14. Brendan Murray

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So we're with the boys now. Our school won't know. If they ask Måns he'll say we're very busy. We ARE busy. We just got the tour schedule, the interview schedule and some other tour schedules of 5sos and Ed Sheeran. We are all at the same time in Sweden, which is nice, because than we'll be able to see all of them and Måns. One of my friends from school is a huge sheerio. I called her after we heard that Ed and we are going to be in the Netherlands at the same time too. She was so happy. I asked Niall if she could come there too. He said yes. I'm so happy for her. Now she'll finally meet him.
We're too busy looking through the schedules that we don't hear Brendan standing in the door. When he coughs we look up to see him standing there. I hug him. He's my favourite from HomeTown. He's just a little shy, but I like him. He's like a brother to me. Niall doesn't like it, but yeah, that's a little normal since he's my boyfriend. He's just jealous. I don't know why. I mean I don't love Brendan the way I love Niall. But yeah, he's just a little jealous sometimes.
Brendan asks me if he can talk to me. I see Niall looking at us, but I say yes. He's still my bro.
"Liv, you know I'm single. And it's not a big deal to me, but Niall doesn't seem happy with the fact of us being friends. So I thought maybe if I have a girlfriend he won't be that jealous all the time we talk."
"If you have a girlfriend Niall and your girlfriend are going to be jealous."
"True, so I don't have to go find a girlfriend?"
"Why would you? Just to keep Niall less jealous? That's not going to work. And besides that you shouldn't date someone you don't really love. Nobody's going to be happy with that. You're not going to date someone because of me. Okay?"
"Okay. I love you Liv. But just as a sis. Not like boyfriend girlfriend."
"I love you too bro."
We hug each other and than Niall walks in. He seems pretty angry. Don't make an Irish man angry. I've learned that in the past.
"What's wrong Nialler?"
"Where's my food?"
"Your food? Wait you mean your McDonald's?"
"You've already eaten that."
"No. I didn't eat all of it."
"No because you shared one chicken nugget with me. Just one. That's why you're angry?"
"I think so?"
"Okay. If you're hungry we can go to the supermarket and get some food?"
"Okay, let's go."
He's weird, but I love him. We go to the supermarket in his car. I didn't know he brought it here, but he did. We get some chips and chocolate. Also some drinks and after that we pay. There's one girl who notices us before we go back. She almost tweeted it, but when we asked her not to do it and instead of tweeting she could get some pictures she's happy.
We get back to the hotel without fans interrupting us, which is nice. The boys are happy to have us back home. Liam acts like a little kid and says he wants to watch movies all night long. Emily and I can choose the first one. Of course we choose This Is Us. Niall laughs and Liam looks confused. He didn't expect us to choose that movie, but of course we did. So we watch This Is Us. The boys are giving us some background information no one knows.
"We're the luckiest directioners on earth. We just watched This Is Us with 1D themselves."
"You're a very lucky directioner, because you're my girlfriend Liv."
"I know. I think I'm the luckiest directioner on earth."
"I think so too."
"I love you Nialler."
"I love you too Liv."

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