3. Home

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"So what about going somewhere and eat something?" I ask.
"Liv. You have got the best ideas ever." Niall says.
"I know. I just love food. It's a bad thing maybe😅" I say.
"No food is life and if you don't eat you'll die. One day I'll marry food." Niall says.
"Okay Nialler. We all know that you love food, but you don't have to eat all the time." Liam says.
"Okay, me and the girls will get food and maybe you'll get some food too. What would you guys like to eat than, because maybe we can buy it." Måns says.
"I want 20 kipnuggets because they are great!" Niall says.
"We don't need food, Måns. We can buy it ourselves." Harry says.
"Well then I'll go with you to get some food. If that's okay of course." Niall says.
"But we'll go home after we get our food so you need to get home yourself." Måns says.
"Oh than I'll stay here with some chips and donuts. That's also an idea." Niall says.
"Okay. Liv and Emily, say goodbye to the boys. We're going to Sweden." Måns says.
"But I don't want to go. I want to stay here with the boys. It's nice here." I say.
"I understand, but they'll come to us in two weeks I think."
"Okay. Bye Nialler. See you soon." I say while hugging Niall. After hugging Niall I hug the other boys and we go to the car. We go to the Mac Donalds and get some food. After that we go to the plane.
Okay that plane trip was too long. It lasts not more than 2 hours, but it felt like it was a whole day. But we're in Sweden now. Måns has a huge house. We both have our own room on the first floor, but we were lost before we were actually in the house. The garden is also huge and everything here is huge. I don't know why, but I think it's too big here. I love Sweden. I've been here several times when I was younger, but yeah I can't remember anymore.
"So you girls can have some time for yourself while I'll make dinner." Måns says.
"Okay thank you." We say.
"Maybe we'll get lost, but we'll have to check the house. It's huge. I'll ask Måns if it's okay." Emily says.
"Yeah. Maybe we'll have to do that." I say.
"Okay Måns says it's okay. We can check the whole house he said. We'll have to watch out for the dogs. They're in one of the rooms." Emily says.
We walk through the house. Once we're upstairs I open the first door. I jump back and scare Emily.
"There were the dogs." We laugh. The dogs jump around happy and after we played for more then 1 hour with them Måns calls for dinner. We take the dogs with us and ask Måns what their names are. The older one is Messi and the younger one is Rafa.
"I think the dogs like you." Måns says.
"Yeah maybe. Is it a good sign or not?" I ask.
"Yeah it's a good sign that they like you. Even though we'll be here for 1 week it's nice to know that they like you."
"Okay. What are we going to do after this week?" We ask at the same time.
"We'll go on tour. I already fixed it with school. If you don't want to study, or can't study for a test you can make it when we're home. Actually they said that if you can't study, but in my opinion it's also okay of you don't want to study. We'll discuss that later, okay?"

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