tonight and you where going to confront Aaron.

"Seriously you had no cases and could stay at home for Jack and I but instead you go in" your mad as you say when he walks through the door.

"I had paperwork" he said not paying attention.

"You also have a son and a girlfriend who want to see you" you snap at him.

"Look I have work that I need to do and don't talk to me about my son" he said getting angry.

"Well he doesn't think you care about him since you never home for him" he yell.

"Your not his mother" he said glaring at you.

"I know I'm not but..." You start to say.

"Leave" he growls out.

You just look at him and then turn and storm out of the house annoyed with him.

Luke Alvez

You where working like you normally do and didn't notice the man in your class staring at you. Luke did when he came to fetch you near the end of your class.

"He was staring at you" he complained while he helped clean up after class.

"Lots of guys do. I can't do anything about it though" you tell him.

"What do you mean you can't do anything" he says looking angry.

"I mean I can't say anything. I get money from teaching these people yoga. I can't tell them to stop staring, I don't control them" you say still packing away.

"Maybe you like the attention you get from them" he snaps.

"Excuse me, are you trying to call me a whore" you say turning on him angrily.

"Yes maybe you like them staring and that's why you don't say anything" he snaps back.

"You know what pisss off and stay away from me" you yell at him hurt by what he implied.

"Fine, you probably sleeping with one of them anyway" he says while storming off to the door.

You don't say anything, you can't believe what he said to you. It's like he doesn't know you at all.

Matt Simmons

He had been spending time with his ex-wife a lot lately. You wouldn't have mind I'd it was for the kids but everything she called him for he jumped up and went to help. You decided to confront him.

"Is there a reason she can't get a professional to do all this stuff" you ask while he's getting dressed to go help her.

"Look I'm just helping" he says like its nothing.

"But don't you find it odd that she only ever calls you for help no one else" you ask.

"What are you hinting at" he says slightly annoyed.

"Maybe she still has feelings for you" you say looking down. "Look she once called me saying that she was going to get you back ok. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to cause problems" you say remembering back to that unpleasant day.

"Oh really convenient that now you tell me" he snaps.

"Well it's the truth" you say.

"Sure it is. You know I think your the one causing problems. We're over I want you gone before I come home" he says.

"Fine I will be" you snap storming off to the bedroom, slamming and locking the door.

You wait for the front to open and close. You then quickly pack your bag and head to your nephew's room. When you got there he looked upset but had already packed after hearing the conversation. You left him as quick as possible.


Here is another update that toke really long to do. It kind of helped that its loadshedding at 22:36. Nothing to do but use my phone. It really sucks not having power.

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