19. The decision

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Måns arrived. He's comforting everyone in his own way. After he did he came up to me.
"Liv, you're taking care of all these boys. Please go home and sleep. Have a day or two of. I'll help the boys out."
"But I can't leave Cian. He needs me."
"I'm here now. Niall will go with you and I'll take care of Cian."
"No you're going with Niall."

"Liv, Are you ready to leave?" Niall asks.
"No, but I'll have to."
"Are you leaving?" Cian asks.
"Yeah. Måns told me to. And I didn't really have a choice."
"When are you coming back?"
"In two days I think."
"Okay. I'll miss you so much."
"I know, but you're going to be okay. Måns is here for when you need him."
"Okay. See you."
I hug him and we go to the car.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah. I am. It's just that I don't want to leave them."
"I understand. It'll be okay. Liv don't worry about them. Cian is in good hands. He'll survive. By the way there is a surprise for you when we're home."
"Okay. Now tell me the surprise."
"Okay. Then I'll be silent the whole trip."
After five minutes Niall starts talking. He keeps on talking, but I keep silent. I'm a girl who keeps her word. When we're finally at his home I see 4 people standing by the window. I recognise them immediately because of the one with the red hair. It's 5 Seconds Of Summer. Niall knows I like their music.
"So Horan, this is your surprise? 5sos in your house? You know how much I like them right?"
"Yes I do. That's why they're here. To cheer you up a little."
"This cheers me up a lot. I love them so much!"
"Well go inside. They've been waiting for a long time so meet them."
I run up the stairs to the front door and run inside. They're all staring at me like they're about to say something.
"Hi. I'm Liv. Niall's girlfriend."
"Hi Liv. We're 5sos as you might know, because Niall told us you were a fan. I'm Michael. The red haired one is Ashton. The blonde with curls is Luke and then you have Calum."
"I can't believe you're really here. Can I please take a picture?"
"Yes of course." Says Michael.

After the picture I get a phone call from Cian.
"Liv please come here. It's not okay. Help okay. It's my dad. Please come."
"Okay. Cian, I need you to calm down. I'm coming as fast as I can."
"Okay. I need you."
"Okay Cian I'm hanging up and I'm coming okay."

Niall looks at me with a worried look.
"Niall we need to go to the hospital now."
"What's wrong?"
"Cian. His dad. He was crying. Niall, we need to go NOW!"
"Okay. Are you guys coming?"
"Sure." Says Michael and that's how we end up in the car with 6 people on our way to the hospital. Niall is driving and I'm in the passengers seat. The boys are in the back. As soon as Niall has parked the car I jump out and run into the hospital. When I finally see Cian I'm sitting down next to him. He doesn't even notice me until I hug him. He puts his head on my shoulder and starts crying. I just sit there. Saying some words. Trying to tell him that it's going to be alright. Måns sees me and he wants to be angry, but he can't. He knows how much Cian missed me. And how much he needs me now. When he stops crying I ask him what's wrong.
"He has only a few days left Liv. Maybe it's over tomorrow."
"Then why are you here and not with him?"
"They're doing tests and my mum doesn't want me there."
"Okay. When they're done you go inside to your dad and talk to him. Tell him all you want to say. It'll help. And you keep on doing that till you're sleepy okay?"
"Okay. I love you so much."
"I love you too. It's going to be okay. I'll be here for when you need me."

Cian walks into the room as soon as the doctors come out. He's not okay, but he promised me to talk to his dad. When he's in there Niall is next to me and hugs me.
"You know I should be jealous because you said you loved each other, but you know I don't care."
"I don't know Niall. Is he going to be okay?"
"He'll be okay. I'm proud of you. You handled well."
"Thank you. I love you❤"
"I love you more💕"
"Okay. Lovebirds. What are we gonna do now?" Ashton asks.

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